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lost in the in between
lost in your eyes
lost between my head and my heart

my head tells me go
my hearts tells me stay
but its not that cliche

i feel trapped in the guilt that follows me everywhere

every conversation lingering in my head
hours on end
thinking how i can end it

how can i tell you
without thinking about the endless ways
that you can end your life

we are perfect
we are toxic
a viscous eruption of anger and spite
distance is our enemy and our friend
"im sorry, baby. forgive me."
and my naive brain always forgives

but im lost in the in between
until the day
i found my way out of the maze
and found myself.
glad i dont have this toxicity anymore. it was becoming unbearable
Seema Sep 2018
Another lonesome, night has passed
The same moon, gives random smile
Lost count of my sleep, being days
Memories rush in pile by pile

Thoughts linger of those left
The four corners of my room, cry with me
No one comes now for chats over tea
There is nothing left, in my eyes to see

Pale, flushed, dark begs hung by
These eyes have grown tired of blinking
Rush through these windows, O daring wind
And carry me away from this sinking pain

Take me to a place, where feelings don't exists
Away where I can forget everyone
Put me, then, in a deep deep sleep
Or just shoot me with a gun

Once and for all, these eyes would shut for good
Even my memories won't pile to project
Tears would no longer wet my pillows
Everything known, I'll just forget...

Spilling clinging thoughts.
Nyx Sep 2018
Why now?
Out all these months, All this time
Why is it now that you think its okay to jump back into my life?
You vanish, I cut off everything for you
I left my heart behind in the dirt
I buried my love six feet underground
To forget you, like you forgot me
But here you are again
Acting as if nothing has changed
My phone gleaming with your messages
And I respond to you in a heartbeat
I have no self control
You're stirring up a storm
Though you don't know the effect
This intoxicating feeling you give to me
With a single word or a call
It sends my heart into flutters
I love you
No, I did love you
I need to stop this now

I can't fall back in again not after everything
Not after what I went through to get out
It hurts too much to try again
but everything about you draws me in
Your striking blue eyes that seem to mirror the sky
Long wavy hair, in a Carmel brown
Soft to the touch, gently running through my fingers
It sends a shiver down my spin to think
But its forbidden to return to that place
To that state of mind and time
We removed that memory
Along with our existence
So why is it now
Why now have you come back?

Please don't come back
because I am still
Unable to Resist

Haylin Sep 2018
He is my bestfriend.

You are out of this world,
you are too good to be true,
but you are genuine, sincere and real.
You are a beautiful human,
i wouldn't get by without you.
I never want there to be a time where
you aren't in my life.
I fear that, i dread that.
You get me through everything,
my confidence used to be underground,
but you've built it so high its sailing above the clouds.
Not to throw myself a pity party,
but i have had a very rocky life at times.
although wonderful at times,
It now feels all okay.
You give me hope and make me see the bright side to things.
You have created this monster of a laugh inside me,
which only came out when i met you.
You have taught me how to be fun and be myself,
You have given me a different perspective on life,
because anything seems possible when you're around.
You appreciate me, respect me, listen to me and boost my ego.
I love every thing about you.
I wouldn't change your flaws even if i could.
There is no one like you.
Being away from you hurts,
because in my head i know i'm around people that are nothing compared to you.
I will choose you.
I sincerely have your best interest at heart.
I care for you more than i do myself.
I don't want to sound cliche,
but you really are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
You are honestly so incredible.
I would be nowhere near where i am today if i hadn't met you.
We have dedicated huge portions of our lives towards helping each others.
I knew from the moment i saw you in 6th grade,
that i wanted to get to know you.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
And that day was just the beginning for our friendship.

He is my bestfriend.
Survived Sep 2018
they will stop loving you
they will stop missing you
they will stop caring for you
they will stop giving you their time
they will start making excuses
they will start avoiding you
they will start ignoring you
they will start lying to you

And one day they will finally leave you

but just like an idiot
you're still gonna love them unconditionally.
Mercia Sep 2018
He walked towards her
With a mysterious look..
This look held so much
But she is incapable of reading
He kept coming
She kept failing to read
He stopped
She couldn't breathe
He looked away
Her heart slowly decays
Slowly it sinks in
She's not his
Is he hers

He backs away
This painful look
He had a word written on his face
Their biggest enemy
She was once under it's foot
He lays under insecurity

That's their cycle

He is no longer mysterious to her
But his pain is mysterious to him

How can it be that the prince of love
Is now a slave to insecurity and pain
Once love held so much
It means so little

The story behind it is lost
Fake stories arise

Lost in a battle.
A battle uncalled for
A battle unannounced

He walked away..
He is no longer mysterious to her.

They both carried what they call

A broken heart, with a smile
Bella Aug 2018
Her hear like glass,
Broken of course.
Her skin like paper,
Cuts so smoothly.
Her mind like thorns,
It hurts to think.
Her eyes like rain,
For it never stops pouring.
Her soul on fire,
Because she burns inside.
A poem of a girl’s emotions when no one is looking.
Survived Aug 2018
When you were there with me
We were dancing with glee

Late night talks, making each other blush,
smiling, laughing were our things
Everyday which gave me new wings

Thinking about our love i flew-up
Without taking any back-up

Then a day came when you were not there
That day even a sun felt hemisphere

I was there sitting alone in darkness
And blaming why God is so heartless

I texted and missed you a lot
But silence and despondency were what all i got

I am waiting
and I'll keep waiting for
my beloved to come back
If you see her
please tell her that she left someone
who is waiting for her on the half track.
A M Ryder Aug 2018
In such strange ways I strangely cannot understand
The horror of it all is we stay attracted to everything that hurts
We cling to it and never really learn to let go
So perhaps we do want happiness
But we also desire to keep the pain close; close enough to destroy us
Close enough to define us
Close enough to make us all feel a little less cold
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