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pri Aug 2018
his voice is like smoke and stars,
and a sad soft guitar,
outlined with hope.

so much hope
-so much strength,
so much that’s gone.

you look up to the skies
-something beautiful has happened,
and now you’ve begun to face the tragedy that came with it.

feet move to the beat,
a hand pulls you along,
but that hand let go.

and suddenly your
feet are made of stone,
dance no longer.

he understands,
and translates.
velvet, hope, heartbreak.

it’s not just lovers,
it’s not just lovers,
that cause heartbreak.

you and us and all of us,
we were good and we did it
-we broke each other’s hearts.

nobody really knew,
but even though you,
you didn’t know me.

you became the closest person,
because i didn’t have anyone,
or let anyone hold me while i cried.

but you -just you,
you did hold me somehow,
everything you did was like a blanket.

when i doubted them,
when they weren’t enough,

a warm embrace,
a translator for a girl without words,
smoke, stars, and soft guitar.
inspired by brendon urie (dying in LA)
Tarik Aug 2018
To strum this guitar is for naught. Strumming the strum of the guitar of the guitar. The the guitar is for naught. For naught is the strum. Strumming strum strummy in the strum of the of the guitar.

Would she be enticed? She would be strumming. Would she be be strumming the strum of the guitar?          She would not be the the strum. I strum the D and the A strums the B and it all comes to the G string. Would I not if I did strum the G if I strummed it so?

Maybe yes.
Maybe yes.
Maybe maybe maybe no.

Shall I have a glass of jack and coke? If I should not should I strum the G of the jack of the jack and the coke? Should she be she be not? Do I dare to         entice? If I should dare to not should should I find the jack?

I should call should I call if I do if I don’t? What have I to do but strum and strum and drink and drink and think of the flat note? I will call. Will it pickup?

The taste of Jack is acquired it is. It is acquired and acquired      and not for her. She’s a rosé and what can it be that a cheap whisky can amount to a fine wine? It cannot and I cannot. I cannot and will I call will I again?

Will I strum strum the gun of the sun? Will I find the gun will it find the sun and will it it will not find her?

How about a game of poker? I play a mean game a game I play. Please please do play with me. If you would please then please oblige. If not then please do. If do it would make all of it worth it.

2 of a kind.
Full House
Royal flush.


It is midnight I should be off. Off I shall just strum and never bother. Never shall I bother and never shall I be bothered.
I wasn't on drugs when I wrote this, but I sure felt like I was.

I made this poem in the style of Gertrude Stein. It was for an extra credit assignment in my Humanities class.
The passion infused plucking
like each note has a soul of its own

The high notes like pinpricks
Low notes like a loud heartbeat

The sound of content loneliness that taught me happiness

The tempo slows like water shying away from the shore

Peace born out of urgency
Love born out of technicality

The hours given to the tone, timing and tempo
The effort in perfectly letting go

Perfectly unique every time
just close enough to be the same

The beauty in form
The form in beauty
I would love some constructive criticism
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Can I join your band?

Would you let me sing a song for you?
Could I come play bass guitar for you?
Would you like me to roll a spliff for you?
Would you like me to play this riff for you?

I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
Could you listen up?  Can you hear me man?

I need to reach up for the stars,
I need to drive a jaguar.
I need to travel near and far
And sing rock ‘n’ roll straight from the heart.

Because I’m a man and you’re the band
And this is what you’re missing friend.
Someone who can make up a song,
Someone who can help you rock the world.

I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
Could you listen up?  Can you hear me man?

Could I join you, up on the stage?
Could I write you a song to sing?
Could I scream with you full of rage?
Could I become a part of your hit record machine?

I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
Could you listen up?  Can you hear me man?

So what do you say?  Can I join the band?
Can I come and play my bass guitar for you man?
Could I help you write the occasional song?
If you like this, then just sing along.

I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
I wanna be part of your rock ‘n’ roll band,
Could you listen up?  Can you hear me man?

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Catastrophe Jul 2018
Use me, play my heartstrings like they are that guitar you got in middle school and forgot about. I’m just as forgettable. Keep me in your closet until you find the urge to clean your space and take me out to reminisce, then put me back, because I am too hard to let go, but too hard to look at because we never amounted to anything.
If you hold me long enough, maybe the desire you once had would reignite and we could learn the love songs that you wanted to sing. But you don’t hold me for long, you pluck at my strings a few times out of nostalgia, and place me back into hiding.
Maxim Keyfman Jul 2018
I awake and I wake up
After I'm going eating food
And last I'm play the guitar and listen songs
Ohh yeah yeah yeah
Ohh yeah yeah yeah

It's my morning
It's my morning
It's my morning
Ohh yeah yeah yeah
Ohh yeah yeah yeah

Sometimes I fall out of bed
And sometimes even the cat bites
Or eat mosquitoes whether it is winter or summer
Ohh yeah yeah yeah
Ohh yeah yeah yeah

Its my morning
It my maybe good morning
Its my freaking morning
Ohh morning
Ooh morning
Ooh freaking morning
Ooh morning

Debbie Brindley Jun 2018
Immerse me in your music
Let your melody
dance upon my skin
Surround me
in the notes you play
****** me from within
The music takes over
My body starts to sway
Emotion flows from your guitar
It's rhythm taking me away
On a journey
to where there is nothing
but your music surrounding me
Encasing my whole body
in the beauty
of its lyrical melody
My husband was a fabulous guitarist. I miss hearing him play
Steelyvibe Jun 2018
In the dark a crowd had gathered
And all the stars were there
The hacks were writing history
The girls just stood and stared
A trio of shadows arose
But my eyes could not gauge
Till a six string crucifix
Was rising from the stage
Then the air was cut with music
Rhythmic demons from his gaze
Voltage dreams and electric themes
It was Hendrix purple haze

He took the fret board higher
And made the distortion sing
Fingers moved like lightening
Picking across the strings
We thought he was a vision
A remnant of the past
A journey back from voodoo
Enlightenment that couldn't last
His face was lit with colors
And songs a cryptic maze
He gave us soul and made us whole
It was Hendrix purple haze

The night went on for ever
Burning the scratch plate
If I don't see you in this world
In the next don't be late
Is this the electric lady land
Slight return of voodoo chile
Meeting of a vibrant soul
The resurrection of his smile
The show eventually comes to an end
The stars turn into rays
Forgotten tear, he was never here
It was Hendrix purple haze
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