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Jon Elfers Oct 2014
the cries of the dead whisper,
through the cracks of the city-scape,
they pause...then fade,
into wailing sirens,
of deaths love march,
the dead's eyes lie,
in the avenues,
separating skyscraper,
limited in height and width,
by hands of ghosts,
extending ****** hands,
to raise the crafters,
above the city wall,
separating  the enlightened,
the ******
RW Dennen Sep 2014
Aaaah those remembrances
about those fruitful
days in Autumn
and being absent while still in class
And still seeing through
young eyes...

...So long ...

...for a moment teach...
...cannot reach...
            ...cannot reach...
... your plateau

Must conquer instead
Must conquer instead
my arduous striving,
the blinding ravaging snow,
blow, glare in sunlit blinding Sun-lit-air
Those ever deepened GIANT foot tracks,
that shuffling abomnible snowman
                      my head...

                      lions, tigers and bears OH MY!!!
rare-and-rad Sep 2014
stars racing towards a planet to hit
way to dosed to focused on this ****
the waterfall runs of orange and pink
Way too distracted, can’t even think
The sprits are running through the walls
getting kicked out of class, now I’m dreaming in the halls
the rabbits, the fishes can’t come to a stop
getting way to blown, I’m in front of a cop
jet planes flying the opposite way
guess I should’ve taken this tab another day
Kalil Sep 2014
Is that you I see?
Why do you tempt me
With your beauty

Why do you massage my shoulders
Your touch soothes me
at the worst possible time

Your sweet words dance
Around my heavy head
Why are you lulling me into a





Class is still in session
This poem is dedicated to all the people who pull all-nighters for the sake of a good grade. Cheers!
raingirlpoet Sep 2014
“It is time to write,” she says
I open a new Word Document.
A blank sheet.
My mind does not want to write an essay.
I write in verse and
chopped lines
not straight paragraphs that drone on and on about William Faulkner and his acceptance speech.
My mind, it drifts off and thinks in flowery words, much too flowery for an essay.
My fingers start typing and words appear on the screen.

Type, type, type.
Enter. Type, type, type. Enter.

My thoughts appear in verse and William Faulkner goes unnoticed.

How many times have I written about the whirlwind of a storm inside my mind instead of
whether or not cohabitation is a good thing or
speeches about equal access and the themes in Harper Lee’s To **** a Mockingbird?
How many times have I given into my urge to write and relieve my brain of the pressure that gets built up instead of writing things that will earn me a grade?
The answer is often.
The grade,
Just a number
The conceptions?
Just words

What I write in procrastination?
Everything that bleeds from my heart.
The low grade I received on my speech because I couldn’t be bothered to write about horrid subjects when my soul yearned for something greater?
Worth it.
Joshua Phelps Sep 2014
Look behind you,
What you may see may disturb you.

What you once were
isn't what you are now.

It's not the physical appearance; the way you dress
Not the tone of your voice,
the change in your character –
But the difference in your demeanor

You've developed from a carefree soul
to a figure you never imagine yourself being

The lines on your face,
developed from years of hardship;
days in which you endured, prevailed
fell back down, got back up again

Weeks in which you worked day to day,
Just to make ends meet. Months in which
You struggled to keep up on your feet.

Your past self imagined the world would be cold and dark.

In every way, you see it's worth it.

Worth each waking morning.

This may not be what you wished for
When you were younger...

...It's all a part of living life.

We eat, we drink, we live, we die.
Pay our debts to survive.

We have to live through hardships,
To make it throughout life.
Kristen Ordonez Sep 2014
Nothing actually savors on the tongue
     Everything is temporary
Glimpses of Memories Past might be saved
     along the creases in your mind,
But they dissipate with the particles in time
     Wheels may turn and gears might crank
All will not really be there
     Bruises that once covered the ridges of your breastbone
Fade into the skin, the marrow, the blood
     Pushing and pulsing that had felt right
Will only be dreamt of as wrong
     Home is never a sturdy thing,
No matter how deep the foundation goes
     Time likes to play us like a fish testing bait
The fun of it makes us unaware
     That we've lost the hook on what we're looking for.
cr Aug 2014
i am hidden somewhere behind hushed
silences, sporadic breaths, and a
fluttering heartbeat

i am sat towards the front of the
class with tears brimming my eyes
and fingers dotted with blood and paint

maybe someone will see me someday
i've always been a quiet soul.
Kyle Kulseth Jul 2014
Grey-Green-Red-Brown Dawn
stains right through a.m. sky
                     so the atmosphere
                     looks weird today.
The forecast calls for heat again;
that silent, seething drum that beats
        the blood-drenched dollar sky--
beats out a March of Ages--

beats us copper lumps to shape.

The shelf we Occupy on this drifting
westward continent, constructed from
the flesh that fell from our fathers' hands,
from the bones of distant lands
becomes a dusty storage closet
        for the corpses of our days

Our days--aha.
That's supply and demand, kid.
What's a life but flesh-time?
And what's time if not money?
Nothing is anything
                   but money.
You. Are money.
Like time.
Sleep well tonight. And set your clock.
You gotta work to buy their robots
that **** Mid-Eastern skies
(and Midwestern ones alike)

Sink real slow beneath the surface
of that rising ocean of noise--
growing louder--hot air melting ice caps.
Watch that boiling, acid ocean
roll in on the tide and sink
beneath the waves of noise--
               of monotone voices--
sawdust seasoning on cardboard--
crying, "These colors don't run!"
and, "Stand your ground!"
and for fun, when bored, answer the
                 Call of Duty.
It's that silent, seething drum

beating 'gainst THE TERRORISTS
while we deny the summer heat
as we sweat in SUPERBOWL SUNDAY dreams,
Like it beat against the COMMUNISTS
through all our TOP GUN weekends,
Like it drums up portraits of
              vampire fanged IMMIGRANTS
                                           and ILLEGALS
while we guzzle our BEER
and sweat beneath those acne-scarred skies

Sleep well tonight

And set your clock.

Don't wanna be late for work,
to buy their robots that **** Mid-Eastern skies
          (and Midwestern ones alike).

What's that hum outside your window tonight,
whirring, buzzing
beneath the blood-drenched dollar sky?
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