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Samantha Aug 2014
During the hours between 12 and 3
Usually contain an untitled me
For who I am
I cease to be
During the hours between 12 and 3

But during the hours of 4 and 8
The world begins to take a shape
But not me
For I'm still free
During the hours of 4 and 8
I'm tired
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
My mind flashes back,
to the deepest depths of my memories.
Back to the day when all went well.
Until I bumped into you.

Exhausted, I trudged through
the hot summer streets,
and found a quaint shop.

I sat.
I waited.
I looked around.
And saw what I really yearned to see.

In another island,
in another city,
in another town.
The chances would have been remote,
indeed they were,
but then,

*I still saw her,
and she still saw me.
Something that really happened last year. Totally. Unexpected.
i just hope i write more nice poems in d future
AmberLynne Aug 2014
"I want to go home,"
                                                                   she thinks
                                                                   while lying in her bed.
She moves through life,
                                                                   a marionette,
never actually living
anywhere outside her head.
Her mind is fully consumed
by dreams of a true home
which she's heard of
but has yet to know.
A quarter century of life
             crawls by
          before she notices.
The search for her home
                                                                   pushed aside.
In its place, the struggle for
mere survival.
But every night,
lying alone in her bed
as she sleepily sighs
it crosses her mind,
                                                                   "I want to go home."
Where is this "home" place
                                                                   she wonders?
Houses are not homes,
she knows this too **** well.
A thunderstorm gathers
within her soul
finally, she crashes.
                                                                   "I can't take this hell."
A symbolic breakaway and
without so much as a warning sound.
It is not realized within any dwelling,
but a much simpler place:
            the fit beneath a chin,
            arms she's encircled within.
It takes on a higher meaning,
a more profound definition.
And there is simply
               no way, no way
she could have known,
had any premonition of the
that would so easily grow
between their two souls
and make her, for once,
                                                                   at last,
                                                                   feel whole.
            "Sir, I feel at home with you,"
                        she sighs.
            "You are," he replies.
And she knows
                                                                   it's true.
Nostalgia Aug 2014
Who am I,
Am I the creatures of the sea
Or the air in which I breathe?

Who am I,
Am I the plants that sprout in spring
Or the hurtful feeling of a bee sting?

Who am I,
Am I the ground in which I walk
Or the terrifying sight of a sky hawk?

Who am I?
This is a question that will go unanswered
Yet it spreads in my mind everyday like cancer.
Sunanda Pati Jul 2014
you talk
like lions roar
and shrug
like there's nothing
in the earth below
your heavy lisp
rings through the room
even as aproned women
scrape their brooms
you talk of recovery
you talk of gain
you talk like
you have never been pained
you talk of casinos
the tring of money
you talk of wealth
like it were milk and honey
you talk the talk
and then talk the walk
we make through the woods
you talk again
this time of stolen goods
we cross the river
you talk
we feel the night shiver
you talk
we dream of sleep
you talk
we avoid counting sheep
you talk

you talk
until we see
the sun come up
it is a crisp morning
ready to fill the cup
i wait to hear
from a world
i don't live in
but i am met
with a silence
that is
most enlivening
and that is
when i see you
for the first time
for what you are
your eyes
grey much dull
hiding the
ancient sadness
of giving up
Nickols Jun 2014
Don't give up.
I said looking upwards.
It just the weight of the world,
bringing your tender heart down.

If their word corrupts you into silence,
I'll be the one to break that vow for you.

Don't give up.
It's just your hurt,
you're trying to hide.
Because I know, you want to burn bright.
Even in the darkness.
I'll be looking towards your light.

but don't give up.
Everyone needs to be heard.  

When your hearts heavy,
remember, I'll be there
lifting it for you.

I can hear you,
little miss understood.

Don't give up.
The word's 'Don't give up.' have been stuck in my head for the past two days. Finally decided to write them out and this is WHAT came out of it. *shrugs*
Nickols Jun 2014
I died last night.
A stain of red upon the sheets.

I died last night.
Without a sound leaving my lips.

I died last night.
And I'm still lying there.

I died last night.
Without a care.

I died last night,
to live for today
and to grow for

I died last night,
to live.
Smudged Ink Jun 2014
why listen to silence when there is music
that's something i said
but i don't believe it

in silence there is reverence
a kind of quiet that is incomparable

in silence you can find peace
you can find the answers you are searching for

though it may be hard at first
let yourself be consumed by it

because once you are in the silence
you will be able to hear the noise
i kinda of actually like this one
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