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I am a writer of all types from dark to humour though it is my childrens poetry that has been turned into interactive books on …


Tyler  Jun 2019
Tyler Jun 2019
We are shadow puppets, you and I
Dancing on the walls after dark
Floating between empty spaces
Surviving off of the single light
The single light which is embers
Embers from a ferocious fire
A fire from our *******
Untamed and free
I seek the rim of your silhouette
Playfully chasing
Painfully embracing
Embracing the darkness and embers thereof
And when our passion runs wild again
When the fire burns brighter and stronger once more
Slowly, we’ll fade out, leave the walls to the brightness
See as it eats us, nothing to discuss
Nothing to say, but a touch left to have
But we’ll meet again, don’t worry, my shadow puppet friend
When the fire burns out, passion is glory
Embers are present, embers are all
And I’ll see your outlines, I’ll hear the shriek of your call
Because what else is there to a shadow
Than the life of a light
A light that we hold
Until the last ember do us part.
Damien Ko Nov 2020
I met you in the time between embers and aries
when the sky darkens early and the leaves decide to depart from branches
when the cold grey dreary fuels me emphatically
and the cold crispness reminds me I am so delightfully alive
In those fiery red orange embers to the grey bleak aries
was I thus enflamed and envigorated by you
When I met you in that time between embers and aries
and we traded soft whispers and heated glances,
salacious banter and satisfied stares
in that time between embers and aries
where I hungered for all of you
exuding avaricious energy
to slake myself with your scent
and delight in the way my fingers dance through your hair
and revel in the way I trace my desire across your skin

my embers and aries are stained with you
I think the fall/winter months having a lot of -EMBER and -ARY is pretty cool, I think I wrote this fairly victorian though