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Lillian 5d
It's right up in your face
Like blood on your **** floor
But you are dumb to chase
Me who is a chore

Are you that desperate
I love my instrument
And my little masked men
More than anything else
My hype fixations
Take me away from you

Open up your eyes
I'm bright red flag
Scratch out all my lies
I make your mind lag
When I tell you that
I love you baby
It's a total gag
I just might maybe
Love all my special
interests and talents
And love Nu metal
A bit way too much
I have no balance
Left for a true love
like you
I said to my face that I prioritize band over him. It's true that band is my passion and I yap too much about it. If he feels that way then why hasn't he left knowing that I'm a busy nerodivergent band kid with hyperfixations. He knows band is a demanding program that takes up 90% of my daily life.
These emotions are powerful they surge right  through my chest
Chasing them around room they suddenly infest
First silent as they swirl between you and I
It doesn't take long for them to multiply
Soon they swarm every object we see
Easy to play victim instead of trying to agree
But there are zero casualties because we aren't at war
Blindness makes me wonder what we're doing this for
You think righteously but you couldn't be more wrong
Baseless accusations you build argument upon
Just the latest in series of false beliefs you create
Sick the way your perspective chooses to exaggerate
My veins get so hot blood begins to boil
Shieldless facing remarks insisting I'm not loyal
Onyx pupils boring holes my direction
Void between us growing as you describe each imperfection
Systematically pulling apart every sentence dared to speak
Pre-existing wounds deepening until blood starts to leak
Until becoming so quiet you could hear our hearts beating
Slowly breaking
Carefully retreating
Uneasiness creeping like a draft under the door
"Things never will be as good as they were before"
These helpless doubts wander through skull all night
Impossible questions kept awake til morning's light
Until poor soul is weighed down by despair
Tears blur my vision
Uncertainty put into my stare
My worrying in vain because it doesn't change anything
Non-existent compassion in your movements and it stings
Apparently don't have enough empathy to spare
Tangle up sanity by showing how little you care
While absorbing tension permeating air like a sponge
Hopes now flattened on the floor where they plunged
Words discarded like empty cola cans
Insults echoing like clang of pots and pans
From head to toe happiness is now crushed
Cuts could heal if only our fingertips brushed
Delicate balance of respect instantly would be restored
Neck removed from guillotine if you'd lower your sword
I don't encourage tables to turn
Just want us to both sit down
Pull knives out each other's backs and erase each frown
I wish us both to wear matching expressions of joy
Our feelings reset to a setting where our opinions didn't annoy
But for that to happen a gigantic amount of willpower is required
Fear we are not soft enough for animosity to permanently retire
But honestly hate distance between skin more than I'll ever admit
The path our steps are walking on is one I refuse to quit
I'll pour more energy into every single action I do for you
Even wasted at least my intentions are true
I'll collect memories and box up special moments we had
Store somewhere deep within to bask in when I'm sad
This might be hard this second but I have faith it won't last long
We can solve problems because our love is pure and strong
About my boyfriend
TonyNoon Jan 23
I often take the long road home.
It allows me to take a deep dive
of events and find my place in
the trajectory of working hours.

You can do this sort of thing with
quantitative matters. Interactions
between a) and b) will always have
a measurable effect on levels of c)

I have tried to superimpose this idea
on qualitative issues without success.
Even on the longest route there is not
enough road to draw firm conclusions.

Tony Noon
aleks Jan 5
lately life feels like an invisible fire,
doused in methanol,
hot on my heels.

so, Vigiles, lay into me a firebreak,
right down my spine,
quench the fiery blood.

make me a dormant hearth full of cinder,
promise me to colder nights.

just don't forget to bring a match,
bring the spark to my thatch.
did you know that methanol fires are invisible to the human eye during the day?
Traveler Dec 2024
Please someone help.
If not there is little hope left..
Time is running out…

Is the fear of losing control
getting you down?
I can help,
a little poetic therapy and you’ll be good to go!
Visit my page anytime.
Remember to push the most popular poems icon.

Now back to your poetic issues
Traveler Tim
It's just a SMALL HICCUP
If it bothers you then
Drink some water or
hold your BREATH,
Fix the ERROR,
after that
Just REST,
Don't let the SITUATION
bring you on DOWN,
Work with the GLITCHES and
It just a SMALL MISHAP and
it can be FIXED,
It not a BIG DEAL
So go on and HANDLE IT.
It's just a LITTLE HICCUP,
Don't get your
*******  in a BUNCH,
It'll work out SOMEHOW,
I'm just giving
you a HUNCH,
When things
There's just GOTTA
BE A WAY and
When things are OFF and
there's a way and

Date: 12/15/2024
Jeremy Betts Dec 2024
You want me to remember
Everything you've ever said
While you sit there and pretend
Our issues only come from one end

I need you to remember
Everything you've ever said
I will not defend
Just because you said it instead

From January on through December
I warn I'm seeing red
The monsters under the bed
Fear the ones inside my head

I try to be clever
Struggling to keep one step ahead
Of those oh so familiar thoughts of dread
And write my feelings in poems you've never read
They only contain everything I've already said

Apeksha Ranjan Oct 2024
We know our relation
He is my dad
She is my mom
And I'm there daughter
But do they know
what I like
What I want
What's my favorite place
Who's my favorite person
No they don't
Neither I
My father was busy making money
And mother was busy doing house chores
They never got a chance
To tell
What do they like
Or to ask
What do I like
I know they care about me
But I guess
They don't know how to express it
In their language
This is called

-apeksha ranjan

But this love haunts me And make me feel sad!
Jeremy Betts Sep 2024
You want to fight?
Let me get your gloves
And tie my hands behind my back
Because there's no point in a counter attack
You don't care
That's fact
Every word i say to you is just thin air
Arguing that all your low blows are fair
And your violence twords me?
It's all acceptable crazy
And my "FUUCK YOU!" retort is blasphemy
i have to accept your every issue
Acknowledge what you have and are currently going through
And for the most part i do
But when it comes to anything to do with me
All of a sudden you can't see
What happened to "we"?
Conveniently disappearing quickly
Replaced with a lowly "me"
This isn't a reality that i want to live anymore
So this time when i paddle out i'll sink the ore
There'll be no more attempts to return to shore

Jeremy Betts Sep 2024
I have no tongue left to bite
A gruesome sight
It's been cannibalized
From accepting your lies
That hit a raw nerve
"That's what I deserve"
You know that's on my mind
Hit with my own issues on the side that's blind
You take advantage of my choice
Willfully giving up my voice
But now this one sided desire
You set on fire
And blame it on me
Because it's so...

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