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Erenn May 2015
To be honest
I don't know if I'll ever meet you
Fate's suppressing everytime
With its twist at the end
It's either the end or the beginning

She chose your name
Preluding to your birth
Waiting for the day
You come to this earth
We never stop talking about you
I'm just hoping you'll be her mirror
So your eyes will mesmerize
Every norm in disguised

I vow if you are mine
I'll be the best that I could ever be
I'll be your canopy
I'll be the light that shines through-
The glass that protects you
When life throws you knives
Know that I'll catch every single one
I'll miss one from time to time
But eventually as you'll grow older
You'll know why

I can't fathom
Seeing you for the first time
That cry will rupture
Every enmity in me
And when you open your eyes
That little spark will light
The void in my heart
I'll let you hold me as you clutched-
Your hands around my pinky

A promise sealed,
To never forget us
That our bond is eternity

Our love for you
Will be endearing
Our love for you
Will never be any less
Through the tussled waves of fate
Bounded by our neverending will
We will always keep you safe

Always remember E
As much as I love your mother
I will always love you the same.
A piece I wrote for him/her.
I really hope I will get to see you soon
and hold you forever.
Alex Hoffman May 2015
Her fat arms raised in the air
twisting her lips up, creasing her eyes
She was loud and boisterous

Through the dull shine of her square frames I could see a dim light flickering in the blackness
A motor, sputtering and rusted into a slow churn
A sailboat, with sail at half mast

When she left this earth,
she would leave nothing but those fat arms.
—The memory of that crooked smile, burned into my memory

Like an ape making faces from inside the cage
She would never get out
So she would stir ***** into her drink, and
like an ape, threw her **** around

She would die in her cage.
Me, smiling at her like a child,
taunting her from the outside.
Omar Kawash May 2015
In a time,
when men were the superheroes,
born in an unconventional location,

a young girl, unknown to the future
she was destined to,
was born with a uniqueness
unfound in all people, a superpower
of empathy
and as she grew,

the world knew
she was imbued
as a living embodiment of legends:

Athena's wisdom,
beauty that surpassed the goddess Aphrodite,
conversational skills that made Hermes envious,
and strength that Hercules
could never attain.

As she approached an age, when her parents would
trust her to be guardian,
her powers manifested.
This incredible child was now a woman.

With the ability to heal those in need: she could expunge
poison that had afflicted a person,
even their hearts,
a God-given gift for those most sacred;
her correspondences exponentially developed,
able to connect in all languages, fueled by her empathetic nature,
this allowed all who interacted with her to trust her for she radiates sincerity.

Now, fully grown, this super-no-

This Wonder Woman had retired her duties
to save the world, not forsake it, but,
to train Wonder Girl, her daughter,
to unlock the latent abilities her mother had passed on to her.

She still looks up at the Higher Power
and realizes her duty to provide
the world justice is not over
but only beginning.

Her holy spirit was not unacknowledged
and was gifted
a bulletproof bracelet,
forged by the most skilled craftsman by direction
of all that is wise and healing.

Given to her to wear
so that nothing could halt her
as she continues
her fate to provide the world a humanity
that could only come from
an intrinsically true
dear heart.
Samuel Evan May 2015
Open the door, slowly and quietly.
Reach in, take her small, frail body.
Hold her close, she won't be small for long.
It was a long drive,
She must have drifted off to sleep.

Roll up your sleeve, gently and methodically.
Reach down, take your pen and begin.
Draw carefully now, these require care.
This butterfly needs form,
Form that you can give it.

Sit down to the piano, solemnly and sad.
Reach out, feel the keys cold surface.
Play slowly now, you might betray yourself.
A sad song is only sad
When the pianist feels it too.

Take a seat. Waiting and waiting.
Reach towards the clock.
Only time will tell when the sun comes up.
It's hard to know,
When you can't find a window.

But don't worry.
The sun rises and falls each day,
Whether you're there or not.
So today,
I'm sure it's quite excited.
To rise on you.
Eh.... Not much to say.
Karissa Apr 2015
You’ve tried to teach me what’s right to believe

And I appreciate that. Really.

But the way you’re going about it…
I feel annoyed to call you “family”

Your heart is in the right place.
But your patience,
Your kindness,
Your understanding,
Where are they?

I feel as if,
Though I may have strong morals,
That the only things you have taught me

Are how to be

You could have taught me better
Before I fell off the deep end.


I’ll remember your parenting always,
As guidelines for how not to raise children.

Or help people.
Or save lives.
Dorian Apr 2015
"I left my ring in an envelope if you want it. If not toss it in a lake. Have a great day, love you..."

You got me ****** up if you think I'm gonna take that.
You lose what's left of your dignity as the words leave your mouth.
Have some decency, respect for me.
I'm thinking how I'm gonna get paid back.
You can take your time figuring out
what you wanna say to me on the way back
down from the carolinas, or wherever you've been staying.
Telling me it hurts so bad when the feelings come back,
but that's a payment you gotta make cause
Heaven is waiting but you've been
praying, saying "take it all away."
Numbing for so long, injecting it,
trying to forget the pain.
Thinking it was protecting you
from the unbearable shame
that you been so ****** all my life.
Can't even contact your ex wife without her flippin. ****,
I remember being that three year old baby on her hip
and you spitting venom in our face.
Never knew how much I'd respect her
for putting you in your place.
By some miracle of the spirit
she still managed to give you grace,
giving you the choice to leave or stay.
But I got her crying on *my
every time you missed my birthday.

The choice to leave or stay, stay or dip.
Then you went stuck a needle in your arm and flipped
into that monster we all hate.
I throw it all in the lake.
this sounds dramatic but I needed to get it out
Word Therapy Apr 2015
If wishes all came true today,
Many lessons would be learned,
Many parents would be wished away,
But, quickly - be returned.

Many hearts would beat again,
Which had been happier at rest,
And many loves would be regained,
Already faded past their best.

Germany - the first to go,
Then the rest would disappear,
And soon the world would just implode,
As desire collides with fear.

'Til - where our blue Earth used to float,
In orbit, scattered far and near,
Would hang in space our unread notes,
Our hopes, our prayers, our tears.
Madzq Apr 2015
I said that I needed
to put between   us    some distance.
And in that instance,
with a voice so vicious,
You warned me
to never ask your help again.

I don't think I need help from you
if you can't give it freely.
There's always some catch
some payback
some string attached.
Not gonna let that enslave me.

Not gonna do this anymore,
Not when your anger
pummels me into the floor.
Jesica Dittemore Apr 2015
Fingers harshly kiss my skin,
As the sharpened words sink in.
My mind in a tail-spin,
and my heart broken.
This wasn't supposed to happen
This isn't who you were
But now it's who you are
And the bruises are mapping
The hand prints on my wrists.
The redness of my eyes,
is not from relief,
but from the pain you inflict.
A father is the first man their
Daughter will fall in love with.
But you were the first one to bruise
my heart.
MV Blake Apr 2015
Sitting next to Father Time,

Warm in comfort,

Tucked up in memories.

I can hear the ragged breath

Fading like a sunset,

Slow but sure;

The unthinkable

The inevitable.

A gentle hug

Of mortality

Reminds me

That nothing lasts forever.
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