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Under-paid, fed up
Over-worked, had enough
Lotto on, good luck
A northern haiku
datura Dec 2024
A sagging Gladius wallows inside me, limply,
It's rotting in its own wretched flaccidity,

I see others around me nurturing bounds of fruitful irises,
Some even mother sycamore, burgeoning with vigour, effortless as chaste kisses,

Tender fertilizer blots my chin in a bloodied marling,
I ingest the stolen soil, even when I feel the white sting of my innards' snarling,

So I'll inject myself with litres upon litres of putrid compost,
Only for my gladius to continuing shrivelling within my innermost,

It's stem-deep in nutrients, and is none the less decayed,
Atop the valley, even in the passing June, it stays, wilted withered and frayed,

Now, all I'm left with is the curdle of wetland moss festering in my blood,
Weighted with this fetidity, I let my gladius go, dead, in peace and clotted mud.
Feel free to interpret as you please, however my poem is originally written is about your potential/inspiration dying and no matter what you try to do to keep it alive (Basically its about Burnout). Even when you attempt to steal ("I ingest the stolen soil") and use other elements of another's work, you still feel uninspired and are not driven to be creative at all even when people around you seem to have the ability to do it so easily.
muizz Dec 2024
At this point in my life,
I realised that I often make the same mistakes,
It’s like I’m running in circle,
bound by an iron chain of mistakes.

I've tried, yet problems persist;
No tears or anger in my fist,
I can do it, no matter the start,
even with a broken heart.

I find myself treading through quicksand,
sinking deeper with every step.
But I’m not afraid to keep walking,
All I’m reaching is the vast sea of success.
Hi, this is my first time sharing my poem here, If you like my poem, you can read it more on my instagram highlight @muizzink_
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In this world, I find myself alone,
surrounded by a chaos of troubles,
including my own
and you expect me to stand strong
as everything crumbles,
because you want me to help you atone?

I am a dancing light through the darkness
for many, it seems, through their stress.
My heart grows weary,
yet I remain humble,
as you plead for me to protect.

Through all of your worries and woes,
I stand with you, and I oppose;
But when all is resolved,
I'm left to struggle
as life deals me blow after blow.

Why is life so ominously wicked
to those who are giving and committed? Through it all,
my priorities are juggled
and from my time you greatly benefit.

But these questions keep manifesting
in my mind:
Why do I care so much,
and why am I so kind?
Why must I carry everyone's burdens
when they do not feel inclined?

©️Lizzie Bevis
Ariannah Oct 2024
I sat there, drained of hope,
Searching for a way to elope,
Wishing for the heavens to speak,
To let my punishment begin.

Take me to the Eternal Judgment,
To slave like a dog as penance for my sins.
I'll unveil the vices I hid through my skin.
Offer me that tragic death-
Good God, I'll give you my life;
Please demand a sacrifice.

Bring the whole realm;
Find something to feast upon,
The Darkest Shade of Sin;
As I point "I am right here"

There are no lords and kings,
When the ritual begins.
There is no sinful innocence than my unmarked misdeeds.
In the madness and tears:
Of my vivid death scene,
Only in the depths of my mortal coil;
My soul will find its clarity.
Kai Oct 2024
People surround me
They have a different energy than me
They drain me
They make me mentally exhausted
Too exhausted
To the point where I want to lock myself up
To the point where I don't want to wake up

I'd rather rot in my bed
Just to not be called "Special Ed"
Just to not feel pain
So I don't get hurt again
So I don't get shamed again
So I don't get drained again
So I don't have to be anymore insecure
So I can feel secure
While rotting away in my bed
While the depressive thoughts evacuate my head
Emery Feine Oct 2024
My mind was like a knotted string
And it claimed it would rid me of my pain
I would wake up with the sound of the bell's ring
But the chime never once came

It turned my thoughts into a sparkling blue mist
Which for an instant, shut them up
It left me drained, and my parted lips (face) it kissed
And I still haven't woken up

I tried so hard to understand it
But it left me in a blank, angry fit
It was no longer even fun
Because when I fought back, it had won

For a mere instant, I again felt sane
But my head had an aching pain
It told me I would awake in only ten
But when I stood up, back down I fell again

So I attempted to wait it out the longest
Till early day and late at night
But that's when it was the strongest
And I had lost another fight
this is my 109th poem, written on 7/1/24. no this is not about drugs !!
Kalliope Aug 2024
My heart a hearth with endless fire,
They always return when they're cold
And I'll give and I'll give,
I have heat to share
But now I feel ice in my bones
Can someone get me a lighter?
Malia May 2024
My faith is mine
And mine alone.

This hope,
You cannot take away.

I’ll be drained
Of each drop of blood,
You’ll drag my name
Through the cherry-stained mud,
But my soul, my soul, my soul
Is saved.

My soul, my soul,
Is saved.
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