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Richard Frank Jan 2020
I want to be forgotten,
Like the sun during the night
I want to be forgotten,
Like the history buried in past

I want to be forgotten,
Like the people who were once known
I want to be forgotten
Like the happy memories, we always had

I want to be forgotten,
Like what you did to me

Always remember to forget me
Without a trace
                              Without a face
A name no longer used
           Eyes that are no longer met
                     Hands that don't feel
   Ears that don't hear
              Leaving no memories
  Leaving no legacy
             Is that what it means to be
Are you forgotten? How would you even tell?
Nilia Loh Dec 2019
Forget Me Not,
Despite our knots.
Forget you Not,
Despite those rots.

Forget Me Not,
Though we've fought.
Forget You Not,
Though we're naught.

Forget Me Not,
When all is fraught.
Forget You Not,
When all is wrought.
An old poem I'm posting regarding someone whom was very important in my life that has forgotten me at this point :)
Robby Dec 2019
I’m a single heartbeat
The blinking of an eye
A crash of lightning
A single drop of rain falling
Will you miss me?
Or forget me?
Grey Dec 2019
My life is like an iPad, once so full of energy and light.
Once so quick to learn, to play, to grow.

And then –

The light flickers out.

Why would anyone see something in it?
Why would anyone try to mend the unmendable?

Keiya Tasire Dec 2019
Winter is here
Yet it is not yet Christmas
Not yet Winter Solstice
Nor Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the Essene New Year!
It is snowing in my heart
It feels like winter.
It must be winter!

Sitting, being warmed by the fire
Comforted by the touch of soft fur
Fur Babe, Habibie, I love you
Aaron's, Stephan's, Connors, Kevin's, Maria's birthdays
Singing with the Christmas Choir
Silver Bells and Deck the Halls
Evergreen trees, popcorn garland
Snowman soup
Gingerbread Cookies hung
On the boughs with red and green ribbons
Sharing gifts, laughter, hugs and joy
Christmas morning stockings
Filled with an orange, cinnamon roll
A few simple pleasures
Pass the Ibarra, please....

Why all the fuss? Continue to keep it simple!
Wrapped up in my fuzzy, two sided warm blanket

The comfort of my kitten and tears  
Lifting my heart from my feet
Yes, it is still in one piece.

Finding the  Christmas Cards and notes to write.
Creating, to  celebrate those close to us
It is time to create new memories
And keep the Holiday Spirit alive.
Today I am missing my adult children and grandchildren. We live far apart from each other and traveling is not as easy as I had once thought. Yet I gather myself together and get on with it.  By getting out of myself and invite the neighbors over to celebrate the season. Write Christmas  and create birthday posts to send.  It is helpful for me to  take a bit of time to grieve, and then celebrate life.
Annie Cynthia Dec 2019
I feel nothing,
I am made of rubber and spice.
I sway meaningless to meaningful songs,
laugh without a sparkle in my eyes.

I feel nothing,
I talk and laugh all day,
I sit and stare at night.
I am this loud silence deafening the earth.

I feel nothing,
Violins playing in cemeteries,
skeletons dancing to merry tones.
I look at them with dead eyes.

I feel nothing,
I am numb.
I am the sun and the moon.
The dark and the light.

I feel nothing,
I am not present here.
I am a forgotten corpse,
mistakenly breathing and emptily alive.
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