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Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
best teacher
is our
Elizabeth Jan 2019
Clumsy mistakes and words fake,
Those were the fragments of your world.
The earth underneath my legs shakes,
My whole body twirls,
From the unbearable ache.

You spoke of honesty and liberty,
Yet you chained my soul and fed it with lies,
In this captivity,
All I see are your cold eyes.

You’re no man,
But a cruel monster,
I tried to run,
Your grip I couldn’t conquer.

You may be strong,
But my will won’t be killed,
Your tongue, serpent long,
Will never be that skilled.
Eleanor Sinclair Jan 2019
Do you ever wonder
if the painter
tires of his colors?
empty seas Jan 2019
we have all had
bad days
worse days
where the straw breaks the camel’s back
and we snap
and then we become an *******

i had my moment
a few months back
full of anxiety and repressed anger
i snapped
i was an *******
and i regret it

maybe they deserved it
but that doesn’t matter
maybe I apologized
but that doesn’t matter
i was a ****
plain and simple

but then i got better
a couple bad mistakes
don’t make me a bad person
now i keep that moment close
but not enough to where it hurts

i’m a better person now
and less of an *******
i had a bad incident, but i’m not the same person i was at the time of it.
Iska Jan 2019
There once was a girl
Sitting all alone
Beside a grave
She wished
Was her own.

And as she shuddered
And gasped for breath
She realized
all she longed for

Was death.

“Silly girl”
Death said to me
“How can you exist
So selfishly?”

“For her to die
And you to live
Is the curse that
You deserve”

And as I lay there
In a pool
of blood
And tears
I realize the truth

It’s not my place

Not to live
And not to die
Not to give up
And not to try

It’s not my air to breathe
And yet who am I to deny
It’s not my food to eat
Yet how can I not?

How can I waste
What was hers to claim?
And how can I die
When she lays in my grave?

She didn’t deserve it
But I...
I do
And so I am forced
To consume her food.

It’s not my air to breathe
It’s not my place to greave
It’s not my food to consume
It’s not my life to remove
I am to blame
c Jan 2019
I worry that
I may be
An electron.

The negative charges
Are building beneath
The shield that I choose
To call my ribcage,
Painting my lungs blue
And weighing it
With my mistakes.

I cannot exist alone,
All too willing
To give myself away
To anything that somehow
Makes me feel whole.

I’m sorry
I couldn’t tell you sooner,
But these problems
Can’t be solved
With science.
Tadios Yeab Jan 2019
I met you so many times in different colors, one after the other,
All those times, I hoped not to meet you ever again,
And this my friend, is not the last time to hope that in vain,
I know you'll find your way back to me and I to you,
But the first time to embrace you,
You remind me that I'm imperfect,
And make me see the righteous,

P.S; I still hope not to meet you ever again.
The point is not, not to make a mistake, for we are human & it'd be foolish to imitate perfection, but to EMBRACE it, LEARN from it and MOVE FORWARD.
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