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A friendship like no other
Sure do hope we'll be friends forever

You were there during my ups and downs
Ready to wipe off my frowns

I'm thankful it was you
To cheer me whenever i'm feeling blue

The way you make up ****** jokes
It kinda makes you less of a bloke

But never less than of a friend
Because for me, there wont be an end

To this friendship
Even if we fall and trip

You wont be forgotten
By my brain even though it'd be rotten

My memories of you
Has been carved in a beautiful hue

All I ever wanted to say is
For my guy friends who never fail to make me laugh even though i'm going through a rough phase in life... :)
Jack Thompson Mar 2015
Infinitely branded beaten and betrothed. Infinitely Lingering loved and lothed.

Infinitely beautiful staring into those eyes. Now more than ever Ive seen it without disguise.
Infinitely taken back. My maze of thoughts. Swimming to a swirl.
My inky sorrow to match your liner.
Eyes of pain and beauty the way you've drawn them.
Did you do this just for me.
Knowing that I will see.
A deadly stare, one that grips me tight.
Impossible to let her go
this struggle is in-fin-ite.
Infinitely distant, how did you get so high.
Up there with poise where only birds can fly.
I've enjoyed this tease. This view of couple.
Two strands of hair that play in your face.
They look like imperfection but to me it's been pure grace.

This is hard this really never was the plan.
Now you're Infinitely lost in another man.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
Haley Elizabeth Mar 2015
His love is infinite
It's not measured in quantities
There are no limitations
There are no boundaries
His love pierces my heart
Sharper than any dagger
He who burns brighter
than any fire
My guide through the dark
I've lost my lighter
Keep me from breaking
My resilient fighter
                                  We swim in the ocean
                                    We swim in the seas
                                   It takes me away from
                                 Where i don't want to be
                          No indecision or foolish posturing
                              We swim in different oceans
                           Yet wash up on the same beach
                       Foreigners travelers but truly the same
                         We are one energy living subjectively
                                           So do not hate
                                     You are me as i am he
                       And we are one swimming in many seas
lost in my mind Feb 2015
I love you
I love you
I love you
More than you could ever know
More than anyone ever hopes to be loved.
More than you can understand.
More than you can fathom.
A limitless, unconditional, fierce love.
The kind that comes like a passionate hurricane
and still soft and sweet like morning fog.
That's how much I love you.
Know that I never knew love until I met you
and you unlocked doors to emotions
that I never thought were real.
This fierce romantic love never roared
until you awakened it
That's why I always said that you saved my life.
Because you did.
I was dead, the pain was so much
and then you came in,
bringing with you euphoria
that I only ever experienced in small doses.
But ******* when you walked into the room
my blood felt like it was on fire.
A yearning and craving unlike anything
I'd ever experienced before,
not just to feel your body but to know your mind.
To know and behold all quirks
of your personality, everything.
I wanted to be completely submersed
in the universe that is your mind.
So now do you understand what I mean
when I say "I love you" ?
You're not a waste in time.
For, You've gone fare to get
Here in this moment in time,
Here is just lifetimes somewhere other
and infinities to someone else.
Credit to Catherine Mullins for being an
Copyright © 2015 Kaitlyn A. Warnken All Rights Reserved
My mind is flooded with questions
Whose answers are beyond me
Like what will I face
When finite breaks to infinity
When my life crumbles
Can I count on you
To stick with me
I know I went too far
But can someone still love me
As I search the rubble
For my new identity

Never before has the end of a chapter
Been so tangible
And I'm still turning the page
No fourth wall to break
And if the world is a stage
My life is a terrible play

Not everyone's a critic
But they all give a review
A little bit disjointed, but then again, so am I.
Caitlin Skye Feb 2015
There is a melody playing in my soul.
The kind that melts the heart with an intense euphoria:
Devoid of despondency and misery-
And it makes my heart sing.

Like our lungs need air,
And like the sun needs the universe,
*I need you.
Eleanor Rigby Feb 2015
This world is bound to end one day
And believe me darling
It's not going to go out of its way
And make our love infinite

So I understand if you must go,
I totally understand.

Christian Bixler Jan 2015
On the gentle ***** of a green and waving hill, vibrant with the life of spring, flowers fall from the outspread limbs of trees, an ocean in their sound, and fall gently to the earth, soft as a mothers kiss, upon a child's tender brow. The wild flowers are spread out among the grasses, bright spots of changing color, amidst the flowing green, waving in the springs gentle breeze, light glowing through the blades, shining in the sun, the scent of life and growth and change arising, slow and overpowering as the years to come, as ages gone. Underneath the spreading trees, their leaves give shade and succor to those who fear the light and hide from its revealing rays. A fox rustles through the underbrush, coat burning orange, a rushing flame in the green light, filtering down from the canopy above, dim in its softened form. Ahead a hare, leaning down to drink from a cool and quiet pool, looks up as a ray of light, pure and golden, falls from the heavens, as the light of God himself, admitted by the wind rushing, parting the woven branches, above, beyond the trees. The leaves spin and sparkle, sighing also in the breeze, and so a harmony ensues sighing leaves and rushing wind, in that tranquil, quiet place. Dust falling, innumerable motes of glowing light, they drift downwards, minuscule, as snow made all of light, dim and golden,  like the shining sands of heaven, swept down to fall to earth, and dust the earth with heavens bounty, and let its light sparkle for a moment, an age, in the quiet of the world. Far above the wooded hill, beyond the rustling grasses, and the colorful blossoms in their midst, high in the cold of the infinite heavens, and the currents of the flowing wind, an eagle soars, and so in mastery of the world below, the world above, does swoop to take unwary prey, in claws cruel in their curved dimensions, and the sharpness of their edge. But below in the world of quiet peace, though blood may drip from pure sky, and so enrich the flattered earth, all is yet still, and calm prevails, and if blood does fall, sprinkled from the heavens as a cruel rain, macabre in its crimson gleam and scent of severed life, it falls unknown, unmarked, to soak into the warm earth, receiving as it gives, and so is added once more to the cycle of life at the beginning, from which in time new blood will flow, through veins new and delicate, frail with the tender youth of new things begun, and so new life be born from death.
I dedicate this Poem to the magical days of early spring, far from the smog and cites of man, and in The Mothers gentle hands. Also, please comment and tell me if the title doesn't sound right. Thank you.
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