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Inkveined Apr 2017
Have you ever seen
the way a spider
sits so patiently
as it waits
for its next meal?
Or the way
the unsuspecting fly
will lie helplessly
having only its own wings
to blame
as freedom turns into
I rather like dark poems, don't you?
Àŧùl Sep 2016
As the morning descends here,
The surroundings come alive,
Birds start chirping sweetly,
Insects play violin of the legs,
Not far away I hear the engine.

The morning makes glorious sounds,
It also brings me back to her memories,
The train I hear moving away so swiftly,
It's the same train I mounted years ago,
The train doesn't wait not for me now.

It chugs away to where I had been,
Almost two years ago to meet her,
On her birthday to feel her close,
To greet her so sweetly & hug her,
She even had kissed a sleeping me.

I wonder how she could just forget,
Sharing the moments so intimate,
Waking me up for an active kiss,
For I'll never forget & move on,
Breath talked in the breathtaking moment.
My HP Poem #1125
©Atul Kaushal
Ira Desmond Sep 2016
It may be that all
that some are delegated
is tragic ambition.

And it may be that a
mercantile exchange system
shouldn't be the arbiter
of who lives
and who dies.

And it may be that you
and I have noticed
diminishing returns
on all our investments
in Someday.

And it may be that things
continue to happen to my body
that I wasn't planning
to have happen.

And it may be that Time
has only small plans
for us:

that we are ants carrying our green burdens


up that precarious




s Jul 2016
a bug flew into my windshield yesterday
and i wanted to scream
because it resembled you

but i see you everywhere
in the flowers in the trees in the breeze
in my dreams

all the tiny insects look like you
Nik Jul 2016
As I sat and pondered on how to write my next poem,
I witnessed an insect trying to fit into a space it was too big for.
I watched as the insect twisted and turned with determination to try and make the impossible possible, and it made me wonder:
How many opportunities have I missed because I mistook cannots for would nots?
I wallowed in the fear of what could happen, my pessimistic tendencies taking over,
(because I have loved and lost and I wish I had never loved at all)
so maybe the situation I am in is my fault.
Maybe it is genuinely not you, but it's me because you are the small space and unlike the insect I did not twist and turn
even though you are worth it.

I will auto correct myself, if you promise to do the same.
I don't want to miss an opportunity for greatness because we're both too scared.
Pauline Morris Jun 2016
The limbs grow, cover and cradle me
Like the arms of a forgotten lover
The maggots give me love bits as they slowly consume
The worms slither round about, in and out
Never again will my face wear a frown
Never again will I worry about zen
Or about how's and when's
This moss is my bed
Where I lay my weary head
Off to rest for eternity
Where the animal and insects show me love internally

Finally LOVE!!!!!!
Through a split lip
red foam,
froghopper froth
fizzing, haemoglobin, half-life
sitting thickly-thick,
on a paving stone.
Looking like Clinton’s cards
think human hearts
are shaped like.

But mine’s an artichoke
a watery phloem thistle core
folded in fronds and furs,
bristles of cowlick baleen,
sailing, ship-lapped bark,
darkness and birdcages.

Mine’s a rigour-mortis pill bug
potato fly, oddball, ***** slug
an ammonite, a butterfly tongue,
a bending toe curled in ecstasy.
Exponential shell chambers and septums
ending alongside everything.

And the guts of my heart
incessantly churn mechanically,
maniacally and obliviously rhythmically
Keeping me malleable
un-enveloped by beetle wings.

Just like the platelets
of my hardening spit-heart
are, blackening blood,
amber caught bugs,
clay in mud,

like we think it is.

Thoughts on how our hearts are nothing like their symbolic counterparts, or like anyone else's. They're ***** and alive, and, when drawn out, just feel dead.
Kurt Carman Apr 2016
Hard to believe it was 18 Years ago, 1998.
Waiting that long to make love is an unfortunate fate.

A July rain awakens the sleeping nymphs’,
Like old Rip Van Winkle, a yawn & stretch those limbs

Clawing their way out of an earthen cocoon,
Metamorphous begins by the light of the moon.

An electric buzz fills the West Virginia holler,
Charlie Cicada says “Connectin’ with them females is the problem”

And not long after… a loving relationship is bequeathed,
For the less fortunate, the brown trout waits beneath the Sycamore for a tasty treat.

Well there you have it; such is the life of the Brood Cicada,
And for new born nymphs’, it’s time to go sleep until the next Mania.

K.E. Carman 2016
Daniel Thorne Jan 2016
The caterpillars preach their sermons,
Crickets string their choirs,
Under the shade of Broadleaf.

Beetles teach their classes,
The sunlight shines through the foliage,
In the morning at Broadleaf.

The leaves are green,
The airport of insects is blue,
A canopy above Broadleaf.
Broadleaf is a place where a bunch of bugs live in the early spring morning.
Storm Raven Aug 2015
Am I the only one who wonders,
what ants do all the time?
When they walk seemingly without a pattern,
do they know where they are going?
What do ants think of us, do we scare them,
or are we not importand enough to care about?
How do they communicate?
Can they be sad?
I keep thinking about the ants?
Do they ever think like this, about the flies? Or spiders, or butterflies?
Who will ever know...
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