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Kate Ballalatak Feb 2016
he texted her.
and she waited for the jump,
the butterflies,
the weird flip her stomach
would do at the sight
of his name
on her phone.
he texted her.
she waited for a physical
like a boiling *** of water
that overflows,
or an outlet that sparks
when someone carelessly
plugs something in.
where were the bubbles?
where were the sparks?
he texted her.
she picked up her phone.
she looked at it.
she got distracted by another
message from her friend.
he texted her.
the world kept spinning.
and that's how she knew.
Nick Moser Feb 2016
I’m just an emoji filled love letter,
Sending myself to my lover.

I’m just a picture of romance screen-shotted off the Internet.
Sending myself to my lover.

I’m just a flip-phone in love with an iPhone.

I push my buttons many times,
And I myself become the perfect poem.

So I send myself to my lover.
And all I get back is:

*“New number. Who’s this?”
Who dis
Maddy Van Buren Jan 2016
had your phone turned off
I know you couldn't pay it
I turned mine off too
maybe now we can
Blank Canvas Jan 2016
Voice breaking
Heart aching
Had to take a pause while speaking
So as not to hear me crying
Inside this body, a heart is dying...

Slowly trying
Desperately hanging
On to something
Worth loving
Worth fighting
Still ends up losing
i really don't know if it made sense but.. yeah.
She answered and said
   "Don't call me 'til five"

I thought she'd be glad
   To know we're alive

Long distance love depends on phones
   I wish we lived in one home

Wrong timing is often a big mistake
   One that I always seem to make
xmxrgxncy Jan 2016
My love for you is digital,
Resides within my phone...
To look back on our messages
Is to no more be alone.
So far away....
Sara L Russell Jan 2016
Sara L Russell, 15th January 2016, 00:04

So yeah this is me and Julie outside H&M;…
trying too hard to look ****?
Desperate tarts more like.
We went to Starbucks after that, then the pub,
and then… the rest of the afternoon's a blur. Haha.


Oh yes and this one's me with Foo Foo,
stupid cat's sitting on top of my presentation.
She can be useless at times but she makes a good hot water bottle
when it's like, really cold? You know? Cats are great for that.
Dead sympathetic too. Good listeners.


Oh now this is a good one. This is me
with that **** actor off I'm a Celebrity.
He was in… actually I can't remember what he was in?
Really like, **** though? Yet I've only seen him on I'm a Celebrity?
Anyway he was cool with stopping for a selfie. God love him.
(Whoever he is).


Ahh… this one is me with Julie again. She's such a ******.
She's got one of those light up Santa hats on. Daft *****.
Never did get one for me. Not that I'd wear one.
I prefer those furry reindeer antlers.
See? There's one of me with antlers on.


Oh here's one of me and Mum.
Yeah very sad I know. She tries so hard to be cool, bless her.
Embarrassing really. I gave her my old phone and
she still hasn't worked out how to use it.
Takes loads of photos of herself though.
So sad.
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
Phone rings
We talk
We laugh
I yammer
You listen
You reason
I accept
Time runs out
We say our goodbyes
I don’t want to
We each hang up in hurry
Eager to go?
Knowing it’s now or never
Hang on once
Hang on forever
Every word you say
As it drops from your lips
Fills up my soul
Blocks out the bad
Like an ellipse
I’d grab your hand
Too far away
What is distance,
Compared to time talking this way?
The distance will close
And I will run to you
There will be no time to waste
Until then
Me here and you there
Phone rings
Good Morning to my Angel
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
You make my heart skip a beat
Every time I hear my phone
Typing out your words so sweet
Training my ears to hear the tone
Your image in my mind is incomplete
Your voice an imagined tone
I await the day we are sure to meet
Until then I listen for the phone.
Good morning my Angel
Maddy Van Buren Jan 2016
it's 3 am and I don't care how it sounds
I am just going to write what has happened
anything involving you to me has ceased
and anything that tethers me to you is my enemy
fallen, fallen
why would you give me fake love
my security wasn't true
you cash in on my loyalty
I'm broke, I'm broke
I don't have anything for you!
still you found something
I thought nothing left of that me
now I'm here in my bed
afraid to go near the room where we slept
afraid memories will make me call
afraid the phone will just ring and ring
afraid of what I'll do
ring and ring
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