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Steve Page May 2022
don’t look at me like I don’t belong,
like me and my kind ain’t full welcome

We're all immigrants, no-one's born in this kingdom,
We’ve got the same grace-rights, as full-fledged citizens

We've each got eternal leave to remain
and have done since the day we came

We have full access, we're all V-I-Ps,
us and the King, we’re real family

me and mine are all around His manor,
if you don’t like it, take it to Father.
reading about diversity in church - in God's Kingdom, we are either all immigrant or none
Julia Celine Oct 2021
Somewhere in the madness, basking in the summer heat
I wish I knew the castles that would crumble at your feet
‘Cause when it’s cold here, I’m a soldier, getting too used to defeat
What a silly, helpless fool, remembering a time when I was queen
hazem al jaber Jul 2021
Honey's kingdom ...

between your ******* ...
let me there ...
to smell ...
the most sweetness aroma ...
of you ...
just there ...
let me live ...
forever ...
so long ...
with the lust ....
that i seek for ,,,
and waiting for ...
so long years ...

between yours...
let me...
set up my kingdom ...
to plant ...
All my flags...
to live there ...
at yours ...
as we were ...
into our paradise ...
while no there ...
times ...
nor days and night ...
only me and you ...
and the honey ...
of yours ...

sweetheart ...
into your honey's kingdom ...
let me be ...

hazem al ...
Nigdaw Jul 2021
I have built this temple
I have mounted this throne
made myself ruler
of a cold empty world
passed my own laws
that I flout everyday
for mine is the glory
of my special way
I have been left deprived
of love and affection
now I give myself
everything never left wanting
you can enter this realm
maybe sit yourself down
I need someone to polish
my oversized crown
Ylzm Apr 2021
Today is the third Day
Even as everyday is Sabbath
When the Son rose, the world
received the promised Ghost

      First of firstfruit blessed
         day after the Seven
         when it was still dark
      And the kingdom came
         day after Seven Sevens
         yet hidden to this day

For a week, Israel wandered
For a week, bread is unleavened
Evening of the Seventh approaches, fast
But time shall divide, till not one is lost
kathryntheperson Mar 2021
I have touched a thousand times
but I know when I feel your love
you are the only one to ever touch me
in this way I've never felt before.
To be yours
I'll give up who I've been and who I was
for who you are
and who I will become.
You surrender to me your strength
and are as gentle as a dove
I am your fragile flower
and you protect me with all your love.
I will always bring you up
and cherish you for the man you are
and the man that you will become,
I will be the foundation
for what you build
until thy kingdom come.
I will always be yours
and you forever mine.
Together til the end of time.
in this love called: love
my knight and king,
your flower queen
together we'll conquer the world
just you and me.
I love you <3
Terra Levez Mar 2021
Holy water
   cannot help you now

A thousand armies
   couldn't keep me out

I don't want you money
I don't want your crown

See, I've come to burn
Your kingdom down.
Ashes, ashes and they all fall down.
Part of an original piece by Florence and the Machine.
xavier thomas Feb 2021
I’m open because I want to be better.
I’m open because I see the treasure
That lies beyond my naked eyes could see.
Reaching for that door full of wonderful gifts God intended to give to me.

He knows I belong to him.

Because one day,
My soul will ascend to the heavens
Mentally, physically, & spiritually.

I will be accepted in the kingdom of worthy angels.
Living in peace for all eternity.

One glimpse
Shall set a smile upon me
Jude 1:20-21
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