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Cardboard-Jones Feb 2020
Sweet tea
And mustard stains’ what I remember first
Of the night we watched
Fireworks at the Inner Harbor,
Then I threw up.
Nervous from your mild touch
As you held my hand, it wasn’t planned.
It was mid July
And we watched our favorite band
Play our song.

That’s all we had.
That summer night
And neon lights to guide our way home.
You kissed me softly on the cheek.
Your eyes said words I couldn’t speak.
I’m whistling our playlist
And hoping your kiss won’t fade.

While I try to sleep,
I couldn’t help but to think
This just might be my moment.
So I grabbed my keys, took dad's car,
I’m practicing my repertoire.
How was I to know
What I’d see in your window?

The shadows moved from right to left,
Feeling my heart break in my chest.
The clear picture made me sick
To see who you replaced me with.
When it rains it will surely pour
And my socks soaked to the floor.
I wish I would have stayed in bed.

I clutched my hand upon my cheek.
My tears said words I couldn’t speak.
I’m deleting our playlist
But still hoping your kiss won’t fade.
Owen Cafe Jan 2020
Neon ******* and spiraling chests.
Smokey vision of reflected collisions.

A sauna of bodies,
minds, and seductive jests.

Sinking to the sky,
opening my minds eye.

I've never not always,
forever seen,
absently been,
in the now that is here.

A glow from above can only show,
we are the clouds and the mist of the moon,
swaying in trance to that which we hardly know.

Because we have always been the now,
never not always seen,
consistently been,
the yesterday that is tomorrow.
"Man, last night got weird"
Cardboard-Jones Oct 2019
And we looked at the summer for the last time
In the twilight of our youth.
And we spoke to the summer for the last time
In the highlight of our truth.
And it was real but we never knew.

You needed emotions for the first time,
It reflected in your eyes.
I hid my emotions for the first time,
As it echoed through my lies.
And it was real but we never knew.
We never knew it.

When you can see who you could be,
Maybe we’ll meet again.
When I forget all my regrets.
Maybe we’ll meet again.
annh Aug 2019
rain spattered
pavements teeming;
one thousand prismatic shades of meaning

graffiti-laden puddles splish, splosh, splash;
as midnight turns
to blue, and
dawn to

‘I walked up, and I walked down, and I walked straight into a delicately dying sky, and finally the sequence of observed and observant things brought me, at my usual eating time, to a street so distant from my usual eating place that I decided to try a restaurant which stood on the fringe of the town. Night had fallen without sound or ceremony when I came out again.’
- Vladimir Nabokov, The Vane Sisters
Kathleen Apr 2013
For the record, I suppose it should be stated I lost my soul in Vegas.
I would love to go back there and find it among those glittering lights and buffet tables of never-ending artful desserts.
It's funny that all I really remember are those pretty desserts and fried mashed potatoes.
I want those things back.

I'm like a raver with those lights.
I want to consume them.
I want to glow in my pores.
Not the cliched glow that wraps itself around the impregnated many,
but the glow that comes from sitting next to neon for too long.
That it could somehow stain you.
Rub off like fairy dust on skin.
That I could fly away due to its energy or wishful thinking.

Take me back to Vegas,
where they still hand that out for free by the boatload.
I need not gamble.
I need not glad-hand.
I would simply sit idly by the buzzing of pinks and blues and greens and reds.
And me and those cheap 1920's lights will have a moment,
a moment I can share with the cocktail waitress who asks me for the third time if I'm sure I don't need a little refresher drink.
Anastasia Jun 2019
i often wonder
if perfection
is attainable
in simple things
like a rose
although it has thorns.
like the neon frogs
despite its poison.
like the sun
despite it's blinding beauty.
in you,
although all you've ever done is hurt me
an old draft I finished about an old dream I used to believe in
Anastasia Jun 2019
I remember last night
With a sunset sky
Baby blues and glimmering golds
I wanted to see you today
But I couldn't
Not really
I remember last night
When we talked until the streetlights turned on
When I put little white daisies in your hair
And you smiled for me
I wanted to do that tonight
But I couldn't
I remember last night
When we sat by the creek
And caught fireflies
Flickering in the dimming light
Like little neon stars
I wanted to do that tonight
But I couldn't
And it hurt
I just wish I could feel okay, right next to you
Leslie Ledezma Apr 2019
the horses are still beside the hill
the hotel still has a neon sign
that’s pleasant as the wild way he would
say it as it is
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