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Ker Mar 11
My emotions, vast and untamed, are nothing but a restless cry in a world sworn to silence. And my mouth, an irreversible threshold, where every word spills like a spell, unraveling the wound of a truth that was never meant to be spoken.

If this is life and its relentless rhythm, why should I plead for it to dwell within me? I lack the strength to bear its weight and the resolve to withstand its judgment.

There is no refuge from the weight of what I am, nor a silence deep enough to swallow my own echo.
Grey Feb 27
Ive walked alone all through

The silence promising torture

Yet nobody bothered to shadow

And when i did get a shadow

That made the rays less scorching

It became a thing

To condemn my soul

To condemn my company

It Didn't matter

That my smiles were bigger

On some days brighter

Its their own thoughts,
Their own designs

That was most important

Yet its ironic

How clueless

How self absorbed they are

That its my soul

Never theirs

And I've never tried to disarm theirs
Black Robe
High Bench
Pursed Lips.

Furrowed Brow
Hand to Chin
The Perfect Pose.

Letter of Law
Bias Hidden
Masked Indifference.

Walk the Mile
Tighten Straps
Pull the Lever.
©2025 Daniel Irwin Tucker

Societal character assassination in
We all saw it
We all heard it
We all read it
And smelled it.

Meanwhile Deedeepee is rotting in jail
For probably having committed a similar crime
Some do the crime and others don’t do the time
Similarly, some go to Heaven and others go to Hell.

The world smelled it
The world read it
The world heard it
And we saw it.

Some people are above the law
Some people are found to have no fault
Somewhere, God needs to tight the bolt
So all can hear the unwonted song of the crow.

No jail time, no fine and no probation
However, we all felt the humiliation
For God’s sake, an Honorable Christian like Jimmy
Would have never been in such a gnarly quandary.

We all smelled it
We all read it
We all heard it
And the world saw it.

No further explanation
We wonder if justice was done
No further condemnation
History is always fair, just and fun.

The world heard it
The world read it
The world saw it
And we smelled it.

Copyright © January 2025, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Steve Page Dec 2024
[not Walt Whitman]

Begin with questions
Lead with both ears
Dig for honesty
Don’t freak out at tears

Listen for the truth
Seek the 360
Never assume
Don’t judge so quickly
'Be curious, not judgmental.' Whatever the source, I appreciate the sentiment.  
Matthew 7v1. 'Do not judge.'
AWURAA Dec 2024
I'll go first,

Growing up, there was a huge emphasis on marriage in my community.
Everything I watched was about love,  lust and relationships, this was all I consumed.

Later on in life,  I began to crave affection and attention from many if not all the males in my life.

This lead me into a spiral of thinking that every male I had an interaction with was going to be my husband.

We listen and we don't judge...
Can we create a chain?
Kaiden Nov 2024
You judge people from their appearance or skills
I judge them from their writing style
The way someone's writing is like a window to their soul
Heidi Franke Mar 2024
I felt it
When I spoke
To the judge,
For my son,
Years of shell work
Encasing fear and sanity, cracked with each glance, falling away. Everyone listening.
I was left lost
Like a snail losing it's shell
Mushy and vulnerable
A Pulpy mess.

Was it enough
That I said
Or too much.
So much was left out
The Russian Roulette admission
The thoughts of jumping 15 floors from his hotel
So many letters making up words and paragraphs upon paragraphs
of 15 years.
Throwing out a gun
Into the city trash.

How could I be anything more than a mother
Who let the saving flatten her out of existence. Incoherence and pulp.
Will it be discarded
All that effort
To keep him alive
At my expense.
Is that what mothers do?
I'll never get to return. Life doesn't
Let you.
Speaking to judge on behalf of mentally ill son's crimes.
Madeleine Jun 2023
My child
When you judge someone
Loving them becomes harder
Don't worry about the words people say,
Not at the end of the day,
at the end of this lifetime,

All that they say, let them,
ignore them, and continue
to be who you are, no matter
what they choose to believe,

Realize, if it's at the end of a day
rather if it's at the end of this life,
They're not anyone
anything that will judge you,

They'll be judged too.
So many judgemental people. People choose what they believe, they are so deceived. Sometimes people are just fill of pride so they continue the charade instead of making an admission that their wrong. Some people go to extremes to spread untruths about who you really are. Try not to worry about either way. They'd rather believe what they believe about you but trying to prove yourself to them over and over again will not change their minds. We all will have the same judge.
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