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My agent for apeiron appeared standing
In classical grey coat stopping me by one
Palm reaching toward ninth heaven nine

Such is the gaze poetics, astonished thing
From the shinny reawoken dynastic ring
From my mind I call you on n' on dreamy
My uncatchable personal erudites library

Many thorough smiles unchaining liberty
Of bridges forms n' our humming colours

Above erased reliefs, wave waters mistery
Have Always loved you. . .
The yellow taciturn
highlights of your room
The glistening of your crystal eyes
Snow globe domicile
Star studded decorum
Infinity unfaded in
the ribbon of our embrace
Recurring dreams of
our hypothetical life together.
And dreams apart.
Seperate our bodies but
not our souls nor our hearts.
Dawn of Lighten Jan 2016
I forgive your deeds,
Will you forgive me for mine,
Or shall we forget?
It is this oxymoron that drives most human beings,
And with the contradiction we live with ourselves,
But maybe that imperfection is what makes us more human?
Poetic T Jan 2016
Boundless thought in a space of immeasurable
Conciseness, suns of reflection burn bright.

Stars in distance attention, so far but nevertheless
Still a twinkling in the cognitive awakening.

Traversing the distance to light up a moment
All that was a vast unlimited space of thought.
the infinite now surrounds me
on the cusp of new beginnings
First written on my Tumblr page at As I approach the new year I am grateful,  eventhough in a few days I will move out of my home. I am grateful because I am not walking through this alone.
Loveless Dec 2015
Infinite in mystery
Is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus
And take it to the sky
Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul
Knows no rest
The second part of the poem LOVELESS
My interpretation
The gift of the goddess
Is mysterious
In pursuit of this gift
We take the flight
Within the core of the heart
A hopeless wanderer flow
Like ripples to waves
Come forth the dreams below

All parts have various different interpretition

Third part
Martin Narrod Dec 2015
there's a place for this- this blood
this place where the skin can be pulled right from the lip
a gun pulled from the glove compartment
in warm December this private affair
traveling with passenger zero
into the title of a love song or
narrowing into the wet corners of the mouths
softened annunciations over an early sixties recording

her song brings shakes to legs and swiveling snakelike movements
this Spanish river goddess I do not even know by name who settles the wars of babes and covers the infinite dust of infinite children

there are places like this:
still and magical and pleasantly mute

where she stares back to me returning
the years of eye mail exchanged between us
as if returning a floral arrangement that lost its scent
or a novel that lost its story
and a passenger writhing with envy

with a back turned she moseys
along the dirt path of the arboretum
a small dance in the bowels of her step

somewhere we blend the stories of each other’s pockets
mending the balance of need
hands surfacing in weathered bluejeans
Gemineyed Gypsy Dec 2015
I found myself down at the bottom of a cliff;
Waves crashing upon the rocky shore as my body floats adrift

There I was lost in wonder,
“Had I not left this very world I now find myself stagnant in?”

Has life's infinite wonders, once again, grasped hold of my lonely lost Soul and pulled me out of the darkness right on to the other side?

A continuous cycle spiraling round and round from infinite to beyond;
Endlessly evolving and revolving as yin moves through yang;
As light warps with sound

From matter to energy,
Forevermore infinitely greater than mere dust in the ground

What happens next, as I awaken to this new journey;
Moving forward; starting fresh?

I find myself gliding on wind as oxygen to new souls;
Growing through love with life's ultimate pure bliss

One request for those I've loved and left behind;
May only memories of my love be your everlasting guide
© 2015 Ashley Jean.
All rights reserved.
Intellectual property of the author.

*Thinking of all the loved one's who've moved on from this life.
Thank you for being my muse and my guide.
Simon Soane Nov 2015
If I had the choice
would I run with excitement
when I see your name
pop up
or would I decide to be unmoved
by a jolt of you
and sit,
while another
somewhere else
involuntary leaps,
at an arrangement of letters.
Kerri Nov 2015
I tremble
In your presence
And am consumed
By every line on your body.
I trace them with my eyes
And long to feel them
With my fingertips.
An aching erupts from
Inside of my body
And a fire blazes
That I never want to
My heart is cradled in
Your infinite eyes
And I want you to
Hold it for eternity.
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