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kind hands Mar 2
too much honey
don't feel right

these scars
are warm

and they're shapin
the night

breathe deep
shake n fight
kind hands Feb 28
i think we got it wrong
when we think of strong

for its not a mind
that thinks of me and mine

or controlled
by need or greed

its one thats gone inside
and dissolved all internal needs
and turns towards the world
with hearts and hands of kind
Zywa Feb 16
I think more
with feelings
than with thoughts of you

Your silent closeness
without contact
my desire

to be with you unfolds
in my soul and floats
around me with happiness

I want to experience everything
with you, but swimming with dolphins
and the Northern Lights in the south

are not as special to me
as sleeping together, eating, watching
and expressing what is touching us
Collection "It takes a lot of tries to make a début"
TonyNoon Jan 10
I heard three but there were more
languages in play, some silently running
through their viewpoints of a day so far.

Where we came from was uncertain.
Clouds of intent ,we had drifted from
indifferent mornings to find ourselves

funnelled for a few minutes into this
shared space. Going forward, diversity
meant nothing.For different reasons

we all needed the same destination.

Tony Noon
Man Nov 2024
Love is as to a dry well,
The heart akin to the empty bucket.
I would be convinced that this is hell,
Had I not tasted of heaven.
Is this a shadow realm?
Like mirrors' reflections?
Is there someone like myself?
Aching & longing for one to reach out?
True in their intentions?
Lemon Black Oct 2024
Wave after wave, a playful gale flurries,
To the outstretched palm of Mother Nature,
Each tamed to a steady caress,
As she tends, lovingly nurtures,
Her arboretums underwater,
Where blooms and seaweed sway, unbothered.

An albatross aloft, above,
Not biting on wind’s game of riddles,
Indifferent to which way comes gust,
Unfazed, steadfast, like sky-held buoy.

Then blows my way, at last,
Someone to toy - I’m not as rigid,
And flutters my lips to swear out dust.
I fall for it so easily. Oh boy.
Interpretation and perspective can paint the same scenery in vastly different colors. In seeking the underlying intent, we may catch a hint of it—even if none exists. The balance between intuitive insight and evoking suspicions of our own making is delicate. Understanding this is perhaps all we can ask of ourselves: observe, learn, and be mindful not to tip the scale too far.
raulcortesjunior Oct 2024
'Ultimate Petition To The Universe'
© Raul Cortes Junior 10 - 23 - 2024

Dear Universe ~ God Of All Creation,

I approach you at this moment, with strong faith & appreciation for you.

I know that no matter what a person faces in life,
nothing is impossible, if anybody has the right approach towards you.

You know, I acknowledge & love you.

Right now, it is 64 degrees in Manhattan New York, where I am homeless & located, (currently at the New York Public Library on 40th Street & 5th Avenue).

The weather is amazing, the clouds are clear & the sun is out shining.

And thus, I continue to aspire to shine like the sun above, bright with light & the love of the real Jesus Christ, that is not always properly represented on earth, yet represented by a faith few & written in accurate-scripture.

I count myself to be apart of that faithful few, as for the past 3-4 years I have been living on faith in you, more & more as times get more difficult.

As I pace back & forth, from 31st street, to 51st street, for free meals, a warm place to sleep or sit, & a computer at the library to use, I am asking for guidance, for love & companionship, with a woman that I can call sister or lover, & a surrogate brother who can be called a "Light Worker".

Light Worker google definition:
A lightworker is someone who is believed to have a special purpose to help others and make the world a better place. They are said to have a strong sense of purpose that goes beyond everyday life, and to feel a calling to bring more love and light to the world.

I refuse to believe.., that the hardships I endured, to finally quit smoking & drinking occasionally for approximately 20 years, & to quit the addiction to ******* after almost 30 years, since I was a little kid, (now a 40 year old exactly in 2024), ..are in vain.

Furthermore, I refuse to believe,.. that the attributes of a stable husband to a future wife or relationship partner, & a father figure to potential-children, that I fully solidified in recent years, ..are also in vain.

So I continue to plead my case to you, before all of humanity who can read this petition, to provide for me a miracle, & to provide for me the right situation, according to the gifts that are inherently ingrained within me, as a poet, as a future relationship partner & a brother to another.

Please, continue to bless the people that you favor around world, & to answer the prayers of desperation that are given out to you, on the daily basis, by a people who can meet your conditions.

There is a lightworker in London/UK, & possibly others elsewhere here in the USA & some other countries, who believe in you, & believe in me, & believe in all of us ~ Your Remnant, across the world, who are worthy to receive from you, if you deem it to be so, according to your riches & glory. May it be so, in the most powerful name of Jesus Christ I pray, the one I count on the most in these extreme times, thank you.

XRaul Cortes Junior
(Of Trenton ~ New Jersey)
(Puerto Rican Descent)
(Non Religious / Independent)
(True Believer In Yeshua)
Debra Lea Ryan Aug 2024
I mind my own business
Tend to my Garden
On solid ground
Beg no  Pardon
For clowning around
Yes  I can be funny
Yet honestly
I do get down
And doubt intentions
Even erupt in  frowns
It is called being Human
Okay at times guarded
But  life isn't always a bed of roses
When  manure  too is in  the  mix
It can be as hard as bricks
Still,  hey why complicate it
Or let me over-state this  
I rather be a  kind friend
Easy to comprehend.
Have you ever had someone say I can't work you out?  There you are right in front of them being who you be and no matter what you say or do they only see what they want to see blah blah blah blah need I go on!  Well reminder to myself  don't be that rude too.  It  happens. The Me Me Me Moments.  So yeah Drink the Coffee, Watch the Sunset Together.  I finally get.  Thanks to a Parent often saying that. Just Be in the Jolly Moment eh!   The Coffee Smells Good, The Sunset is Beautiful and I love your Smile!  Oh yeah when you hold my hand I can feel you now if I say that I guess I am strange.  It is a real buzz the energy eh if the nerves in my hand connect. I might have to write a poem or song about that one day. LOL
Jeremy Betts May 2024
The road to eternal damnation
Constantly being paved with good intention
Wrestlin' with my collection of depression
Trying to conjure up protection against wraths hateful possession
Me, myself and I, the only three at my intervention
I always thought someone might maybe one day step in
Warning me of the direction I'm headin'
Remind me about the cautionary tale of the doomed zeppelin
Or some sorta congratulation confirmation,
A little somethin' to help me keep goin'
...wrong once again...

knowing full well
the pain it causes
and the knowledge
that it will only
make it worse
i still bite
and pick and pull
at that jagged edge
of my finger nail;
more often than not
the finger is left
bleeding and aches
for so long after
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