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Chloë Fuller Dec 2014
you found me right before i got lost again
distrust and ******* make my shell more spacious and comfortable
the lion wasn't as docile as he seemed, so I ran inwards

right before my eyes lost sight of the light
two hands pulled me out
from the inside
and made me sparkle again
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
Their path so smooth.
Their destination so near;
But I tread path much crude.
My destination so unclear.

'Why God is so cruel';
They pity looking at me.
But poor they, I pity them.
Wish to lend my eyes to see.

O God! I am so grateful to you;
For your favour on me.
Sweetness of water is known;
But to only a man thirsty.
It's propped against the wall,
anxiously awaiting to be played
sometimes it takes week
but often just a day

When she takes it in her hands
and begins to tune it up
it wakes up from its sleep
feeling the comfort of her touch

As she starts to strum along
the flowing melody is found
her voice begins to rise
my heart smiles at the sound

Eavesdropping just to hear her
because she doesn't understand
how I'm overwhelmed with joy
and that I'm her biggest fan

It's not the way she plays
or how beautiful she sings
it's the humbleness she shows
and the serenity it brings

To have that kind of passion
without needing to be praised
my daughter's gift sent from above
gratefully received in many ways
Paul Butters Dec 2014
Rejoice and cheer!
We are here!
In golden sun,
We are number one.

Be grateful for what we’ve got,
Even though it’s not a lot.
Forget that stress,
You’re NOT in such a mess
As you think you are,
In fact you’re a star.

Think Positive I say,
Knowing it’s a cliché.
Yes, every dog has his day.

With special thanks to thee,
Readers of HP.
Thanks for all those Views and comments,
I love it when they come in torrents.
Like it when you like my stuff;
Without such feedback, life is tough.

Let’s celebrate all that we call ‘Good’.
Let Joy immerse us, in a flood.

Paul Butters
Inspired by an article on how to fight stress by "being grateful" about good things.
There were days
she felt as if she were drowning
in an ocean of
expectations, failure, and fear

She knew that feeling
wouldn't last long though
because God had a way
of reminding her
that she had learned
how to swim

For that
     she was
A Dec 2014
We met at that UES Pub
Almost three years ago
And we ended up getting closer
Than she who introduced us to each other.

So much history engraved
In the diamonds we sold.
Moments when it’s just us in a room typing,
Talking about our past and common dreams.

Laughter and our hold on our faith
It’s what glues us together.
All the late nights at the office with music blasting
We sing along and continue working.

We were made to be in sync,
From knowing each other’s thoughts without speaking
To that silent, judging look we share
Then chortling because things happen for "a reasons."

You are the other half of me,
From our same decibel laugh and partner appetites
To the fact that I fit in your clothes
During unplanned sleepover nights.

I might not have replied
Mostly because I was too busy hugging you and crying
But yes, and I know your heart knows this
You are my NY best friend too.
Suzy Hazelwood Dec 2014
The old woman who lives next door
she asked of you today
she guessed you’d gone
she knows our world has broken

She heard our voices raised
the slam of the door when you left
and me
wailing in the hall at this ****** hollow life

You thought she was mad
an old *****
self obsessed
with flea ridden cats
that’s because you never took the time
to discover the woman

She told me
he left forty years today
without a word
slammed the door
just like you
and she waited
waited in the company of her cats
waited...for him

Cats are her love
she cares for them
and in return they adore her

Isn’t love what matters
even if it’s only a cat
who loves you?

If every person you’d ever known
turned the other way
wouldn’t you also be grateful
for the love of a cat?
A Dec 2014
Today I woke up with lightness.
I felt it's healing glow
Moving from my heart to my toes.

It is a calm I prayed for.
How glorious as it wraps all of me
In a quiet strength winds only know.

It is as if all the poison
From aching bitterness dissipated overnight
For I only have silent clarity.

We were meant to have
That passionate, self-destructive moment
So our fires could dance and die out together.

I cannot hate you, dorky man.
In flickering moments, I saw you.
Naughty you who always warmed my skin so cold.

Your ocean eyes belong elsewhere
Never to me.
So I hope for your happiness.

Your playful heart deserves that
As does my giggly one
But far away from each other, separately.
A year to end
within it …~
Many of  untold
stories of time

A new journey  
to discover…~
So as this heart
would learn to

As this year
says goodbye…~
Let thy new songs
serenade my soul.

While this fruit
my present was…~
Am being thankful
and grateful.

Because in Thee,
Words in tune.
So, that this spirit
may fills with ~ gladness.
Lynn Greyling Nov 2014
As a passer-by I only watch
across a darkened room,
marvelling at your healing touch
that turns the searing sting
in my burning heart to one
that doesn’t burn as much.
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