I will rise with the sun of hope when all is said and done
I will flow with the river of faith wherever I can
I will spin the wheel of desire, and once again burn
I will follow the road of passion, I'll take every turn
I will bear the storms of affection however perilous
listening to the silence of loneliness and shout of jealous
I will let my soul wander for that's how I'll be pious
when my mind finally let's go, when it tires...
I will follow my heart to the end of the road, my feet are willing
until there's no more smithereens for the world to shatter
then fly on the wings of time in search of healing
and maybe I'll find it or not, maybe it doesn't matter...
Maybe that's the purpose of life, to rise and fall
to walk across fields in joy, step on a thorn and howl
to calm after a storm, to find in a stranger a home
no matter the risks and danger, then return to stranger
to give your all and lose everything including your soul
to spin the wheel, to fly and perch... to believe and doubt...
with beautiful dreams to inspire and nightmare to scare
but I will rise with the sun of hope for I'd rather choke than breathe despair...