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Joshua Michael May 2018
Dismayed and confused, alone
Alone i stay as the city rumbles
no one bats an eye, they all march on

The cab leaves as you smile a goodbye
Me, i just stand alone and cry
Gone she is , a little wander of life

I try to hide my sorrows
But its hard, hard to say bye
Bye to an angel who gave life
Life back to my mind and soul

I will miss my little wanderer
I will miss having the comfort
Comfort of someone who cares
Cares not just for me
But cares for who i was,am and will be
I miss you ....
skyler Apr 2018
that is the scary part of love
you are allowing
someone to change you
but my god darling
you were my metamorphosis

you made me a better person
skyler Apr 2018
you were the best mistake
i've ever made
and i couldn't have asked
to fall in love
with anyone

like a day
there's darkness
you can't see everything
the stars are so far away
when the light comes
you'll be grateful
because you can see everything
you then find your way
and you know how to appreciate a good thing
5h30: First Alarm. Snooze. Urgh.                 Bed.

7h00: Awake. Running late.                          Hustle.

Traffic selfie. To long distance friends.       Smile.

Work. Cheeky wink from work wife.        "You look great"

12h00: Lunch. Rooftop Carpark                   The View.

17h30: Late afternoon coffee. Gym.             Motivated.

19h30: Home. Dinner.                                    Stuffed.

22h00: Bed.        Find something to be         Grateful             for.
Ryan P Kinney Apr 2018
Charity, you say
I should be grateful for a free meal
I earn a “living” wage
No longer a minimum wage peon
Thanks to my unpaid student debt
And yet, still
I eat from food banks

For my lunch break each day
No longer than 30 minutes
I watch others go out to eat
And I eat my PBnJ
That ****** congealed jelly falls mostly into the bag
And I decide it’s not worth the effort

Last night’s dinner:
Another cake or sugar-laden death note
Given graciously.
I just skipped dinner instead

Grateful, I should be
For a week’s worth of food
Only allowed to be rationed once a month

Variety is foreign to these faith-based organizations
Shelf life is king
Taste and nutrition are optional coincidences

Thanks to them I will never eat another raisin or can of tuna
I am sick of trying to make 2 lbs of ground turkey or a pack of hot dogs stretch two weeks
With 1 lb of rice

I’m grateful
I’m eating
My 5 year old is
Grateful all the way to my rising cholesterol, impending diabetes, and rotting teeth

I make too much for government sponsored insurance
And not enough to pay for what I need
I am the gap generation
Slammed into a stress walled coffin
Between homelessness and eternal devastating debt

Because I am overweight and out of shape
Because I don’t look poor and starving
Because I “get” to sit all day behind a desk

All it took was 6 years of letting the government forever make me their indentured servant

That at least I’m not dead on the outside yet
Elaine Mar 2018
There once was a girl
Who wept in secret
And screamed in silence
The depths of her suffering
Unknown but to one
A special girl
A wonderful friend
Who is the reason she never gave up
Who wiped away the oceans of tears
And called to her in loudest of silences
A friend to whom the girl will be eternally grateful
For my dearest friend, who has stuck with me through tough times. There aren't enough words to describe how thankful I am for her
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2018
I am grateful every day
For all the small things you do
Because I know when i am older
It's the little things I'll hold onto
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.
-Robert Brault
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