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Shay Graham Oct 2018
You vote for a racist
You elect a ******
You choose the one that hates

We decided not to vote
We decided to stay quiet
We decided to allow this to happen

Come together
Come and vote
Come and realize that you're not actually woke

Stay aware
Stay knowing its a new day
Stay trying to make change
Sunlight shining, rested soul arisen,
Knowing there will be one more day given,
A day, an hour, with love every minute,
There until nightfall, anxiously in it.

Sunlight shining, eyes adjust to the day,
Knowing there will be light showing the way,
Light, love and learning to nourish my soul,
There until nightfall, my faith in control.

Sunlight shining, my best dreams seem less real,
Knowing there will be soft kisses to feel,
Kisses from lips, red with color of hope,
There until nightfall, my kaleidoscope.

Sunlight shining, and days past now feel new,
Knowing there will be renewal with you,
Renewed with life your love is adorning,
There until nightfall, but now good morning.
Companion piece to last night's "Night Has Fallen...Good Night"
Instagram @insightshurt
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Buy "Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life" at
Krizhe Ming Oct 2018
A new day again
I can't get through this alone
Please be with me, Lord
There are days when I think of you and the tears that roll down my cheeks taste like the ocean....
And it's on those days when my heart turns into a sponge, drowning in the salty waters.

Some nights these waters taste like rose water and on these "some nights" my heart become the seed and my body the cracking vase that bears a blossoming flower.

And on other days these eyes are desert dry to the thought of you...
And it's on these type of days that my heart smiles as it knows better sunny days are yet to touch this garden.
Andres Martinez Jul 2018
Relive the moment
Re-read The history
Repent from the past
Reiterate the words
Rethink the logic
Remember the hardships
Restrain The inscurites
Rewrite The map
Retype the joy
Reassure the foundation
Recite the goals
Re-do the next day
Aaron LaLux May 2018
life is such a trip,
one minute you’re up next minute you’re down,
one second you’re happy the next you want to slash your wrist,

almost slashed my wrist today,
naked wrapped in a towel,
on the shower floor,
ready to let go,

used to be a Cutter anyways,
used to be a punk in the gutters anyways,
used to think about suicide and still do,
so even though I’ve got more money now what’s really changed?

is still such an overpowering emotion,
which is how I found myself in a horizontal fetal position,
on the bathroom floor ready to cut myself open,

just wanted to clean out the pain,
so that maybe I could start again,
a new life with a chance to make everything right,
and have someone that falls in love instead of falling apart again,

and it was all over a girl,
isn’t almost always,
she left me with no explanation,
my last image of her was in my hallway,

going down the stairs,
with a bag that’s too heavy to carry,
and I thought about that bag and her travels,
and how I thought she might of been the one I married,

but apparently I wasn’t perfect enough for here,
she wanted a Catholic Vegan and I am neither,
I told her that she should not restrict her love with discriminations,
because even though I’m not religious I am still a True Believer,

and I’d just wanted some space I didn’t want to forever leave her,

but she took it the wrong way and made her escape,
and as she left out that door I knew I’d never again see her,

and there I was,
with all the pain from my past,
triggered in an instant by a girl I barely knew,
in a place where everything just felt bad,

and I was alone with my tortured self,
and everything from my tortured past,
and everything I saw reminded me of her,
and I wanted to just escape so fast,

so I grabbed a knife,
and headed to the bathroom,
I laid myself in the shower over the drain,
and assumed the position,

and just as the tip of the blade kissed my wrist,
and the first drop of blood escaped,
my phone rang in the other room,
and I wondered if I’d been saved,

my best friend was calling me,
he must be telepathic,
because the first thing he said to me was,
“Are you okay please don’t do anything drastic.”,

he made me promise,
that I would see him tomorrow,
and wouldn’t let me get off the phone,
until I promised him that vow,

see I never break a promise,
even if I do break hearts,
so when he made me make that promise,
we both knew that today would not be the day for me to depart,

so instead of slashing my wrist,
I went outside to bask in bliss,
to Venice beach I ran,
because the beach is just a block from where I live,

I ran until I was exhausted,
and ended up at the shoreline,
where I noticed a mystical gypsy girl,
meditating in the sunshine,

“Excuse me,
can I ask you for some advice?
What would you do if the woman you loved left you,
and you were considering ending your life?”,

she explained,
everything was only temporary,
and sometimes the pain,
is truly necessary,
that we have to have our hour broken,
to let,
the light in and let our love deepen,

