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Amitav Radiance May 2015
As you paint a silent picture
With you inner feelings
Take care of your emotions
So not to distort the painting
And smudge with arrogance
Creating an antithesis
Aly Bambi May 2015
Things I would never tell you
This morning
I dreamt of defeating my own demons
Instead of looking for yours…
I spent time
Losing myself in a swish of color
To paint a safe haven I will never have…
I walked and walked
Until there were blisters on my heels,
Just so I could distract myself from this numbness
I know as sadness…
I burned my skin in the shower
Until it was red and blotchy,
Hoping to wash off that numbness…
I thought about
Leaving the unwashed conditioner in my hair
So that maybe it would dull my thoughts…
If you asked me about my day,
These are the things that I would
Never tell you.
Paramount Pawn May 2015
You're like a dash of paint
In a new canvas
Bringing color to my world
Because of the love you give
Ky Blackstar May 2015
They say that when an artist dies, God lets them paint the sky and lately I've been thinking a lot about what my sunset would look like
XIII May 2015
I cannot even draw a straight line
My masterpiece is a doodle stick man
My drawing of a heart doesn't look like one
But I'd want to show you the visions that I have

I'd like to sketch a portrait of you
Like Jack on Titanic would do
Or paint a thousand sunsets
Like what Michael learnt to do

I'd like to draw those sceneries we see
Or that image of your back as you sleep
The image of our hands intertwined
Paint the colors you gave my life when it was black and white

But I cannot draw..

I've been jealous of those who can
Express their love through drawing or painting
But I cannot draw
What my eyes saw

I cannot draw
Those comic strips
With our love story in it
I just have no talent in this field

I cannot draw
So the least I can do is write
Draw words from my soul and rhyme
Paint words to rhyme
Sketch stories into words and color them to rhyme

I cannot draw
But I can write
Brandon Navarro May 2015
It's midnight
and my tear stained cheeks
might as well be canyons
carved by rivers
and it takes all of me
to not want to
rip my beating heart out.
Michael Ryan May 2015
I try to explain the world--
the deeper meanings to my mumblings
all of it a frustrating mess,
an artist canvas splashed with too many colors--
that it becomes impossible to depict which is what.
Is that blue or is that aqua, I don't even know anymore.

When it comes to understanding my thoughts,
it becomes a psychotic break from reality--
where I imagine my fingernails scraping
chunks of flesh from my neck.
I plead for my hands to place themselves around my throat,
"Please suffocate yourself please just let me out"

Begging for someone to understand the mess,
that the khaki colored object actually means something.
Each splotch a representation of myself
every detail aligned to explain a greater idea.

As arguments end, they scribble deep within
a sketch book of sickening black ink;
Marks its place in the drippings of my thoughts,
making those colors lost in translation
so not even the painter knows how they feel.
How I feel when I argue or dispute with a person.  I honesty just want to rip myself out of my own skin so I don't have to be there anymore.  Because I want is for them/me to understand each other and be happy.
Chloe M Teng May 2015
Our life a canvas
Renaissance of emptiness & bare
Waiting in wanting of a change
Of colours & sketches to wear

Our acrylic a creation
Clothings of words & expressions
Replenishes the canvas in colours
In boundless strokes of desires & justice

Our paintbrush the world
A place so tiny yet so vast
with people in shades of rainbows
A true necessity in life

We are the painters
Our dexterity a masterpiece
The one that the canvas relies on
The master of our own paintings

*We are Picasso
"Life as though it were an art."
Gwen Pimentel Apr 2015
There was something so intimate about sharing our favorite colors with each other
About sharing something that people deem as unimportant, basic information
"Does it matter?" He asked
And I said "Yes, because it's funny how we can know so much about each other yet still not know the basics"
I want to know the things that most people don't know
I want to see the parts of you that you hide in your shadows
I want those parts of yours that have gathered dust and cobwebs in the crevices of your mind
I want the parts of you that you may have thrown away
Black was his favorite color
And then he followed up with orange
So he likes Halloween colors
Totally cool with that
And he asked me what was mine and I said I'm a bit colorblind but sky blue appeals to me
And he said he liked that
He liked this thing about me that people deem as unimportant
He liked this small piece of knowledge about me and even if my favorite color may just be as small as a sprinkle on a monster banana split, he liked it

I said I wanted to paint my room sky blue
So that when I'm in bed I feel like I'm lying on one of the clouds in the sky
He said he wanted to paint his red
And I said well that's a dark color
But he said that when he was little the sun shined through his red curtains and covered his room in this red light
And he loved it
I liked that about him
I could imagine his little self sitting on his bed staring at the red light that shone through his curtains
And all this red was all he could think about

If he would ask me again today, "what's your favorite color"
I think I would say, "You
Because ever since you came into my life you were the only color I could see. You were the only color I could feel like how you felt the red from your curtain, I felt your love. You made me realize that color is one of the best things the world has to offer. If I was a blind person and I had met you, I've no doubt I would have the best set of imaginary colors in my head because you have the ability to make me feel so much things at the same time and these feelings come out of me like paint, splattering all around creating the masterpiece of our existence. It was the best masterpiece. It was the kind that you didn't have to understand it to love it. You just loved it as it is. You love the color, the unusual mixture of color over color and the mystery of not knowing the reason behind this festival of colors. you came into my life not with smooth gentle strokes using a paintbrush, instead you painted with your fingers. You told me you wanted to feel the colors at the tips of your fingers and imagined that our blood would change color according to our mood. You wanted to feel that moment when paint meets paper, when color meets blankness because that's how it felt when I met you. You made it seem like knowing the favorite color of a person is like knowing what gives life to a person. I can't say my life has been black and white before you because I could see a few colors here and there in very low tones. As if I was looking at life through filtered lens. But because of you, I am no longer colorblind."
Haidyn Apr 2015
Please don't be alarmed
when I ask
if I can paint on your body.
I just can't imagine a better
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