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scarlet-and-gold Dec 2019
We haven’t spoken in so long
I haven’t forgot about you
I’m sorry I went away...
You know how things have been
Would you like to go out on the town?
Have a glass of Chardonnay or two
Then we can wait for a taxi
As the neon lights of the city
Ricochet of the puddles of rain
And we laugh as we get drenched
In my little black dress and your suite and tie

I’ve missed you.
I feel like I don’t really know you anymore
Maybe if we ease into it slowly
Things will go back to the way they used to be
I don’t know what else to say...
The words are escaping me
I love you.
Please forgive me.
Randall Hasper Dec 2019
Speak up more, not less, using your own ideo-vocalized mess.

Soliloquy  — in front of yourself and everyone else-a-melse.

Monologue, dog!

You and I can flip-flop nonstop lolly pop but that gets trite fast and then we just so need to speak our favor-ite verbo-bite.

Bebop, hiphop, tipitity-top, slop-a-pop.

Ski-ba-bop-ba-bop-voc; do that thang nonstop.

Be-cause …

We have been flattened by the road-grade blade of the prepaid lexicographers.

We have been run over by the top-botched, pop-a-voc.

We have suffered weak-a-squeak.

We have sold out for safety and we have shut up way too much because we thought we were stuck-a-muck with duck and cluck.

Nope! Fess; you’ve got that vocable mess!

Unperson; you’ll worsen, but word-dive and jivity jive and you’ll revive.


Be inventy.

Sync with your blink.

Que with your you and do-ba-de-do
Justyn Huang Dec 2019
Give a man some straw
to build a bridge,
and he will find a way
to mend brittleness for his
Family to cross.

But give a man cement
and the foundation will be lazy
M Vogel Dec 2019

Don't speak directly to her--
you will melt the skin  off
     her bone-frame

Instead,  find parallel-words--

ones that will  float alongside her
as she walks,  so as she is able-
she can pluck them--  like
wild roses  alongside the highway

Sometimes, love takes a
amount of creativity--

the name of the game is
    its destination..
not  the control of its path

S I N Dec 2019
O verily how hard it is sometimes
The proper words of beautiness to find
‘Texpress that what is gnarling on your heart
Threatening to tear it ‘way apart
If being able not from inner chest
To fetch the words th’ occasion fitting best
For burden this is oft of too much weight
To let you easily aspire to th’ utmost height
And soar there fretting not about the sun
To melt you waxen wings; o there is none
From brethren of mine who wouldn’t mind
To spend a day or two in aimless grind
With nothing to express or on his soul
Swelling and reclaiming form or mould
To ready be at once to be dispatched
And to rebirth upon a paper’s batch
‘Tis better not to live then, nor indeed
To squander your potential on vile screed
Faith is real substance
Of things not yet seen
Not seen by my eyes
But my mind, clear and keen

Faith requires action
And focus I must
Faith is creation
With God whom I trust

By faith worlds were framed
And this power I choose
To frame my own world
And the wealth I can use

Faith gives me vision
A more excellent way
To discern the right acts
What to do - what to say

I’ll practice this faith
And grow in this skill
For my “Eye of Faith”
All my dreams will fulfill
This is Prosperity Poem 58 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)
Open my eyes - the truth to see
The plenty and prosperity
Opportunities at my door
All around me - each day more

Open my heart - success is here
Love and faith will conquer fear
My body fills with greater light
All around me - day and night

Open my mind - ideas expand
Energy flows at my command
Creativity flows and streams
All around me - are my dreams

Open my spirit - set me free
And let me see eternity
Perceive the purpose in all things
All around me - my hope springs
This is Prosperity Poem 57 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here . You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at
John H Dillinger Nov 2019
What was, what is and what could be,
all at once coming to a focus,
breathing through the eternal moment,
being yours to create,
allusions, illusions and delusions,
at play, together.
This one just came to a focus...
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