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Niki Gray Dec 2019
In my head again
fighting a battle
I know I can't win.

Shut down or stand up,
never good enough.

Conceding no more,
hesitation gone,
I've settled the score.

Look in the mirror,
dismiss my disguise.
Fierce and Strong I rise.
Still pretty new to poetry and trying different styles.  This one I believe is called syllabic verse and contains 5 syllables per line.  Thank you for reading hope you enjoy it.  Thank you to all whom love and support me.  Special thanks to my husband, children, brother and friends (S.M., C.H. and anyone else I forgot.)  Thank you C. Love for the revising suggestions and Gretchen Miller for the title.
Grace Nov 2019
I want to get out
But how I don't know
I'm trapped in this place
With nowhere to go

I've been here so long
I don't know how to escape
I'm not some hero
With a billowing cape

The thing is, I look fine
On the outside at least
But inside there's issues
I could compare to a beast

This self built prison
Is made with my doubt
And I don't think
There's any way out

My thoughts are like chains
They bind me up tight
And I don't think
I can do anything right

I just want to be
Like the rest of the world
Able to speak
Without thoughts swirled

But I'm trapped trapped trapped
By insecurity and fear
I don't know how to fix
But I'm tired of tears

I want to get out
But how I don't know
I'm trapped in my mind
With nowhere to go
This was written at like midnight and the next morning I wrote one with a little more hope. I'll post that one in a separate post. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps you realize you aren't alone.
Damon Robinson Nov 2019
It’s was very clear
The purring of the turbine kept us awake
As the dew settled into the drying shale
Becoming what it’s not

Perhaps the men, fantastic
Misconstrued across the dimming ceiling, being blown about
Reminding you of those who you wish for
Rather than the *******

To justify the means
Is to understanding the ******* as no more
Than the tap to which sap leaks from
For the one, insecured.
The ability to read the room is what truly opens your eyes to things, unsecured.
Yuri Saad Nov 2019
There is a young crow,
soaring with a flock of pigeons,
flying from its sorrows,
far away from its prison.

There is a young crow,
No boundaries to fly,
yet he wanders in silence,
across the gloomy sky,
for his pigeons,
they die.

There is a young crow,
flying low, feeling unsure,
astonished and in disbelief,
left alone and insecure,
Becauseause he never wanted,
To leave.
This is for people battling with insecurities and anxiety. Let's keep flying low to be back up again, one small step at a time.
Eleni Nov 2019
Pain consumes me.
And I consume my pain
in thousands of junk joules
eating away my body like greedy ghouls.

That kind of sadness
Makes smiles ugly-
to pinch my thighs and waist
and loath the corpse which I traced.

Life became granulated and refined.
Too artificial and too confined.
I saw my muscles melting- undefined.
Now there is little will left to be kind.
I was inclined to push you behind-
Keep you out of my mind.
Stop being blind to your decline.

In dark hours I awake.
I should pace my steps before I break.
Nothing would ever soothe this bellyache.
This deathbed shall be one I make-
From these hands that shake.
And this dirge will quake
the lies I tried hide, behind the snake.
To those out there who are insecure about their body and experienced disordered eating, I send my love to you. It is not the easiest thing to talk about, let alone write about.

Sometimes our monologues are not pretty or full with gentle imagery. Expressing my truth through poetry has helped me reflect on these dark episodes of my life.
Dylan Barrett Nov 2019
Many miles to walk,
In some shoes that just
Don’t fit.
Clouds above and in head,
Blind for all the doubt.

Escaping the pursing shadow,
The darkness we fear
That lives within.
Do I enjoy the flagellation,
Is that why I keep this whip wet?

I've grown addicted to the nightmare,
At home in the din.
The dream dies, in those desperate eyes,
Poured from the lies within.

When the ice berg hit,
I felt relief,
For this titanic,
That you all saw,
Has been shown to be
Just a piece of tin.

As I rust in the depths,
Nurturing my pain,
A diligent nurse,
I take comfort in this urchin bed Iv made.
Now, I know true darkness.

Lies swim in those eyes,
Silver flecks in a rolling ocean.

I got depths,
And there are sharks within.
You see the sun rays reflection,
But forget this mirror is just the knife's tip.
This oceans got more yin than yang.

Theres a certain satisfaction in self loathing,
See I have always wanted to be the best,
But too afraid to take the plunge,
I’ll settle for the worst.

At least when this wildfires burnt out,
There will be certainty at last.
All the bad and wrongs wrung out,
You don’t get no phoenix,
Without the price of destruction and ash.

The thing about rock bottom,
Is that it gives you something to push,
A solid base from which to build,
Now that I know the ends of my worth.

The jokes on you though,
He who types,
See perfection exists only in its totality.
A tree may glow, but its got knobs and gnarls.
The sun may shine, but it also burns.
We forget that sun kiss can ****.

So strive not to be the most good,
Or perfect, or unblemished.
For the destination doesn’t exist,
And the route, rough and wrought with misery,
Loops round and around yourself.

To avoid strangulation,
Let go.
Fall into uncertainty gladly,
And you will find wings that you didn't know.
And thats more than enough,
You don’t need no halo.
Harry Roberts Oct 2019
In the night your feelings weigh you down
Thoughts scream a banshees wail
Heart pulsing like a rabbit now
Can't console or calm down
Suffocating in myself
Aura dyed itself pale.

Falling down can be a sail
But the boat dips down don't fool yourself
The rush in your ears makes it hard to hear
The worry from ones to which you hold yourself dear
Descending to hell while you feel yourself sear.

I cuddle infernos so to the heat I feel near
I muddle my mind so fog can seem clear
I settle for nothing while the world is set on fire
I bottle my ire while the breath of death respires.
In the night
Eileen H Oct 2019
my bare legs
i am smiling for you
this is the best I can love you
softer than this wood
this is the best
I can love


remember my skin
keep it
i don't know how to
own anything
not even
this love
bony like my legs
my bared teeth
these are
your bones now
these are your bones
to chip
like wood

i don't know how to own anything
i only know how to splinter
smiling for you
over and
over into the
that isn't mine
do you love me? do you love me?
do you love me? do you love me?
Eileen H Oct 2019
i sometimes joke that i'm going to win the lottery & use the money to spoil my cats,
but, realistically, i would use the money to buy a gym membership & a month-after-month-long supply of protein shakes
so that i could be skinny.

mother frowns at stick thin girls;
i'm not sure if it is the size zero that worries her lip, or my longing,
or that she does not understand the comfort in emptiness.

this world is ugly,
but others are perhaps uglier.
when all is broken, at least i shall have my hunger

what is it that keeps you whole?
i want to kiss something beautiful,
& hold it between my lips forever.
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