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Poetic T Apr 2020
Eternity promised me a moment,
             but forgot the time..

I was just a passing thought,

Akira Apr 2020
You're a book,
a good book
that will
never be
Books are remembered if it's good.
I will always remember you, my love.
Eduardo Interior Apr 2020
Rendering summer’s mid day
Looking back at autumn’s memories
A warm winter having winds of may
Yonder saddened by tears of enormities

It is a difficult and intertwined world
Little by little we became distant
We became obsess with wealth
Forgotten to what is more important

What will words could ever be
Thoughts, farthest words form probably
In the place rainbow born and dies
And where the end of this life lies

When do you think people die?
When the heart stops beating?
When the body is as cold as ice?
No, it’s when.. they’re forgotten
Debbie Lydon Apr 2020
Feeling those micro abandonments like the setting sun upon my amygdala's shore,
No longer residing in my mind's old tenemants, I can see only strangers at my left-side door,
Wreathed in layer upon layer of distrust, I cannot open myself up anymore,
I couldn't bear to see your bold stars dimmed by the enveloping mist of what came before.

What kind of existence will find me tomorrow, if any existence at all?
I've been begging for another's burdens to borrow, mine can no longer make me fall,
I'm learning that in my old mirror and shame, I can sometimes see the face of Saul,
Blind in my wandering and bashful in blame, I am forever lost in the stories I cannot recall.
Christina Fong Apr 2020
made sure mama recorded the new episode
of sailor moon every afternoon
my eighth grade euphoria got me through homework
love and justice were worth the wait
couldn't discuss my obsession of tuxedo mask
with my friends until school the next day
i had their numbers memorized but never dared call
unless it was about homework
even then i digested my heartbeat when their parents answered
the phone

in those days the popular girls would write lyrics
backstreet or nsync
battled over which was better by
displaying their fandom on the front covers of their
three-ring binders
while i took 3 hours on aol
waiting to download and print pictures
of apolo ohno and michelle kwan
and some pretty boy actor
whose name i don't remember

my friends wrote letters in a morning glory-like
journal we exchanged between us
once a week
the secrets of our heart
random roaming thoughts
current obsessions
eye candy crushes
in fifth period
whatever happened to that journal?
i think it's in a box under my bed

i took a snapshot of us
under the shade of our lunchtime tree
senior year of high school
the last time i used a camera to document
a single moment in time
before instant came into being
before selfies were a thing
and delay faded
a forgotten dream
Eitten S Apr 2020
like the money you leave in your jeans
i am washed until i am no longer new
i am thin and easily breakable
yet when you find me,
you are delighted
because i stayed

but i just wish that next time i will completely dissolve
because you will forget me again
like the money in your jeans
Philip Lawrence Apr 2020
Sirens fill the empty canyons, heralds of a deadly spring,
while the images repeat and repeat and repeat across the screen.
Masked faces telling desperate stories of flooded hallways
and gasping hours, of fear, exhaustion, and despair,
of knocks on nursing home windows, of face-time deaths,
and worse, the prospect of triage roulette.

But outside, many fall silently, alone, as they lived,
remembered only by a neighbor’s tardy knock,
or atop the sidewalk grate, as they lived, and have now passed,
quietly, still forgotten, untallied in the daily count, to fill the trenches
of potter’s field that beckon the unclaimed, to be bagged and sheathed
and to soldier in neat rows, uncounted once last time.
John McCafferty Apr 2020
Stuck in a moment
temporarily on hold
How long to forgo alone
Searching in haste through space
though the globe still spins
our world has slowed
No hairline cracks but open gaps
in broken moulds
A collective directive
or tall order from top to bottom
Who sets the tone
with answers unknown
Not the forgotten
So my friend
educate yourself and
be bold as you bend
To the weight of the world
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Raynolds Apr 2020
Again you glare like i am not there
Bring forth your memories
I am the one you've loved
Care not if you must,
what we h've shared can never fade
Dare to hide the longing feelings?
the truth is so startling nature calls forth her anger
Exaggerated amnesia,
that only in my presence seem to upfront
Why do you lie?
I know you remember me just tell me
So that I can hold you.
MSunspoken Apr 2020
My time capsule
residing within my chest-
bleeding out for you
Another Haiku, written for those who care for nothing more than to read themselves stupid during isolation.
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