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Zack Ripley Feb 2021
If you want the world
to know who you are,
YOU have to know who you are first.
What you stand for.
What you want to say.
Because one day, they may listen.
But you never know how long they'll stay.
Grey Jan 2021
One day, you'll whisper sweet nothings in my ear
and I'll fall asleep to your soft lullabies
of stardust skipping stones and rainbow oceans.

One day,  I'll tell you that your eyes
remind me of the universe
and that you shine brighter than the most dazzling star.

One day, I'll reveal that I ask for you whenever I wish on the sun
and that when our fingers brush against each other,
it feels like the entire world smiles.

One day, I'll wake up from this nightmare
only to roll over and see you curled up next to me.

But as I finger the cold sheets beside my lone body,
I know that today is not the day.
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2020
If the intention is good
Just be
Nothing needs to be proven
You will find the way

Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Carry On
She looked at that day
that moment
in time that she felt
that one day
she could go
about her day
and truly be happy
feel happy
and stay happy
Josephine Wilea Sep 2020
one day i will finally
have the ovaries
to say all of this
but until then
maybe youll find
my hello poetry account.
A portion of a previous poem.
Z Sep 2018
The day will come
When you'll miss me
As much as i miss you

The moment will come
When you'll love me
As much as i love you

Until that day comes
I'll be missing you silently
Loving you from afar

And when that day comes
I hope that I'm still around
Missing and loving you
Holding on
Merlie T Apr 2020
I've had these dreams each night
I can't seem to remember names. Just bodies.
Faces Evade me
All my senses engaged to the inertia, the energy, the power-
Each night I come back to this palace.
The Watering Hole
of a society who's waking life has been forced into sleep
People destined to find one another
Hear one another
See one another
Feel one another
We are all but dreams to eachother.
Wishing to wake up to a reailty that for the first time
is sweeter than dreams.
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