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Aashi Sinha Oct 2020
a memory
delhi monsoon
grey velvet-like the sky
cold wind and cold feelings enveloped
as the first drop fell near her heart
as she read the words over and over again
as she felt the first spark
as hope started to came near
the sky was no longer just grey
the wind was no longer just cold
it all was bitter yet sweet

a fantasy
it all gets better
i don't know what this is
Sakura Oct 2020
When we first met
When i looked into your eyes
Your eyes...
Your bright blue eyes...
They were like ocean
I felt so mesmerized when i saw my reflection in your eyes
It felt like i was floating in the Pacific Ocean
I keep imagining...
About your blue eyes...
Your eyes deeper than Pacific Ocean
When our eyes first met
It felt like the waves of the ocean touching the shore
Your smile was like the cool breeze over the ocean
Someday i wanna meet you like the Baltic sea and the north sea meet in the gulf of the Alaska
I wanna stare into your bright blue eyes all day long
Your eyes...
Your bright blue eyes...
I can see the whole sky in your eyes
I can see the stars , the moon , and the sun reflecting into your eyes
The bright blue eyes.
Sarah Flynn Oct 2020
what feels good can’t hurt you
until it’s not good anymore.

reality doesn’t touch the bedroom
until someone opens the door.

you can grasp skin and
pull someone close,
but it doesn’t stop them
from leaving
once you let go.
Reshnia crimson Oct 2020
Brown eyes
Brown on so many faces

But if eyes are the window
Straight to the soul
And every soul is unique
Then nobody's eyes are common

Honey on leather
Sat in the sun on a sunday
Right after noon
Sticky smile

Rich in the shade
Of a tree that has seen all
Full of life
And secrets
A bit cool and damp
And yet inviting

Leaves fallen and dry
Crunching and sharp
Drifting and floating
And landing softly

Glass bottle eyes
Shining and clear
A little see through
But bright and childish
Like rose colored glasses
But better

Textured and wooden
Rough and intuitive
See right through you
And hold you tight

So many browns
Dismissed and unseen
By people who don't take time
To look and really see
And absorb

Brown eyes
Brown windows
Looking in on every type of soul
Waiting to be written about
By someone who is looking
vern Oct 2020
do not be foolish again
I whisper to the beating sound in my chest
pressed against my lungs once again
it tells me you've lost your breath
do not fall let yourself get trapped in the same chaos
its a repetitive motion you know too well
do not let your self fall for another and fall back from another
you do not know love
you never knew love
the obsessions you hold to  
the fantasies you build
let them all go at once
save yourself
do not be foolish again
my love life is tragic but in a funny rom com sort of way where the character should probably just focus on herself
Roxx3000 Oct 2020
When the moon raises slowly in the sky
I drive pass the crowded streets

I look at the grass and feel the wind passing by
That cold yet soft breeze

Car lights spread across so fast and hazy
As I listen to the slow song on repeat

My heart flutters seeing the moon daisies
While my thoughts dig in so deep

I love this moment, when the world is slow
I just close my eyes and go with the flow
That Girl Oct 2020
I live deep inside my own head.
I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever make it out.
I don’t know what living is anymore.
I’m never fully present.
There’s always a piece of me off somewhere else.
My mind wonders off...
I don’t even have control of it anymore.
I do it subconsciously.
I’ve been in my own head for so long now.
I don’t know where it all began.
Maybe puberty.
When I was in 5th grade I became a “woman.”
I was also hurt deeply by many people that year.
Friends introduced me to things a little girl should never be exposed to.
Then middle school was tragic.
I was hurt more times than I can count.
Maybe that’s when the day dreaming began.
The real world hurt me so badly that I had to create my own world.
My own reality.
After awhile I stopped knowing the difference.
Reality vs Fantasy
What is there to pursue in this reality?
Motivation left me years ago.
I beg her to come back but she never does.
Why should I pursue dreams in the real world, when I can achieve so much more in my world.
I guess that’s why Motivation left me.
She served no purpose in my life anymore.
I now live for the small things in the real world.
Seeing a new movie. Eating at my favorite restaurant. Hanging out with my best friend.
I’ll save the big stuff for my world.
Sydney Oct 2020
There was a land

Not bland

But very grand

Flowers bloomed from every corner

A beautiful sight

And everywhere you found no mourners

The sun shines fairly bright

The weather was perfect to fly a kite

Everywhere beautiful birds took flight

So beautiful were the plants

But at first you would give them a small glance

Then they’d put you in a trance

Animals chittering all around

Upon their face there wasn’t a frown

Happy, chatting, chittering sound

The land was always peaceful there

And the weather was always fair

With non-violent bears

And there are some perks or two

The sky was always a deep sky blue

With growing bamboo

But that, my friend, is not all

It is never a cold fall

But i do not want to drawl and drawl

So goodbye, farewell

I hear a bell

That says, “It’s time for the wishing well.”
Sydney ©2020
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