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R Jun 2014
We went on a date tonight.
Not the sort of "normal" date considering
my sister was there and we couldn't act as
a couple because it is frowned upon with
my family and many others (not that it matters
about the others)
. But, nethertheless, it was beautiful.
You are beautiful. Even with makeup on, you are beautiful.
With deep copper and black shimmering lids and
pin-point straight hair (unlike your usual lioness curls)
and your gorgeous laugh, it was so breathtakingly hard
to not stare at you throughout the night, darling.
I looked over at you when you had your first tea
(another first for you, I seem to always be your first for everything) and I felt something I haven't exactly been feeling lately,
pure love for you.

I felt the purest form of love for you in that moment.
I watched you as you mixed in some cream in the
"London Fog" tea (My new favorite...Also Sherlocks...Interesting.)
and I put in a sugar cube or two and watched as you sipped.
Your lips touched the cup gracefully, just like they when they kiss my lips. And my heart grew immensely when I realized I was falling in love with you all over again.

I have been constantly in love with you, my love hasn't stopped, and I don't plan on it ever stopping. But, sometimes I forget to appreciate the beautiful things around me, and sadly, that sometimes includes you.
You are beautiful, and I fell in love with you again.
I know we didn't touch much, and I know it wasn't everything you
wished for it to be, but my God, it was the most perfect time
in all of the Universes history.

I applaud you, darling, for making everything I do and live for seem so important... And for loving me while I fall in love with you
over and over again.
It was a Sherlock themed date with tea and soup and yumminess and mystery and it was great. I loved it and I love her. L<3
I know its love, but I just HAD to write about tonight(:
Joann Rolleston Jun 2014
Just think when you're sick of working
someones desperate for any job
someones got 4 jobs and still can't pay their bills

Just think when you're down
someones contemplating suicide
someones been diagnosed with terminal cancer

Just think when you're hungry
someones really starving
someones watching their child die

Just think when you're aching
someones yelling the pain is so much
someones screaming tortured for just being

Just think for a moment
step outside of yourself
for just 5 minutes
Be grateful for every single day
stop sulking about **** that doesn't matter
MBishop Jun 2014
I'm off to a wedding tomorrow
My plus one being the empty seat waiting for a mystery to sit itself down in it

Oh, about that wedding tomorrow?
The bride has a request....
Don't question the groom
And attempt to be a polite guest
Don't upstage the figure in center stage
And for the love of demands, be mindful of the dress
He's spent months and she's spent years
Leading up to this utopian day
Of white cake and dry tears
For those two words, sealing a promise of eternal affection, to be said
Ending a possible life of possible dread
And the fear of solitude to remain as that, just a fear

Such a seemingly simple request, don't you think?
The wedding tomorrow is sure to be worth a drink
Allow me to capture this essence of love
Marriage being such an on-the-brink

I'm off to a wedding tomorrow
My plus one being the grateful empty seat waiting for the solved mystery to kindly make its way to another bridesmaid
Natasha Jun 2014
I send my hopes
and universal powers above
hoping you feel
nothing but
the eternal forces of love.

That your tired soul
may rest,
for its eternal age
letting all past pain
of long gone days
fade away.

For every soul that met yours,
and looked eye to eye
opened their souls
and spilled their guts
when they found out you died.

And I,
distant as I seem
hope that somewhere,  somehow
you are following
your dreams.

May his young soul rest in peace
One of my childhood elementary friends (a boy who used to tease me over my curly hair actually) just died today of a drug overdose.
It just so happens, that I saw him by mere coincidence yesterday walking down the street. Mere hours later he would be dead.
Never to ever accidentally encounter that soul again
life is so very very fragile
Blue Jay Jun 2014
You are the reason I am so strong,
Why I can withstand any storm.
You taught me at a young age how to love life and adore it all,
The ups, the downs, the heartaches, even the rock bottom falls.

I remember being young and with you on the bridge of San Francisco.
It was freezing, foggy, felt like it was below zero.
But when you held me up to see the world At that moment I knew
You were going to be the only man who could ever pick me up at the moments I needed it most.
My greatest hero, would be you.

You are everything I could have asked for in a dad and more.
God knew you would be the only one who could handle me.
But I'm not sure if you even knew what you were in for.

I look up to you and I'll follow you until the end,
Like the moon guides the tides, As long as you're in my life I know I'll always have a bestfriend.

You have molded my mind and soul
And for that I will be forever grateful.
You are more than a father to me,
*You are everything I've ever wanted to be.
Crossyde Gimp Jun 2014
It was just me my pen and pad
then you brought the platform and gave me courage to start
I had doubts, fears and thought I wasn't up to the task
But your grace brought me thus far; all I did was ask
For giving me a voice that the world desires to hear
I owe you every word my pen will forever say
As for the journey thus far, here's my only plea
If the lord had not been by my side there would have been no me
The feeling i get sometimes when I look at the wealth of potential God has placed in me.... The best expression to describe the awesome wonder is nothing but "WOW"
nichole r Jun 2014
Even through the wars,
When society kicked my feet out from under me,
Even when my knees were scraped and bloodied,
When hot fire tears burned my chapped lips,
Even when I snapped like a worn rubber band,
Whipping your skin and making you yelp,
Even when my words were dipped in poison with barb wired tips,
You were there.

With your white silk feathers,
And permanent glow,
And undying flames in the hushed snow.
Holding out your hands,
Palms facing the sky,
Pulling me off the dusty floor, covered with glass shards.

The words are too hard
To leave my soft lips,
So I write a quiet message
That should be screamed from rooftops:

Thank you.
I wrote this for my parents, who never give up on me.
Ayman Zain Jun 2014
Dear mother,
I love you and I miss all the kisses from you
You are the nearest thing to my heart
There is nothing. Nothing that can separate us apart.
The way you treat me good.
And the way I treat you like a ****.
I'm really sorry for all those hard times I was rude to you.
But don't worry cause I have the white card
I'll draw your face like a Mona Lisa art.
It's not that smart.
Because with your beautiful face nothing topples the charts.
And I can't say much, after you fed me, dressed me and raised me a man so that I can understand that this life is like a tin can and I'm trapped inside it just like Peter Pan.
May I clap my hands and stand to the greatest angel to ever walk on the ground we stand.
First poem I ever wrote at the age of 11
Fatima Zahid May 2014
Every time I look at you I just smile
All my unconditional love building up for you in an enormous pile
My whole life is spent trying to repay you
For all your endless guidance and clues
Without you I doubt that I  would be here writing this for you today
The reason I am is  because of your endless prayers
I don't know how to let you know
How much you have helped my confidence grow
Every single bit of me that broke off
You were right there to cure me of that cough
No matter how much I write and say
It will never, ever be enough
Enough to thankyou
And repay you
And most importantly
I will never be able to show you the love you show me
*I love you mama
Happy Mother's day to the best mama in the world, I am truly grateful for having you in my life; I hope I die before you because I know that I  will not be able to survive a single day without you.
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