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Sabila Siddiqui Feb 2018
I am afraid to say sorry,
I am afraid to be soft.
For when I am hurt,
I become stone-cold.
I hold back my tears,
bite my lower lip from trembling
So you see no signs of weakness.
I become inhumane
And show you no weakness.
I'll ignore what you say
While it slowly breaks me from within.
Asominate Jan 2018
I Shove It Down
I shove down,
Just push away the pains
Don't think about,
Just shove it down

I can't complain
For they won't listen
So all that I do, did,
Lex Jan 2018
it's sad
how when you talk to someone
for the first time
and then after you realize
you see them in the hallways
or they're walking past your door
looking grey
smiling at you as you pass
as they carry their tray
keeping their head down in the back of class
trying to keep their feelings at bay

We tend to ignore things that we can't see
but I think what it come down to
is that we can see
we just choose not to.
There are so many people who are sitting alone. Who feel alone. Who are alone.
But instead of noticing them we just keep our heads up and our eyes forward.
We don't stop enough to help, so today we shall try.
Miss Me Nov 2017
Little small hands
   Little small feet

What beauty lies
   So hidden beneath

A child's reach
   Should always be met

But an adults
After all it's just grief

It's easier to hold a grudge
    Then to take a little peek

Even when small hidden souls
    Have much to teach

But it's the guiless blinder
    You choose to keep

That way you can escape
    The blame that you breached

For so selfish is the way
    Of this so called life

When you think nothing
    Of a life you didn't care to reach
Perri Oct 2017
Give me the strength
to ignore
To escape his grasp
and lock the door
Give me the will to run
and hide
for 97 nights
I've laid and cried
How lonely he makes me
I stay for my pride
And I need the courage
To stop my love
With every force
I will shove
His cold soul away
Until the day
He is lead astray
Because my passionate soul
Deserves much more
And I am sick of feeling
Like his chore
So please Lord
Give me the strength
To ignore
Evi Dent Halo Sep 2017
"Gunshots and gun wounds


Firefly crossing.
Yeah, as time goes on the reality that we are nothing sets in

It's a fire to be put out, but it's a part of us all the same

Hey. It's what I live for to be challenged and crushed by truant fools and falsehood names

Stayed away.

But then I saw the closer tides going out-

And I was angry, having fear and doubt

Why enter my life just to leave so quick

Calling back to new things? - frick that makes me sick

I mean, I can understand children cutting off their own hands

(It's not a literal thing, but a drawing in the sand)

But such a strong connection, oh my- what a collection

And as the shelf falls off the wall

I can't help but think of myself as small

Porcelain pieces strewn across the floor

Such loud noise, you can't possibly ignore

But you do.

So silent and uncaring, a bountiful tree no fruit baring

Caught staring

Let me steal back the flowers

Endless hours, counted by the flowers

And still

So mighty was your name, banner brought no blame

The same in shape all over

Clover four leafed, created the world- the world over

Show her my life, as you would have given

It's okay I guess, as long as she lives

And doesn't take as much structure infection

As the tower you once called an amalgamate effort."
FINV "y.c.p.i." v1 (5/25/17) by Evi D. Halo
Alaska Sep 2017
You were actually
         the first one
     to completely ignore
how I felt and I
         guess that's why
     it hurts so much.
aryanalynae Aug 2017
ignore it
pretend it,
didn't happen.

forget it.
hide it.
avoid it.
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