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Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2015
My spirits are low
No more inspiration
No matter the perspiration
The stars have refused to glow
It's probably because I'm happy
But why should happy make ******
And poems not worthwhile
Well feel like frowning this smile
Even just for a little while
I wish inspiration was at a dial
Well, sorry poets, not feeling like poetry since I received an email that I made it through to the Barclays young leaders mentoring program..
My essay was among the best.So I have a lot of anxiety and strange emotions.
So used to feeling empty, I even don't know how to be happy anymore :o
There was a light in my heart,
Illuminating straight into the depths of my fears.
Way far away from the red embedded on my lips.
There was a light,
Beyond the glow

Pretty as I looked,
The joy I felt, was nothing compared to the beauty I saw..
For it was a joy,
Beyond the glow of my gloss.

The joy brought by the beauty in my hard work,
The beauty of achieving my goals,
The glory in the satisfaction of the dreams I dreamt.
That is;
Beyond the glow.
Damian Murphy May 2015
Dreams, hopes, wishes and aspirations
Will never amount to very much,
Without hard work and dedication
They will forever remain as such.
Àŧùl May 2015
When I was roughly your age,
I too sought to break the cage,
And I had that newfound rage.

When I was posed with attractions,
I too was brought to distractions,
And I had the highest visions.

When I was counted among the cream,
I too sought to keep the bigger dream,
And I thought that I had the better team.

When I was expecting my team will help me learn,
I too turned a robot and stopped trying to yearn,
And I knew not that there was more than money to earn.

When I was supposed to learn flying,
I too was totally busy in dreaming,
And I knew not how later I'd be feeling.
But now it's too late to fix the past,
Avoid the same mistakes as I made,
Fly high buddy & toil even harder.

Trust me when I assure you that karma will reward you suitably.

You have this opportunity, just make good use of it and give it your best.

My HP Poem #861
©Atul Kaushal
Life is rough, life is tough.
Life is complex but becomes simple when you don't compete.
Own a style. and see it to the end.
And devotion will bring you success.

Don't hide your potentials for fear of failure; please let the, fly.
And on wings as eagle your spirit, in confidence will forever soar high.
Be ready to take corrections though; it's sure worth the try.
Success comes when you endure.
Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2015
You go for more or settle for less
Run after them or go at your own pace
You can climb higher and higher
You can always get what you want
None should tell you that you can't
If you can proceed, you shouldn't retire
You can soar higher than the sky
You can poke your limits in the eye
Ahead lies a wonderful reward
Go for it, focus on moving forward
You can change your little story
By constructing yourself greater glory
Navigate the icy unchattered waters
You can go beyond the definate borders
Nothing about their words matters
You can disapprove your doubters
You can hit the spot, if you truly aim
You can change the rules of the game
Notes (optional)
Moks Sulayman Apr 2015
I don't remember yesterday,
I can't redo it today.
I don't see any big change,
I can't even recall my original age.

I kept thinking of the past
And I realized time moves fast.
All memories trapped in a glass,
A reflection of that past.

I have captured many moments.
People placed it in portraits.
I'll forever be your mini time machine,
Along with my partners, the films and the batteries.

Yours truly,
This poem was a project for our philosophy subject and i just knew about this on the d-day(submission day). We were task to make a poem about an object and i had to do this in only 3 minutes. I hope i did good.
I remember being chained to the floor
My mouth stitched shut by threads of doubt
Not knowing if I'd been locked away in an abyss
Or if my eyes had been seared blind by all the pain I chose to see
All breaths were heaving burdens
And I could feel my heartbeat slowing but did not have the will to use it to trace the passing time
What could I do?
Was there a word, a spell to unlock the hold placed upon me
If I could only clear away all the trauma and tragedy
But nothing, I could find nothing
I remember crying to the sound of voices telling me I would end and waste away here
They laughed as they told me I was meant to die
Screaming I tugged viciously at my shackles
Nothing, I could feel nothing
But then my moment came
Something gave way the chain had certainly loosened
That night or day or moment void of time
I bit down ******* my own flesh as I begged my body to fight for me
Despite the blood trickling off my fingertips
Hours, no it could have been days
I wouldn't have known the difference between seconds and weeks
But through curses and agony I split my chains
And I tore open flesh and stitches to let my cry of victory echo
I remember laying my fingers over every crevice of that chamber
Still blind to anything that lie beyond my cell of self inflicted torture
Surely there was a way to escape
I scanned over the room until I could find the walls without reaching out
I found myself stranded and the voices came back to mock my feeble attempts at freedom
And I cried and cried and cried
I remember growing a fire in my heart with the burn of determination to survive
Begging it to quicken and bless me with the will to fight
And that is when I began to climb
Oh how many times I fell and cursed my foolish hope
Only to convice myself to scale the wall once more
Sweat raining off my back
At last I caught a whiff of something alive and fresh
And titled my head up
Proceeding to choke on my own breath
How long had it been since I'd witnessed the glory of light
And with layers of skin stripped from my fingertips
I clawed my way up to flat land for my final battleNow I'm looking down on the endless pit I jumped into
And here is what I will remember
As I breath air both crisp and smooth
Savoring flowers unique scent and tastes
I will remember that the only reason I now take every advantage of our golden sun
By absorbing all and every ray of light
Is because of every ounce of effort and energy
I poured into gaining back my open skied world
Every drop of blood
Every anger soaked tear
Every fear filled drip of sweat
Made my journey a success
There was no miracle, no spell
Just a straight uphill battle matched only by my own will to thrive
And so there is no forgetting
That this was more than worth it

C.N. / Words written in the sky that is my mind
Erin Schwartz Mar 2015
In life
You realize there is a difference between living
And living
One may go through life wondering what could be
Others may go through life having everything they want to get finished, finished
Why go through life wondering
When you can wonder on and discover what is all around you

There will always be a need to see new things
Whether it be sights, people or foods
But what about happiness
Some people go through life wondering what it would be like to see happiness
While others seek more than that

For me, happiness is sometimes found
But also sometimes lost
It's discovered and rediscovered a million times over
But how can that be true when happiness isn't truly a thing to find

Happiness is an idea you have to create for yourself  
It doesn't just happen
So why do people sit around and expect happiness to just waltz on into their lives

I realize now I have to work to find the happiness I have been longing for
Feelings of fulfillment and joy don't just come to you
They have to be created through the mind set of positivity

How can you expect it to rain in the middle of a drought without praying first
So my question for you is
How can you expect happiness to come to you without actually working for it
Jeffrey Pua Feb 2015
Those hands,
Cleaned with our clothes,
Washed with the rice,
Rough like these days
Are feet that kept me going.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
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