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Brandon Aug 2020
he took it from me.
to his cold eyes,
I was nothing but a shell.
I fought against my fragile nature,
but slowly I cracked.
completely shattered, I poured out.
my cries drowned by his guzzling.
now, this emptiness dwells,
my darkness scaring away warm.
devouring the brightest lights,
in attempt to restore what he took from me.
Shadow Jul 2020
I want to disappear into the soul of the earth,
To escape and run away...
Away from the human world
Away from the commotion
Away from the ignorance
Away from the crowded shops
Away from the faces that cry pain
Away from the eyes don't see beyond the surface
Away from the voices that bite at your ears
Away from the deeds that **** your soul
Away from everyone
Away from everything
Away from the shouting,
the weeping,
the toxic positivity,
the shallow conversations.
the hollow humans,
I want to leave.
I sit at Robert Frost Farm
On a bench so tall my feet can’t touch ground
I move them around and pretend I’m sitting on a cliff
But I’m surrounded by twigs
And dead yellow grass

It feels like spring but it looks like autumn
The trees are still bare and the landscape barren
Stripped down and beaten
Like a hollow survivor
Waiting for sunlight and just a little water

I sit here blindly like a silent on looker
I stare right through the tattered survivors
An old lady in the distance yells something friendly
But I can’t hear her so I stare and smile
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Van Xuan Jun 2020
It's raining again

It's always like this
Every time rain starts
My mood starts to plummet

As the rain drops on the ground
It echoes loudly
On my hollow heart
regretti Jun 2020
Thread, hangs a marionette
Dancing in glee, striding
On a lake, youthful cygnet
Above, ripples resonating

Empty, the thoughts hollowed out
Plasters imprinted with faces
All day, all night, an empty throat
A spectacle, clanging dances

A husk, his body aboveground
His body, plastered, his face, red
Supine, his thoughts, praying to God
Hanging above, by flimsy thread
Do not live like a marionette, a hollowed husk with strings attached to your arms and feet.
I'm not dead
Just screaming inside
I'm not dead
Just stuck in my mind

I'm sinking beneath the waves
The voices crashing round and round
Every time I come gasping up
I push me right back down

Gotta hold on
Remember the light
Gotta hold on and remember
The day divides the night
basil May 2020
her smile was all
that i needed

the laugh tumbling
from her lips
drenched in 'aloha coconut' chapstick
the only thing i allowed myself to

without her
i am a hollowed out rind
sitting on the
sidewalk, with
the chalk fading away because of the drizzle
no one
to draw in the lines
because she and i
were the only ones
that ever played
i love you, and i miss you so much, blue eyes. one day i'll show you all these poems.

Amanda Kay Burke May 2020
I spent my last birthday in tears
I won't make that mistake again

Walking in the woods to clear my thoughts
With birds keeping me melodic company

I give a round of applause after their impromptu performance

The attention they receive from me is the attention I hope for on my special day this year
The way they they make their exit is the way I wish I could make my entrance
On wings
Landing from an elegant flight fashionably late

But bones are not quite hollow enough yet
And I'll cry if I want to
muteD May 2020
what a mess
in the flesh.
and i contest
you to confess
that i am in fact
a pest.
Written Feb. 15
anna Apr 2020
Broken, hollowed out
I lie in a spiral of
My mind. Dead to all.
Is this a haiku?
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