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Nina Dec 2019
I've kept a picture of us
At the back of my phone
And i was asked so many times,
"Why do you still have his picture,
When he's long gone?"

All i could say is That
in the picture
I could see myself
Truly happy
When i was with him

Maybe I shouldn't hold on
But that picture
Reminds me of the time
I've been genuinely happy
Ankush Arora Dec 2019
“Taking photos is not allowed here”,
said the caretaker.
I, at first thought,
“I'm not a traitor”
I move ahead and observe the event.
Things appear like there is a revenant.
Not even a single picture,
but I was printing better than the 3D- printer.
I can make as lively a sketch,
as it comes out of the white;
but the same feeling I cannot transfer,
unless the recipient sees the outline.
I can talk to you on a video call,
but you know it right?
The increase in one dimension,
affects my sight.
We are taking photos of important events;
but we try to ignore the bad clicks.
We are using our eyes to see the bad,
but our camera to see the sketch.
But deep down we understand that
we can develop the camera;
but not sensitivity.
The picture always looks better in reality,
than in the gallery.
@mywritings.emotions on facebook
nevaeh Dec 2019
this tinsel tickles my chin
and makes my arms itch.
i wonder
how long i have to smile
before i throw a rock at this lady's camera
and say **** it
to my christmas card?
i hate taking photos.
Robert D Dec 2019
A brief moment in life caught forever
Shaped by the past and influencing the future
An image so striking and so bleak
It's says nothing but speaks volumes
It brings out emotions from deep within you
Provoking, judgemental, intimidating, humiliating
Persuading, praising, encouraging, hoping
You stare deeper and more profound
Nothing has changed but nothing has stayed the same
Familiarity overcome by ignorance
Pride outshined by modesty
The photograph an effigy of yourself in a reflection forever captured but soon forgotten.
How a picture you've seen a thousand times and each time you see it you see something different.
newpoetica Nov 2019
picture this
growing old with someone you love
that you look across the table every morning and thank the heavens above
picture this
someone who is willing to give up their time
because they like interpreting all your riddles and rhymes
picture this
someone who holds your hand as they drive
someone isn't afraid of being vulnerable and ready to take the dive
picture this
all the hopeless-romantic love songs suddenly mean something
because you've finally found the one who has everything
TS Nov 2019
The sun rises as do my eyes to greet the view.
I have traveled far and often to be right here next to you.

I am mesmerized with a heart so still.
Inside I am empty, searching for the will.

Wonder which vacant street will find the beat of my aching heart,
Hoping for an answer, direction, or even just a start.

Letting go is never easy even when you have the space,
Growing to which I am unsure but I long to see its face.

The look of darkness, the smoke fills my lungs
I know the waking nightmare has just begun.

Do not blind me with your beauty, I will never be impressed.
Instead be honest, whole, and true, a fate I will caress.

I live with you for my whole life, and feel my heartbeat start
No matter how I try to flee, we shall never drift apart.

Nylee Sep 2019
Art speaks words unheard,
   The feelings paints pictures unseen.
       It is beauty
and drastic ideas combined
      A mix of pleasure and pain
      All experiences add a different taste
        Rough edges and smoothness entwined.
Touch it and fall into a dream
The artist lived and lives within
B D Caissie Sep 2019
Nature in a picture frame
I yearn to climb within.
Staring lost in thought with
hands upon my chin.

Peering at the Heron who
holds his pose with ease.
I hear the birds a chirping
high amongst the trees.

Should you try and find me
look beyond the cove.
You’ll find me full of laughter
dancing in the grove.

Jumping with the rabbit
prancing with the deer.
The only thing that brings me
back are those I hold so dear...

Jieun Sep 2019
I have photos on my wall
everywhere i see
the friends i used to have
the old young me
in each picture, there was a memory
and just so much more
but each picture keeps reminding me
the moments, i cant go back to anymore
Allison Wonder Sep 2019
I put you in a frame today
Pretending to feel all that I spew.
Gave you a little respect,
Because you're somebody I once knew.

They tell me it wasn't your fault
The dreadful things he did.
How your body was not your own,
And the aches you cannot rid.

Words are hard to speak
With his body forced against yours.
Next day feel like his stench
Is dripping out your pores.

So I put you in a frame today
To remind myself of what it takes.
The strength to keep going,
He'll never be the one who makes us break.
(c) Allison Wonder
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