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Tucker Freeman Mar 2018
So when I had my old number, I would text myself funny ideas and stuff cuz it was easier than opening a notepad app. Well, I changed numbers, but the process was so ingrained, I'd text that old number and for some reason it really ****** the person off. So I've been texting them like once every two months for the past four or so years the craziest **** I think of when I'm high or drunk and they are like WHO the **** is this!?
diary, confession, poetry, art, edgy
Soulace Mar 2018
"You deserve it."

                                                          "Sometimes I just don't feel like I do."

"Sometimes we all feel like we don't."


"That's why we call them blessings."
An excerpt of a conversation.
Soulace Mar 2018
Nothing makes me feel as powerless

As hearing you cry at the other end of the phone.
Dakota J Dawson Mar 2018
Lust after
My Phone

He is called
App name
Monochrome in
His' portrait orientation

It can be
What I choose
Force into reality
***** foregone conclusions
Jeff Gaines Feb 2018
This is my only and first ever poem
that I did scribe upon my phone.

A pal of mine does it, does it with ease.
She makes it look easy, just like a breeze.

But it's harder for me, with my thumbs of ham.
I prefer full-sized keyboards, as that's who I am.

Typing and retyping and then wrestling the spellchecker.
If I tried this while in my car, I would surely need a wrecker!

Squinting, so that I don't have to strain my eyes.
To say that I'm enjoying this, would be nothing less than lies.

Well there you have it, I'm finally done.
I'm gonna pass on this foolishness ... and let her have all the fun.
NEVER again.
I'll write it in Sharpie on my arm first!
I've always >hated< texting.
Madeleine Feb 2018
The phone rings
With great sorrow in their voice
heart slows
mind racing
"How could this be?"
the phone
slipping from my grip
Body getting weak
eyes ready to burst
like fireworks on the fourth of July
collecting oneself
to pick up the phone
and finish the conversation
I let the waterfall continue
till sleep overcame
preparing for the day to say
Alec Astaire Feb 2018
And for the night,
I smiled as I sipped the drips
from my sorrows' tourniquet.
But, if only it were easier in the morn
To wrestle with the darkness-
Or perhaps the light..
At least my darkness isn’t conveniently pocket-sized
Danial John Feb 2018
I will be available
On the day of the event
If you are interested in this opportunity
Please contact me

You'll find her in a moment
I really want to be involved with her
I'm not going to be able and I don't want to
Do anything for her anymore

Seth is not a human
But if you ask me about this
I think I should have asked you
In my mind and the fact that I am not going back
I wrote this using only auto predict on my phone
Julian Revà Feb 2018
Once she called me by the phone, and I answer "I cannot". I hung up without knowing she wanted to tell me "I love you". Time after, I phoned her back but there was only a busy line.
Seema Feb 2018
Suddenly woken from my nap...
I heard the running tap...
Heart pondering, with sweat rushing...
I jumped up moving nearly crashing...
Ouuch, I think I hurt my knee...
But forgetting the pain I searched for the key...
Alone in the house where can it be...
Remembering the place I tracked the key...
Opened the door to see which tap could it be...
To my astonishment, I couldn't see...
I chilled myself relaxing on the couch...
Holy mother, the sound came from my pouch...
Reaching to see what it was, then realized...
I bought a new phone with features customized...
Ringtones set as water splash inside...
And here I assumed evil running sitting outside...

Scribbling thoughts.
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