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Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2018
I was lost before I met you
I did not know where I was going
Needed to meet the right person
To get slow motivation flowing

I was broken, scared, and alone
You came along, made me whole
Took the past pain I felt
Lent comfort to my face and soul

You made the choice to be happy with me
Life has been better since that day
I have a reason to keep pushing forward
When skies are dark, still, and grey.
Thank you for taking a risk with your heart
e J Apr 2018
My world was monochromatic
Full of one basic color scheme
But now it’s full of varying shades
More stunning than anything I’ve ever seen
He brings me a mood of many hues
Never ceasing to put put the mind to ease
Because before him I knew only shades of grey
And now I have more color than I’ll ever need
I wasn't even thinking about 50 shades while writing this I only just noticed when I titles my paper haha
mk Apr 2018
i am in a haze today. it is cloudy and beautiful outside. it is also pressing down on my chest and i struggle for air. i wore your shirt to bed last night and it helped steady my oxygen supply. i wish you were here to say my name and speak to me in my native tongue to remind who i am and where i've come from. i'm forgetting everything, slowly. recreating yourself is only good when you haven't done it five thousand times over. i just want to be me now. but how do i become me if there is no you? pick me up from the library and walk me to class. hold my hand and tell me that you will stay with me no matter how grey the sky is or how cold my fingers feel.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

There is an old grey man sitting on the floor,
Looking at his reflection in the mirror.
He thinks to himself: What could have been?
What could I have changed?
To change the past and the things that I've seen?

No man deserves to see, the things we saw.
A collective unit, marching to war.
Thankfully now, I don't recall it all,
Just the men that I had killed.
I saw them all, with that look on their face,
That look that just makes me, feel so ashamed.

They were just kids, the same as us,
All just playing, at being soldiers,
All knowing the seriousness, of it all
And still all of us, were willing to ****,
Or be killed, by another kid with a rifle,
Just like the first one, that I killed.

But here's my best friend, to make me feel better,
Hello, Jack Daniels, I'll just get you a glass.
Ah that's better, I can't think anymore,
I think I'll just change the video and watch something else.

Oh what's this in here, Saving Private Ryan?
Oh, I haven't seen this in a while.
I'll just put it on and pour another whisky
And after this, I'll go to sleep.

Hmm, that's better, time for a drink I think,
Ah good Ol' Jack, always a good drink.
Oh it's six in the morning; I'd better get up,
Think I'll have a drink and then go for a walk.

But first I'll have a drink and see what's on the Telly,
Where's the ice, **** this weather.
Ah good Ol' Jack, let's see what's in the video shall we?
Oh it's that film I put on last night, when I fell asleep.

Saving Private Ryan?  Oh I haven't seen this in a while.
But remembering the lads, always makes me smile.
I'll just put it on and pour another whisky,
Then maybe I'll have a little snooze,
Before I get something to eat.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
-df Apr 2018
do you still believe?
that if you close your eyes
you’ll dream once more.
of a world we built
under the glow of stars.

each night as i pull the covers tight around me,
i wonder if you still dream
with me. of me. of us.

i must be insane to still stay up,
waiting for you to crawl back under,
to these once vibrant dreams now turned grey.

but you know what they say about dreams,
‘don’t give up on them.’
and that is the reason why after all this time,
still i keep sticking glow in the dark stars up on my ceiling.
may they light the way back to dreamland.

{d.f. | 04/04/18}
this was kinda inspired by, you guessed it, the greatest showman's "a million dreams," i love that song. so. freaking. much. (so many tears.)
smokey basil Apr 2018
i am sitting on a cobalt blue stool
in your placid, dull kitchen
with my head in my hands.
you're gone.

there is a hazy
veil of grey
that covers the late
afternoon sky
and a stagnant silence
stretching to the ceiling.

everything is still;
the empty glass
in front of the
vacant violet vase
your ill-fitting
jean jacket
that is lying on the
dark wood.

my stomach crawls around.
my eyes are almost shut.
my legs are numb.
you are not here.

only the clock ticks,

and tocks.
It's been a couple of weeks since I've written but I have a lot of drafts I'll hopefully finish soon.
A Apr 2018
Everything is grey,
The sunrise is so muted,
Drowning everything,
It cannot be disputed,
Everything is grey.

Everything is grey,
No happiness, no strife,
My hands, my thoughts,
My dreams, my life,
Everything is grey.

I watch from a place far away,
A silent, lonely visitor,
I don't like to stay,
Because, because, because,
Everything is grey.
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