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saranade May 2020
I know where I stand
Familiar with where I fall
My brand of delusion
Tells it all

Secretive emotions
Inside vivid fantasies
A devotion to us
That no one sees

And you can tell me it's over
I'll play along
But, Lover, I never left you
Even though I'm wrong

I left you inside pain
Pain I caused
I'll refrain bringing it back
But never forget what was

I still smell your skin
Taste your body
Remember within
Nothing seems to stop me
Somewhatdamaged May 2020
The perfect little life
Glowing Skin
Rad Car
Shiny Teeth
Forever Happy Life!
Is it real or just fantasy?
Is it true or you just showing off?

The flawless talents you claim to have
In your virtual reality
Rising from social media industry
You sure you're nothing but a slave?
Slave to self created lies and misery...

With all this artificial manufacturing
Even the modern music sounds so boring.
The love for auto-tuned vocals and beats
I find it full of ****!
Nothing comes natural
Nothing's raw anymore
Cause everyone seems to forget
Mistakes make the better tune
Not just in music but in life too.

Everything needs to be comfortable
Everything needs to be fast
All of us have become so impatient
This obscure routine seems reliable
Bound to the super computer in our palms
Rotating through 3 apps whole day
All we do is rage and moan.

My perfect little dream
Collapsing in front of my eyes
and refusing to do anything
but become a digital world zombie...
You Us Me-Zombies
Oka May 2020
I would **** to be
the lover in your
fantasies and wildest dreams
Call me a ******* but a hobby I have is falling with people I can never have
Jeremiah Mhlongo May 2020
I love it,
How you let me sink,
Into wonderland,
My thoughts falling,
All into place,
Pinch me,
I can't be dreaming,
Oh, I am living a dream
Liked to Walter Mitty, reality is what we perceive or make it.
Sharon Talbot May 2020
Night so often brings a lack of force,
But in this other world
That hums alongside ours,
There is a golden line riding in the sky,
A horizontal meridian
That runs like a road,
Across the plains
Where invaders roam
And you should not travel
On your own.
So hang onto the line and fly
Above despair or fear,
Until you reach a darker cliff
And enter the realm
Of Pythagoras.
Along with his elfin helper,
Who spun the golden line
Steered by Pegasus.
And slung below the stars,
Thin as a spider’s web
And strong as steel,
He gives frail dreamers
Safe passage from world to world.
Above the winding roads
And forests of dark mist,
Those of Eriador, Earthsea and Hyrule
Sail like Odysseus past rock-bound isles
And Sirens’ songs and Loki’s smiles.
But what lies beyond those hills,
The dubious mortal asks.
To which the winged horse replies,
“Only those who dare
And trust me safely to consign
Will ever know where leads
The Meridian of Pythagoras,
The endless, golden line.”
This is almost all the substance of a strange yet wonderful dream I had (complete with this title), in which things that make little sense or seem off-kilter when awake were magically believable. You should be able to tell some of my interests in fantasy and my lack of skill in mathematics!
Hannah Christina May 2020
“Will you barter for your garden?”
the familiar stranger taunted.

His haunting talk caught on a loose thread in my heart,
recalling time and battles fought.

Make no mistake about the fae.
I must admit I was afraid, for I have seen my adversary

tear out the grass’s screaming hair,
poison the soil with atmosphere arid,
strip the baby branches baren,
shave the landscape clear.

I need not obey him.  
I have in my hands a *****
and around this place an angry hedge.
He can not prevail unless I show him the way.

“No,” say I,
“No bartering in my garden today.”
An old one from the beginning of the semester that I've neglected to post here.
Reappak May 2020
From stardust to stories!
Even in the hardest of the times,
remember we are all made of stardust!
And soon turn into stories,
For those, who shall be in our shoes!
Heather May 2020
It’s these moments that still shock me
As much as a Sunday school girl past
When I close my eyes and see flashes of me
On top
And *******
And hair pulled
And *** smacked

As much as I want to be virtuous. I’m just not that kind of Mary it seems.
I am a sailor
In an ocean of dreams
Where all our fantasies
And desires begins

Don't be afraid
It will never fade
A compilation of dreams
Are kept and made

Chase your dreams
If you believe its worthy
Don't let it slip away
If you think you are ready

I also have a dream
It is poetic and bright
That is why I am not afraid
To hold on tight

I had fought the challenges
And get up whenever I fall
Because our dreams are treasures
Big or Small...
All rights reserve.  © John Vincent Obiena July 16, 2019. ™
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