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When embers drop onto our faces,
I won't be the first to scream from agony,
I'll be the first to shriek from exuberance.
The first to tell the world that there had be a service done!
With all of the misery in the world,
We were finally let free.
The seemingly stupid kids who apparently look for attention, the soldiers who had fought just to come to a miserable end, the citizens of countries who don't have enough to survive.
I will be the first to let the world know that it had done us all a favor!
All the people of all walks of life, who know any form of extreme pain, will be yelling some sort of,
Thank you! Gracias Dios! Si Yu'us ma'ase! Merci, Mon Dieu! Bless it be! भगवान का शुक्र है!
There will be so many thanks from so many people,
Religious, Agnostic, Atheist, rich, poor, Third World, First World.
So many people will be so thankful to have their freedom from our home that is hell that we were born into.
This is certain, my friend.
Only the lucky few have it so easy.
We're in a world were one part of it is fighting for all rights for homosexuals,
While in other places they get hanged,
As a presentation from their so-called loving god.
The jurisdiction given to people to cut off a twelve year old's ******* and tell someone with depression to go **** themselves is what this world still hasn't evolved from.
This hate that hurts so many, and only benefits so few.
And when the embers fall,
There will be salvation.
©LogenMichel copyright 2016
Lindsay Thomas Jan 2016
Holding so much inside.
Ignoring the pain that resides.
Telling myself we'll be alright,
knowing full well it's a lie.
Breaking, shattering, falling apart.
Reaching the end of that rope;
my last gleaming hope is fading.
Jaded, incomprehensive, inconsolable. Extinguished fire behind my eyes,
the last burning embers pulsing out.
Collapsed lungs suffocating me,
drowning in deprivation.
Grim stands beside me, holding my hand.
Das ende. Slutten. Fin.
J B Moore Dec 2015
Ashes falling, embers burn,
Sirens calling, "Lessons learned!"

"Help is on the way," they say,
But help won't make it here today.
You try to run but can't get away,
Death will come and fear will stay.

Ashes falling, embers burn,
Death is calling, "Lessons learned!"

Crimson streets, the bodies line,
Those still living are losing time.
Death is searching and will always find.
Fear will take hold and rot your mind.

Dreams are falling, memories return,
Regret is calling, "Lessons learned!"

"Play not with fire," you were always told,
"Lest you be burned before you grow old."
But you loved to stare at the colors bold,
Enjoying the heat, despising the cold.

Ashes falling, embers burn,
Fire is calling, "Lessons learned!"

You loved setting fires and watching them burn,
The only thing for which your heart ever yearned,
 But a flash and a bang say you'll never return;
Life is fading, lessons learned.

Liv Nov 2015
Ashes on her skin
Embers in her hair
She burns with fire that cannot be contained
Tread carefully around her
Or else be burned by her flames
Andrew Tang Oct 2015
You told me when we talk its a risky conversation.
So I imagine
We had embers for mouths
We conversed with smoke signals.
Unable to control our spits
The  bomb ignited
In which neither of us meant to have lit the fuse.
Nightingale74 Sep 2015
Rolling seas of amber-gold,
Chocolate trunks with scarlet leaves.
Vibrant yellows, flaming oranges
Like the embers of a fire dying.
The winds have changed,
The birds fly south.
For Summer's heat
Has come and gone.
The days are shorter,
The nights are growing.
A cold, crisp Breeze
Nips my nose.
It lifts my hair
And chills my neck.
I close my eyes
And breathe it in.
Whispers of forgotten warmth,
Fleeting thoughts of green and blue.
A peaceful mem'ry...
A soothing dream...
Cause now I see
Rolling seas of amber-gold,
Chocolate trunks with scarlet leaves.
Vibrant yellows, flaming oranges.
Like the embers of a fire dying.
Mary K Sep 2015
Outside, the world is hurdling on
through space and time and everything else
While our people tear each other to ruins.
Inside, the walls come crumbling down
taking blood and bone along with it
While embers burn to ash in what's left of our minds.
The end of the world is such a concept
Because what's ending?
I can assure you one thing:
Nature existed far before humans arrived
and nature will continue to exist after.
Forest fires rage through countrysides and mountain ranges
But no time is wasted before new trees are growing out of the cinders.
With us, a forest fire rages through our being
and we drown as the flames burn us from inside
until it's too late
And there's nothing to show except a blackened shadow on the ground we once stood
Because we paved over any chance of rebirth when we stoked the fire and gave in.
Ami Shae Jun 2015
I tapped into a magic realm
I didn't even know was there--
found a phantom ghost
with firelight and embers
glowing in its hair--

                                was this a spirit
                                coming for me
                                                              ­someone who might
                                                           ­   somehow set me free
and bring me along
to another life
away from this hell I'm in?

                                                            ­ OR what if this is a monster
                                                              (n­ow that I see its evil grin)
                                                   and it wants to torture me even more?

What if I can't escape this spirit
through an open door...
and I become trapped for all of time?
oh dear, dreams are haunting me again
in this crazy realm of mine!
This was inspired by a bad dream...believe me, it is rather mild compared to the nightmares I used to have...
David Montgomery May 2015
You are embers,
in the furnace of my heart,
chasing dragonflies,
the crinkle and clatter of
transparent wings
paper songs,
a million seconds,
have passed,
since we have laughed,
maybe it's time to move,
pass on the deed,
driven by need
to breathe
new air,
and experience life
CastorPolydeuces Apr 2015
Fleeting moments sending people
running through the trees
as the embers of the fire scatter
with our own passions
The lights sweeping the way
in which we once belonged
and will return to in their
Through the river, light and drunk
thrilled with each and every
escape, new acquaintances are made
and old ones are brought to
the board for transition.
To a higher state of mind the
commission brings us
I'm drunk, I'm sorry,  but I want to remember this when I'm not.
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