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Rafał Jan 2019
I'm too wasted to have a  conversation
And you all seem way too happy!
I should wait for our altercation
Before you get too snappy

Driving up in my sunset high
When the sky is clear and open
When I steer, my thoughts can fly
Like wings that have been broken

Well, I've wrecked my hopes,
Washed away by time
That's the destination "nowhere"
Gonna drive until it rains
Doesn't life seem over?

As I burn the bridges,
I hit the gas and speed up
Like a heart on *******
When they burned the witches
No one begged to differ
Well, I do now and that's okay!

I may be different, I may be worse
But I'm better in my own skin
Get off your throne or I'll wreck your horse
And the empire of all kings
Esin Jan 2019
I will do it
I will definitely do it.
I will **** myself.
I can feel
the ending.
Eric Jan 2019
We love
We get lost
We gain content
We die.
Katie Miller Jan 2019

I’m walking through the halls
Trapped in by suffocating walls
I’m walking through the doors
Over the decaying floors
Who has walked through them?
And where were they walking from?
A broken desk
Or a secluded bathroom stall?
Memories and laughter or
Tears and sobs evermore?
Have these hallways heard confessions?
Or witnessed just depression?
Have they made memories of laughter ?
Have these windows shown truth of all of the lies?
Or only a glimpse of an aggravated sunrise?
Are the walls shrines of the past?
Holders of all questions asked?
If the curtains wave in the gentle autumn breeze
Is there still an ill wanted disease?
The dilapidated ceiling watched over inhabitants
Still built perfectly built but falling apart
And visitors that were seen as contaminants
The unwanted one
The one no one would notice if they were gone
The same one that screamed for help here
For anyone to be near
Or the one who was popular
A class A top gossiper
The one with a sharp tongue
But no one knows that it’s wrong
The hallways whisper the secrets
Of their strongest weakness
The halls tell the stories they may
Of friends on their departing highway
And the friends who are just meeting
Smiles, laughter and a warm greeting
I’m walking through the halls
Trapped in by suffocating walls
I’m walking through the doors
Over the decaying floors
Waiting for a voice to hear
For anyone to show they're near
Waiting here forever
I won't leave this place, never
I wrote this poem after someone in our school committed suicide. I didn't know him too well, but it was still upsetting and shocking. As I was walking down the halls, I realized all these different things: he walked through that door, that was his locker, he laughed in this hallway, he ate at one of these lunch tables. I'm hoping that this poem describes all of this with just words.
Lainey Dec 2018
Happy New Year?
Well for now, I can’t say.
I have my own hopes
but there could be delay.
I’ve ordered World Peace
there could be a speed bump.
I’ve also requested the demise of Trump.
And the continued success of all bee colonies
and protection from racists and their bigotries.
And more empathy amongst all of mankind
And for those who are seeking? I hope they shall find!
At the end of the year I shall rinse and repeat and hope to find some on my wishlist complete.
Kaitlin Dec 2018
Knowing myself to be but fledgling and ephemeral,
I find tomorrow thrown upon the floor.
Knowing myself to be but half-baked hope-desires,
I stop to iron out the seams.
Francie Lynch Dec 2018
When your time closes in
Faster than laughter and red lights,
I wish you to be worn and threadbare
As the Velveteen Rabbit,tattered,
With a walker and stair chair;
My cane and umbrella waiting
By your leave.

I hope you're wearing the cardigan
I got you this Christmas,
Mended and draped over your frail shoulders,
Mingling with your hair.

I pray you have children bringing children
To feast on shortbread and tea.
I see you alone, at times, in tranquility,
Recalling me,
Who missed it all.
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