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Amelia Feb 2020
talk, talk, talk
i hear myself speak

please excuse me
why can't i stop speaking?
come on come on
shut up shut up
you have self control
so come on now shut up

i'm sorry
i'm trying
oh lord why can't i shut up
please excuse me

please excuse me
i know you don't want to hear me
please excuse me.
Lizzie Feb 2020
My bravery is spent,
My courage is gone,
My confidence is rent,
'Cause everything went wrong.

How can I beleive
And how can I dream
When there's Nothing left for me?

The only Happiness I have,
The only hope that I'll find,
Is accepting what is gone,
And leaving Hope behind.

Sometimes there's a hard line
Between Realism and Despair,
But other times that line seems to disappear.
Lyda M Sourne Jan 2020
I cannot keep anything for myself

I cannot keep you for myself
As you are not mine to begin with

And I have to let you go
Like water streaming through cupped hands

Hoping you find happiness with someone else
Hoping you smile more with her

As I cannot give you what you want
I cannot love you as much as I want to

Because I have responsibilities
And you deserve more than what I can offer

And I can offer nothing but myself
Lyda M Sourne Jan 2020
I hate myself so much

Feeling like this
Feelings like these

My bloodied lungs overgrown
With green envy

Insecurity wraps her fingers around my throat
Swallowing the words I wish to say

As eyes clouded with doubtful fog
Casts a mist upon the scene

Where you walked to her
And I, left behind
Rooted in place
By overgrown ivy
Insecurity is a second shadow that blends with anxiety and I am a shell
Lyda M Sourne Jan 2020
I portray myself as a perfect friend
Though it hurts to keep it inside

I lift up my chin and smile so pleasant
My fingers tremble at my side

Change of plans in dozen
I don't want to lock you away

So I watch you walk with her
As I stroll a little bit behind

Out of sight and out of mind
Andreya Celeste Jan 2020
Why? Why must I always put everyone first? You'd think if you're nice to them, they'd be nice back. That's what the Golden Rule is. But sometimes, rules can hold us back; forgetting that the real world doesn't always obey them.

But I do.

Maybe it's true that I care about what people think of me. I tell myself that I am not insecure, but people hear what they want to hear. I tell myself that I have so many friends because we're nice to each other. If someone asks me to cheer them up, I let them know how beautiful and worth it they are. Whatever I tell them, it's true. How many people will say the same about me? Why do I even care? Why is it that I'm always nice, but don't receive it in return?

My happiness is a bowl of cookies. Here, take one. Take as many as you'd like and pass it around like confetti, even to those who have hearts made of stone. They're yours now.

Seeing everyone eat my cookies makes me smile. I look down, and notice that all I have for myself are crumbs. That's okay. Maybe someone will come around with cookies of there own. But when I see someone walking away with their own cookie in their mouth, I know I'd been skipped over.

I have no energy to bake more cookies. What is left to fuel me? What can I do to feel happy?  All of my cookies are gone, because I had let them take one.

I had let them do this to me. Now my heart can't soar free. I let them put me in pain and boil the blood flowing through my veins. I regret what I have done, now I must miss out on all of the fun.

Because I allowed people to hurt me, even if it meant I left a good impression.

The Golden Rule. Not everyone follows it. But I did.
newpoetica Dec 2019
i need to be held by you tonight,
to assure myself that we're going to be alright.
i try so hard not to let my insecurities win,
but when they do i start to cave in.
i trust you enough to know how much you love and care,
but i'm so scared that one day all the good that we have will thin and ware.
and that you and i will be left with nothing except heartbreak,
and for myself a routine of the normalcy of you that i'll have to break.
3 am thoughts that hurt to think about, but i can't fall asleep
Sergio Gonzalez Dec 2019
Put your faith in me
And so will I to you
Lean in my dear
For time and space is infinite
In our own world
The atoms will expand
And the stars will glow
But if we don’t make it
Past the first galaxy
Some things were never meant to be
But I’ll chase this feeling
Until I exhaust my options
And until then we will know
If Eternity is meant to be
Elna Dec 2019
The feeling when no one is watching
Never goes away
Creeping behind my back
And stabs me through my chest
Flowerwithabrain Dec 2019
Why is your biggest insecurity the thing I love most about you?

Why even have insecurities when you look like you do

If I could hold them for just a while I think you would see the beauty in your imperfection
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