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Em Feb 2019
how many times can i fall for the same soul
over and over, always in new bodies,
but the same nonetheless
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
she lost her sleep,
over someone who was just a nightmare,
she had always been ,
too much for men like him to hold,
she was the queen of hearts,
and he was just a joker,
dressed like her king...........
all the girls out there who have been ditched and lied to, honey get up, it wasn't your fault that he wasn't sincere, your only mistake was letting him.......
VKBoy Feb 2019
If you're in poorness, you're not alone
If you're in pain, you're not alone
If you're in a long chase, you're not alone
If you've wasted years of life, you're not alone
If your future is in doubt, you're not alone
If nobody helps you, you're not alone
If nothing seems to work, you're not alone
If the world seems to be crushing you, you're not alone
If you feel like a broken thing, you're not alone
If you're at your limit, you're not alone
If you wish to sleep forever, you're not alone
If you don't want to be alone, you're not alone
When you commit mistakes, you're not alone
When you can't find peace, you're not alone
When you're walking a lonely road, you're not alone
When you're in your own head, you're not alone
When you're smiling alone, you're not alone
When you're alone, you're not alone.
Author of this poem: Stussy, a character from my novel 'Shambala Sect'.
Delaney Feb 2019
I’m sorry I never had the courage
or the right words to say.
I’m sorry i waited for you
when my tongue was at the ready
my fingers were laced with anticipation but i let them fall dead.
I’m sorry i rejected you for I
felt rejected myself.
I’m sorry i let your heart fall on the floor, but in my defense I didn’t know what to catch.
I’m not quite so good at this,
I’m sure you can see that.
We were in a weird situation,
you know?
And even after all this time,
my heart still beats fast at
the thought of you.
Do you still think of me?
Hope i still walk through that door?
Probably not...
It’s all too complicated now.
I’m sorry I want to see you again.

-how I wish you pursued me when you had the chance
Deanna Jan 2019
I made mistakes i cant fix
But doesnt everyone?
mjad Jan 2019
My head is against the hard plastic, my hair softening the uncomfortable edge
I catch a sliver of the snowstorm when I look out, blocked by his silhouette
My hands place themselves on his waist, preparing for the worst
Lips on lips feeling the unequal pressure and my heart feels it's cursed
My chest feels strange as he transfers his kisses and finds my hands
I feel him pressing against me and I sink myself into the stained fabric as far away as I can
My body tenses and my mind tells it to stop but it doesn't understand
His movements are choppy as he tries to explore the new terrain
Does he know this terrain is 17 years young
Because the ground can tell the excavator is at least 21
Teeth collide with my lips and I cringe at the lack of skills for a man
My eyes drift to the snow outside the warm well used minivan
Wishing how badly I could be a snowflake on the other side of the glass
I pull my sweater up
And let him take off my bra clasp by clasp
But I don't want him
I don't want this to last
newpoetica Jan 2019
i'm awful and rotting,
i'm good for nothing.
i'm so far from being even a decent daughter.
in fact, i should be charged with a soul slaughter.
she's my own mom,
she has always made me so calm.
yet here i am breaking her,
making what little confidence she has left deter.
i don't know how to apologize,
when what i said to her was far from lies.
yet i took it too far,
i made her feel like she isn't up to par.
it was one hair color, but i know,
that she took it to heart, like an arrow from a bow.
what i wish she knew is that despite this mistake, i love her,
this is the only statement that i can say for sure.
I just had to vent, I hurt my mom and I feel so awful.
Tiger Striped Jan 2019
we hope and we dream,
not for reality,
but for moments and scenes
that are not what they seem
shimmering behind sheens,
sparkling on silver screens
we do not see the deep
cuts, the endless lost sleep
promises they won't keep;
no, we thought love was cheap
so what now of our dream?
still, who are we to deem
that it can't be redeemed
and to now call unclean
these faults that we have seen?
is it beyond our reach
to both learn and to teach
our tongues new ways of speech
to taste something so sweet
we may forgive that heat
and venture to entreat
that we somehow may meet
in the vastness between
our mistakes and our dreams?
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