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oh my stars May 2015
A fluttering heart,
A warm comfort,
A yearning so painful
You won't believe.
A constant smile,
A sudden tingling,
A quivering lip
You can't see.
An excited leap,
A sense of acceptance,
A nervous glance
You don't see.
A hopeful dream,
A strong belief,
But love won't come
To me.
Gwen May 2015
The most beautiful day I have ever known is not the day we first kissed,
Nor the day you first said that you loved me.
It was the day that you said three different words.
That night in your old bedroom when you told me I was the one.
I had never known what it was like to be so happy that I'd cry,
Until that day.

I will not compare thee to a summer's day,
but I'll compare the day to you
Every night without you I'll shiver because no amount of warmth will compare to feeling of having you lay down next to me.

You're the "he" in all of the writings,
and the reason why I write at all these days.
You're in every song I hear
and every movie I see.
You're the one who keeps me up till 1 a.m in the middle of the week because I was thinking of writing this very poem for you.
You're the reason why I finally understand why I never died when I attempted suicide,
and I'll keep you in mind every time I am able to eat without worrying about the calorie count.
You're the reason why I know why people cry from happiness,
You're the only reason why I can picture a future for myself, and that future is with you.
I'll stare into you're eyes for hours,  comparing them to the coffee I drink every morning,
and wake every morning waiting till the day you are there.
I'll lay in your arms and dream of the day when goodbye's won't last for months at a time.
When my home is your home as well,
and when all the distance is nonexistent.
To when I can see your smile in more than just a picture,
To when goodnight kisses turn into good morning kisses.
To when you can hold me at night if I start having panic attacks again,
and to when you can remind me to eat dinner when I forget.

They say that if a writer falls in love with you, you can never die.
Yet I feel it is the same for writers themselves.
Falling in love can be the inspiration behind works of art.
Your love is the very reason why I breathe,
and the motivation behind every stroke of my paint brush,
and every word I type or write.
Gwen May 2015
You will be the "he" in all my writings,
& I'll spend days comparing you to things in nature.

& spend hours trying to figure out exactly what shade of brown your eyes are.
I'll wake up thinking if your morning was bright, just like your smile.
How is it that you're in every love song I hear?
& Every novel, poem and movie

You can make the sun seem sunnier,
Colors seem brighter

Being with you is like living in a constant state of euphoria,
and without you is endless.

I remember the moment I fell in love with you
& the moment that I knew you were the one.
            Thank you for letting me be the one too.
this is ******* crap.
AM May 2015
I was told not to give away
My heart and devotion
For I've watched people
Got their heart crippled

But, love,
My dear love
Tell me what shall I do
When there's nothing else
I understand
Than being in love
With you?
Cristian May 2015
the vibration  of your voice
     makes me feel warm
          the weight of your bones
               makes me feel at home
Sara Jones May 2015
If you catch me falling, I might fall for you.
I wrote this without even realizing it was poetry
Jamie Morrison May 2015
your lips, they taste like ***** shots and drunken memories. Your hands, they feel like warmth as you run them up and down my arm. Your breath, it feels like a whisper of a thousand angels as you breath deeply on my neck. Your eyes, they look like deep oceans and I want to explore them. Your arms, they feel like home when you hold me tightly. Your laugh, it sounds like happiness and I live to hear that sound.
Acidic Moon May 2015
For the longest time, I was blinded by your love..
I was so blind, that I couldn't tell you didn't love me at all..
But now my eyes are open, and I can finally see..
You no longer want to be a part of me..
You've pushed me away time and time again..
But I've always came back in the end.
I always came back with open arms for you,
Because gosh I'm so madly in love with you.
But how can I continue holding on to someone,
That doesn't want anything to do with me?
How can I continue loving someone,
That doesn't even love me?
How can I continue to be a part of something,
That isn't even real?
I made you my life, my whole universe..
You made me just another girl, that meant nothing to you.
You were my light, in all my darkness..
Now you're just part of the darkness,
That surrounds me..
Paramount Pawn May 2015
I turn my head to your face
And what I see is sparks
I never really understood what it means to fall in love
But is it alright
If I fall in love with you?
Abigail Annette May 2015
I want to plant kisses all over you
and when we turn old,
they’ll grow into wrinkles.
The adventures we've gone on
will be imprinted in your mind
and they will sprout into
beautiful memories.
I've already laid a bed of flowers on you,
and I'm just watching you blossom.
I wrote the first three lines a while ago, but I  thought I'd add on. It's sloppy but I liked how it turned out. I love my handsome man♥
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