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Dustin Dean Jul 2016
We dance this process
Until we are due to die
As serpents tie the one severed tie
That binds our only individuality
Into a legion of mortality
We're nothing
But everything
And it appears that's what's needed
A biting dose of reality seeded
We all have perceptions
But no acceptance to call our own
Of our reason of no reason
And you are not the chosen one
Kneel and realize who you are
Taboosun Jul 2016
The grand nature of existence,
So delicate and supple.

Allow truth to enter your eyes,
Removing doubt from the confines of retribution.

The laws of nature
Shall imbue your spirit
With strength so far reaching
You would think you were dreaming.

Admit that the factual container
Of lies has served its duty.

The normal tendency of escape
Into a pattern of mistakes
Has been blown out of proportion.

Equalize and acquiesce
The moments desire and nothing less.

Allow an enigmatic psychology
To permeate the very fabric of your being,
Blanketing the treacherous reminder
Of a life without direction.

Declare solitude
in eternal conviction
Of passion fueled living.

Craft your reality.
Infuse meaning with direction.
Carve out a picture so grand
That only you could appreciate it.

Inside the tiny dark space,
Tucked behind archaic connections long forgotten,
Witness the muses of an insane creation,
Slowly working, slowly showing,
Revealing bits of curious movement.

In the end I am just a messenger
Talent is nothing more
Than skill dressed in will.

Life is a vivid scheme scheme of joy
painted on photons
flying through cosmos and
Manifesting in the perception of beauty.

My only request
Is that you enter the lair of truth
and seek no counsel.
Take it upon your own hands to end destitute solutions
That have robbed your will of hunger
And have starved your passionate wonder.

Be it.
Feel it.
Chase it.

Embark on a self-prophetic journey,
Centering the life you're meant to live
In a consecrated permeation
Of the live you deserve.
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
at my wall
expand into the
far corners of total
conciousness yet there
are four dimensions to bind
and five senses to contend with
therefore I'm compressed in
the shape of enlongated
boxes turned onto
their corner tip
and discover
the shape


(C) 7/2/2016
I read the work of another poet to have the similar idea. I don't recall who it was. It is not my purpose to plagiarize. But I have this idea that we all can be extended only so far before we are compressed again. But is that not how sparkling diamonds are made? Carbon heated 2 expansion then compressed in the Earth. Something to ponder anyway...

Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
I play, I sing
Deep in the night
Sometimes I write
But out of your sight

I draw, I paint
Gloriously silent
Sometimes I listen
Well that's my only talent
PFL Jun 2016
Beyond any understanding of readiness,
Past the present, onto the horizon of a next moment to spare.
Within a hidden emptiness,
Somewhere to be, not aware.
Where echoing tensions melt,
  Into a calming silence, allowing the Soul to articulate,
The heart listens to love as it translates,
Touching self expressions, it’s where peace in mind dwells.
                                                         ­         PFL
Roxxanna Kurtz Jun 2016
Your words break my grip
as I feel myself slip
under the waters of
my irrational mind.
Time is slowly stripped
from my consciousness
as my lungs fill with
a warmth that numbs
my senses blind.
Bit by bit, you fade
from existence,
your words falling into the abyss
of the distance between
your eyes and mine;
and I'm lost inside.
I lay here waiting in my skin for the tearing of the membrane
that seperates this world from the next one and I let myself
get carried along by a fresh stream of reasoning until I
flare up in the dark like a new species of amoeba

this balancing and spinning around on an atom and just not
falling off it becomes boring at times and maybe because of that
sporules once landed here to grant us the possibility
of another possibility

I lay here waiting and I manage not to drown just like only
an almost newborn baby can and being born in 1983
means nothing here in the swelling infinity
of the abnormal

my skin has been waiting for new atmospheres for decades
and the touch of unknown forms makes me shudder with
raw impervious happiness because invisible energy
effervesces alongside my arms and the eyes in my skull
could be anyone’s right now

suddenly the waiting is forgotten and I wallow myself
in the gathered fairy tales of every soul that preceded me
carelessly astonished and uncapable of understanding
the seriousness of this absurd life

inside me irrational poetry dances
like a tribe jumping around a bonfire

outside the universe
dances her own eternity
round and round
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