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Gideon Mar 8
A candle sputters, releasing the scent
of cinnamon and apples. Inspiration ignites
within the poet’s mind, like a lit flare.

Passion cooks within her, simmering ideas
like stir fry. Joy sparks from her fingertips
as she types. Her digits blaze across
the keyboard in fiery bursts. Her words
flow out of her like wildfire, consuming
the empty page. A pyre of text appears
on the screen. She fiercely feeds the flame.

Poetry and prose emerge like a phoenix
from the ashes. The warm glow of contentment
surrounds her as she admires her work.

The fires of creation are burning through her.
I was running down,
This sloppy hill, at dawn.
Where trees were inverted,
Leaves and roots—upside,down

A scorch I felt,
Under nature's belt.
Flames of sloppy rage,
Transpire with the corrupt age.

The scorch, now gone,
A wound, on me, lone.
Lone I was running down,
Wearing the dusty, broken crown.
Transpire is a formal verb that means “to happen,” or in other words “to take place or occur.”
Odd Odyssey Poet Nov 2024
Roused from my dreams, I find myself distant from the
images that once danced in my mind. A soft murmur of
dreams beckons, stirring weary eyes with the promise of
a new day’s embrace.  

A laugh escapes, brushed away, trapped within a
fabricated grin— shadows of tears that deepen the skin
already weary from time. Almost revelling in the illusion
that life is a triumphant race; pursuing all the things
I once fled from.  

Standing too close to the fire, of people’s words that
scorn your soul- I remain unafraid of their searing impact;
I have welcomed them all, wrapping myself in the comfort
of understanding that they hold no power over my identity
at all.
I S A A C Nov 2024
do you hear the wind?
I felt my body shift
that night, that night
do you understand this?
I am perplexed by the impression of your lips
you strength of your hips
the firework bliss
do you require my fire?
I desire the flames of your kiss
the passion persists
do you understand this?
Gerald Oct 2024
Like the
earth yearns
for the rain. As if a drop
could quench
this ocean of flames;
the Sahara burns,
but it burns in vain.

Like the moon
longs for the sea...
his gentle touch,
a soothing breeze.

But the moon
could try as she might;
the sea remains distant,
a love out of sight.
Ayesha Zaki Oct 2024
The moon caught fire,
the warmth slowly seeping
deep into my awry, hollow veins.

But the only thing that could quench
it's ember-lit flames,
was my lovesick yearning
for you.
Yet, it continued to burn until there was nothing left but an empty concept of who I was before.
Lena Sep 2024
Flames dance
Wood sings,
As I give you more
Of my old things

A love letter, maybe
A book
A journal,
A rose.

All yours now I suppose.
I've always thought the analogy of a fire as a way to sever ties to things that you used to love..
Ayesha Zaki Sep 2024
Even if you burn my heart
until there's nothing left but ashes,
I'd still adore the flames
that ignite us for eternity.
the faint glow would put me to sleep, despite falling apart within.
maria Sep 2024
you laughed at my anger
I took it as a sign
a sign you didn't care
didn't understand me

but I was the one who didn't understand
I was the one who took your laughter as disrespect
it was just you trying
trying to calm down my flames

you were only trying to fix me
fix what's going to happen next
change it so it doesn't get bad
you were the one understanding me

I just took it as
as something I can't explain
but you can clearly explain it

break it down and explain it to me
that's what I admire but I also misunderstand you so much
I don't deserve you
I really don't...
QueenOfTheAshes Sep 2024
The places in my mind
Worlds where I can still be kind
Where did I leave my breath?
You didn't warn me you'd bring us death.

Loved you to my core
Sat always at your shore;
But you never let me swim,
I truly thought you were a twin.

The flames that we were,
I left mine in God's care.
They seem to have burned out,
When you tried to shut me out.
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