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Charlie Nov 2014
It's in those sullen moments,

Attacked with cancerous thoughts. 

Alone to hear these things aloud,

In Hell he'll surely rot.

It's in these quiet moments,

He ponders what could have been. 

He's found his lock; his ball and chain

And yet he seeks again.

It's in those careless moments 

He forgets what he has got. 

Temptation to act upon
Out-weighs desire to not.

It's in these stupid moments 

He loses all he possessed
By drowning those evil voices
With the flask upon his breast.

It's in those final moments 

He staggers with heavy thoughts. 

No more will he hear these things aloud,
'Cause in Hell he'll surely rot.
The Jarl Nov 2014
As I sit down in class with my stomach churning
My hands are shaking and my head is turning
To find something of comfort to distract me
From the eyes tracing my face catching acne
From the people wanting to give me hugs
When my back is drenched in sweat
From swaying back and forth and moving like a slug
Slow and clumsy, I wish my brain and feet had met.
I wish I could **** this anxiety
I wish this lock had a key.
Àŧùl Oct 2014
I reached home to be greeted by her brilliant Punjabi smile,
Her smile wasn't made up or forced, but it was a spontaneous one,
She was genuinely surprised to see me in reality and so was I.

She guided me to her room where I rested my bag after the journey,
Her face also carried a childish pure mischievous look in her brown eyes,
I then gladly complied when she came close to me for a lip lock.
My HP Poem #682
©Atul Kaushal
You and I were impossible
An equation
With no resolution
A drop of rain
In the desert

We were impossible
Like the sight of snow
Over the ocean
Beautiful but
A natural impossibility

You and me
We could not have come closer to being
Possible equation
Everything screamed at me to hold on to you
Every fiber of your being roared to get away
And I don't want to chase you around
My mind is in quarantine
All the smiles you gave me are under lock and key
They way you looked at me is buried deep
In the corner of the prison my heart created for moments like this
It hurts too much to be betrayed and you cannot roam freely in my head
What is one more cell in my prison-clad heart
Everything is hidden or taken away from me
My heart knows I am too emotional
I cannot stand the memories without crumbling
Although you bring colours in my world of darkness
When you invade my mind all is stained of your departure
Elioinai Oct 2014
“There you stood, in all your glory,
Feet apart”, begun the story,
“Flashing blade in hand you took,
Winsome smile, witty hook.
At the quick turn of trained wrist,
(there was no chance that you had missed)
The blade sunk deep inside a heart,
That had never known a dart,
Nor been under lock and key.”

Your own affection was in a box, within a box, within a box
Each one closed with many locks.
When my wound began to sting, I still declared you to be king
But water in my throat did rise, and once’n  even reached my eyes
I shut my teeth and looked elsewhere, but none I found to give a care.
No one measured up to you, a stark contrast like gold and blue,
Even your long drawn-out sigh, your walk, your talk, friendly goodbye.
I tried to pull shank out myself, put my love upon a shelf
The blade was wet from dripping life, and slipped back in, that horrid knife!
After times of intense pain, I would swear: Not again!
And slowly start to draw out lance, to go a week with a chance,
But on Saturday I’d often fall, hear my name as you would call,
I would begin to wish again, for a very special friend.
Where do you keep the Key? Why won’t you give it to me?
A tool of gold, my fingers hold, softly place it in the hole
And as my nails dazzle in your glow, I turn the lock and find your soul.
April 1, 2012
Adriean New Jul 2014
My girlfriend is the best.
My girlfriend has stolen something from me though.
I was scared at first but now it's okay.
She stole my heart
& she can keep it.
I know she'll take great care of it though.
She put her own lock on it, & she
swallowed the key.
My heart is heavy with love.
My girlfriend is mine.
Poetic T Jul 2014
I'm going, going gone,
My mind just left the room
Where the hell has my senses gone,
I see things different than before
My head screams out,
So many voices, before there was me
Now each shouting,
Different, like a separate person
Knocking loudly on my minds door
Brown sauce,
Not what I see anymore,
I feel like crying, do I see loved ones
Not anymore, Flesh bags
Just meat on the bone,
I cant handle this anymore, I'm losing it
lost it, how far can  I fall.
My eyes  a window to my soul,
Its cracking soon to shatter where do I go
My mind is my hiding place, but compromised
Your losing our mind,
Which one said that, which voice uses my voice
I have to get a grip shut each voice
Behind a door,
lock it,
Throw away the key
Let only my voice be the one heard only,
It took time, but I sealed the cracks
I started to see things as I once did before.
Calm for know, I must keep my mind in  control,
Or next time it may be lost
I'll be the one lost the others in control.
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
You taught me what it's like
And now I can't get it back
You've showed me a whole new world
And now I can't go back
It's like I've been
Invited in
Only to be locked out
Chalsey Wilder Jul 2014
There are things that are forbidden
The small black box in the darkest corner of my mind is forbidden
Things, bad things are in that box
It's locked
And it must be for good reason
There could be a thousand lifetimes my soul has lived in that box
Or it could be old memories best forgotten
I don't know, and I may never know
All I know it that that box is forbidden
And I don't have the key
I don't know where it is or where to begin to look for it
*And my feelings tell me that the key is just as forbidden too
Some things are best left unopened
TlvGuy Jun 2014
And when he cries I talk
And when he smiles I joke
But when he lies I smoke
And knock
And lock
And walk
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