She then said she had something for me,
reached into her back and brought out a black tourmaline,
she gave it to me and said when she was on Suicide Watch,
a shaman visited her in the hospital and brought her black tourmaline,

she told me to where it,
listen to my heart and I’d get better,
I put the tourmaline on with newfound purpose,
and with strength and guidance I thanked her for the gesture,

I then left that mystical gypsy women,
there in the setting sun,
then set off back into the world,
to finish things I’d left undone,

on the way back,
I met a group of people kinda like myself,
they asked me what I was doing,
I replied “Trying not to **** myself.”,

they invited me to their place,
and here where the story takes another twist,
because there I met a girl,
who also had a story of desperation and wrists,

and that girl,
she was everything I’d ever wanted in a woman,
she was intelligent and beautiful,
she was hurt and a healer she was fixed up and broken,

and in that instant I saw how divine this all is,
and in an instant I realized the magic of this Life we live,
so I invited her back to my place,
and she instantly said yes,

life’s such a trip,
I mean it’s really something to think about,
like how every event in your entire life,
led you to this moment you’re living right now,

and any person you’ve ever met,
had to have their own exact experiences,
to lead them to find you,
and for both of you to be together in something that seems instantaneous,

and so there we were,
and we went back to my place and made love,
and everything felt so automatic and natural,
because with true love that’s just what is up,

she came and I came,
and we both knew how long it had been,
so after we made love,
we just laid there in our moment of bliss,

in that bubble we created,
that was only ours to have,
away from everything else,
where we could explore and laugh,

because we’ve all been through a lot,
but with love we will heal,
so there is no time for small talk,
only want you if you’re real,

and speaking of real,
to keep it real I’ve got to shout out my Ex,
because if she hadn’t left right when she did,
well then I wouldn’t have met my Next and had ***,

and I’m so glad she did,
and I’m so glad you did,
and I’m so glad I did,
and I’m so glad we did what we did,

and now I’m in the kitchen naked cutting asparagus,
with the same knife I almost used to cut my wrist,
see life is a beautifully horrible tormenting joyful state of painful bliss,
as yes what an interestingly twisted experience this life we live is,

and I’m going to get back to my bliss,
because I want to take a rest,
but before I go,
here’s a few words for me Ex,

“Dear Love,
I’m glad you left me because I found a better you,
she’s like you except new and improved,
because she’s vegan too but she’s only 22,
and she loves me unconditionally,
and here’s the proof,
if we have problems we work it out,
because that’s what grown people do,
we don’t runaway,
we stand and communicate,
and I know you understand,
because I know you relate,
but your love was not enough,
and ultimately you didn’t care,
so you had to go to make room for someone that actually loves me,
well okay then goodbye take off and take care,
I will always love you,
always have and always will,
even though you’re not ready for grown love,
because even at almost 30 you’re still just a little girl,
so good luck and goodbye,
I wish you well,
maybe see you again but I doubt it,
I guess time will tell…”,

and to you dear reader,
and to your depression,
don’t deny your depression go through it,
because it leads to progression,

and progression leads to transition,

and you never know what the next moment will bring,
and you’ll never know if you do the irreversible,
so even in your darkest moments of despair,
remember to stay hopeful so,

you can look back and say,
you were stronger than Death,
you lived to love another day,
and well this is your story too so you know the rest…

∆ LaLux ∆
Aaron LaLux May 2018
Had myself baptized today,
but there was no priest present,
only I but then again I am Aaron,
The High Priest and I was present,

so maybe there was a priest present,

had myself baptized today,
and no the water was not holy water,
but then again it was a hot springs deep within the earth,
Mother Earth offering Her blessings in the form of water,

so maybe it was holy water,

had myself baptized today,
but it was not in a church,
though in a way this whole Earth is holy,
Heaven is our roof and every word is a prayer,

so maybe I was in a church,

had myself baptized today,
wearing nothing not even a crucifix around my neck,
wearing nothing except my 24k gold chain,
which in a way represents sacrifice and redemption around my neck,

so maybe I was wearing a form of the crucifix around my neck,

for Lord knows I’ve sacrificed,
and only God knows the extent of my sins,
but through the power of the pen,
I constantly write my way towards redemption,

had no cross to dip in the holy waters,
all alone I was deep in a steaming cavern,
naked as the day I was born I prayed as I poured,
myself into those holy waters,

inside a mountain somewhere in Colorado,
a place called Indian Springs,
where Native Americans used to gather,
before the Europeans came colonizing,

it’s all more than sorta symbolic,
it’s more than a little ironic don’t you think,
how the only place I can find peace from these people,
is alone deep in a mountain at a hot springs,

here Mother Nature takes me back into her womb,
where I can surrender without fear of betrayal,
in her warm embrace I let her carry my worries away,
accepting the fact that I may never find my savior,

that I may never find a partner,
that I may one day die alone,
that unless I change my ways,
there will be no one to carry my legacy on,

and that gets us back to the subject,
which I haven’t even brought up yet,
of the woman that broke my heart,
and how she led me to this process,

