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I do not claim to have my masters,
But, at times I can be quite daft
The knowledge that I now possess
Helps me understand my past

The past holds all the answers
It's just circling its course
It did not take me 1000 years
To be this well rehearsed

A diamond ring in a cloudy sky still shines
As I reminisce to better times
Fleeting thoughts of a ***** mind
Can not one moment be defined

Erase the past and move forward
To the horizon up ahead
Separate the good from bad
Remember what was said

Listen to the voice of reason
Do not feel resigned
There is no gold at the end of a rainbow
None that you will find

Instead, rely on instinct
A reflex if you're blind
To help you see what is important
Made all by Gods design
Marye Minstrel Aug 2017
The brink, the edge, the verge
A blink, a step, an urge
Teeter-totter, drum kick
A heartbeat, think quick
Life's a puzzle, death's a riddle
Here I hover, in the middle

The verge, the edge, the brink
An urge, a step, I blink
Teeter-totter, heart rasp
A drum kick, quick gasp
Breathing, breathless; sobbing, voice-crack
Inhale - exhale, inhale - I'm back.
Josh Mayesh Aug 2017
You're wrong you know.
You're not afraid of crossroads,
Not confrontations,
It's not indecision
Or fear of failure,
You have no issue with regret.
You're wrong,
And being wrong is not the problem,
It's not liberty that afflicts you,
Or binds you,
Roots you to this place.
You're wrong,
And though you're tired
That's not the reason,
You have no real desire to give up.
And society, your friends,
Your loved ones are blameless,
It's not the past that puts the pit
Of doubt cemented in your core.
The future is uncertain
But you know that's not
The burden
That incites rebellion
Throughout your body
Leaves you
Fighting with yourself.
You're all wrong,
Because you understand the solution,
You know the puzzle of the present,
the senselessness,
The answer that they give
Has no function
No relevance
No possibility
No relief.
To live life in the present,
To embrace it,
breathe it in,
To ignore the thoughts that cloud
All action,
To make the most of the moment right at hand--
Is Impossible

For the present is a fiction
They are wrong
It can't be measured
There is only past or future
The now does not exist.
Each “moment” that you visit
Is braided
To past and future,
Demands study and reflection
Impacting everyone and everything.
Every “moment” that you speak of is
Not an individual,
Has no uniqueness,
Scarcity and rarity are imposters--
All is all.
Each person past and future,
Every worm and every atom
Every thought and every planet
Intertwined with molecular precision,
And every insignificant
Is momentous
By design.
The reason,
The answer,
The solution for which you're searching,
The misunderstanding
That's been floating beneath the surface
Of your mind,
The resolution to the question the never ending
And unnerving
The unyielding perplexity
That has you yielding to the ebbing flowing tide
Is that you are not an individual,
You are not uniquely different
You are not a figment
Or a stain or an error
You are not a wink of time.

The reason that the crossroads gives you pause,
Fear, anxiety,
The reason that indecision sometimes
Seems to be the guiding force in every moment
Every magnified, sensationalized
Magic nothing in your life--

Is that you are all,

You are everything,

Now, and then, and when,
You are forever,
You are purpose of all itself,
You are every universe
You are an infinite infinity
Divinity resides in everything you do.
And everyone you see, and interact with,
Everyone you love and hate,
Everyone you have forgotten
Everyone you'll never know
Every stone and every sinew
Every straw and every beetle
Every drop of blood that flows from heart to heart
Or spills from any soul,
Every all and every anything is affected by your now.

You are not afraid of insignificance, your instinct
The truth though you ignore it—

The responsibility you fear is
The magnificence of you.
IPM Aug 2017
Eternity is trying to make the most out of a single moment.
And in that moment, you were eternity.
Poetic T Aug 2017
Traversing in silent moments
where there was an eclipsing
of breath, caressing unspoken
words but everything silently

Nearly adjoining within each
others gravity, but still we were
shadowed by the others desires.
Collecting in the afterglow of

This was an eternity of moments,
a motion not to repeated in alluring
views, immovable, inseparable of
our inevitable paused

You were my star, I was your moon,
eclipsing with our gradual passing.
Enticing the other until for that brief
amount of time lips met and time was
Little Azaleah Aug 2017
Your life is fast-paced,
Like the speed of light.
Never able to catch up.

The beauty in you retains
Like a oil painting framed on the wall
Forever caught in the moment.

{ e.i }
Brent Aug 2017
Every moment away with you feels like
Mornings without the sun and the
Breezy evenings that blow
Every strand of your straight, sweet-scented hair that
Reminds me of summer, right to my face are
Gone and made non-existent but
Every moment I spend with you is a
Miracle for a soul
Like me who holds
On to things so simple like the
Gentle touch of your fingertips to mine,
All of the warm embraces from my heart to yours;
Nothing will ever compare to all of those.
Cné Aug 2017
Fragmented lives entangled
but asunder in our journey
as our paths cosmically connect
in a romance of the arts

And who's to say what's real
to touch or deeply feel
what will truly last
or simply where to start

So I’ll
paint you alla prima
as I feel you playing me
in warm colors of merging ardor
a wet blending of artistry
my brush strokes of your body
painted in my mind
of impressions blushed in passion
in hues I can’t describe

Suspended in the moment
floating on a breeze
I revel in this picture painted music
almost in disbelief, unthinking…
knowing every nuance of our love
found only in our dreams

Like children in parallel play
I’ll finger the keys
and slip the locks
of all your orchestrations
filling the walls
of my concerts halls
with deep
splattered tones
in pinks and blues
the hues
that forever
bind us

And we’ll not look back
nor forward
but hang here in the moment
to display our
Painted Song
in the eyes
of giggly children
both doing
our own thing
on a string
A collaboration with Howard Hilde
nanimono Aug 2017
Each story has a different ending
Sweet ending
Bitter ending
For me there's one most bitter ending story
The story wich is have sad ending
In the moment
The main character feels so much happy
In that moment the main character believe
He was the luckiest man on earth
Have power to do anything
The main character feels so much happy
Till he wasn't happy anymore
Happiness change at one time
Disappear so instantly
Changing into a sadness
Everything he construct with vengeance
Will only destroyed at one time

Especially for this kind of situation i called it "Attractions Moment"
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