I guess she had to ****** my heart,
for my heart to die and be born again,
so it a way her actions were a blessing,
which allowed me to write this poem we’re in,

see she said she wanted a Catholic Vegan,
and I act more like a Blasphemous Pagan,
but I’m not one to conform to any Rules of Man,
just because Man calls those rules a religion,

and I know my relationship with God is unbreakable,
and I know God loves me unconditionally,
but I just wish she loved me as much as God does,
and would accept me unconditionally,

but she didn’t and she doesn’t,
so she killed my heart so it could be born again,
and for that I am thankful and eternally grateful,
and for that I will forever be her friend,

but that doesn’t make the pain hurt any less,
it just makes the pain a little more bearable,
because I would do anything to have her back,
I would offer her my everything even my soul,

but I had to let her go,
because nothing last forever,
and even though she might have been an angel,
she for sure was not my savior,

seems no one can save you except for yourself,
I mean when you’re having issues most people won’t even help,
so if you want to improve heal your bruises and move,
you’ve got to learn how to get up and help yourself,

and that’s why I went for a drive,
and that’s why I soaked in those hot springs,
because I don’t need a religion to have a relationship with God,
I don’t need a collection plate to give offerings,

told you before the whole earth is my church,
and no one can tell me what God is telling me,
don’t need a priest, nun, rabbi, or imam,
to explain the meaning of these futuristic prophecies,

I don’t need any one person or thing,
I’m on a mission that’s divine in it’s essence,
and I am divine so even though I haven’t been ordained,
I am Aaron so when I’m here there is a priest present,

so I channel these revelations,
creating scriptures that read like repentance,
and as was in the beginning so it shall be in the end,
so here is where we shall return to the first sentence,

and I had myself baptized today,
but there was no priest present,
only I but then again I am Aaron,
The High Priest and I was present,

so maybe there was a priest present…

∆ LaLux ∆

latest book is available FREE here:
Navahopi119 Mar 2018
It never ceases
To amaze
The worries to come,
Like a sort of frienzed craze
When comes the Day.

A day of new beginning,
Of a fresh new start.
Is it the eagerness
To make our mark
Or the fear of a broken heart?

Is it a voice of reason
Or whispers of doubt
For uncertainty we face
Do we fear what may come about
Or unwillingness and like children we pout?

Or rather do we feel
With no purpose we live.
Our reflection screaming Inadequate
Proving nothing of value left to give
Injuring ourselves with our makeshift shiv

No matter the reason
For you, my heart I lay
We'll face this together
Day by day
So let come what may
S C Netha Oct 2017
Is beautiful .
Its new and raw.
It's  beautifully honest.
There's something redeeming
about the early minutes our day
It imitates the early minutes of our existence
And erodes the nonsense and lies
Of day-to-day survival.

Not only relieves the darkness
It exposes the darkness within us
The things we did to each other
Or with each other
Under the cover of darkness
At dawn they are brought to light
And in those first few minutes
We too are painfully honest
Beautifully honest with ourselves
Enough to let the dawn
Infiltrate our hearts .
Is fleeting .
It's redeeming factor is not permanent.
Within a few minutes
we begin surviving
We commit fresh sins.
  We start lying.
We learn to hide ourselves
and our sins.
In broad daylight.
In dawn's light.
We lie.
And dawn helps us.
Soon enough dawn
Irrelevant not beautiful.
It becomes unfair and weak.
Letting sinners slip through the cracks
Letting the guilty forget their crimes.
And so we blame dawn.
For not delivering on what it promised
In those early hours of the day.
We call it an accomplice of the evil
And we charge it with treason.

But dawn
Was innocent.
It's only crime was light.
It's beautiful and redeeming light.
That let us sinners feel light
And guilt-free when it shone
Through the heavy darkness in our hearts.
For the first time.
And maybe the only time in our lives
We knew beauty
And redemption.
If only for a few minutes.
New day
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