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Hello, yha its me
I hope your all rite after I chose to leave
They said it would get easer after I was gone
but from the looks of it your finding it hard to move on
I just wanted to let you know
that after all it was me who chose to go
so don't blame yourself for what happened
their wasn't anything you could have done to stop it  from coming

Hey mom, can you hear me?
I'm in heaven but I am not gone
I can see you when your crying
but don't you know that seeing this makes it hurt worse?
I would rather you forget all about me
than live another day crying because I wasn't strong enough to go on
I forgotten what it felt like
to be taken from the world
so mother pleas forgive me
I never meant to make your heart hurt

Hello Dad how are you?
how's the family
how has it been after you burred me down beneath the earth
I hope you know im sorry
but I couldn't stay much longer
Everything seemed to hurt
and even thou I tried my lungs still burned
so tell my brothers that im all rite
and that it wont help to cry

Hey, can you hear me?
are you listening
All I wanted was to be happy
Its so different now that I cant speak to you
So I hope your doing all rite
im sorry for what I have done
Im only calling you so you can lurn to move on
Forget me if you have to
Don't let my death ruin you

Hello, dear family
I left because although you couldn't see
my chest hurt so badly
and with every breath I wanted to be dead
so if you hate me I get it
I never meant for you to have to deal with it
so I guess this is it
im sorry if you stop listening
just letting you know
that I don't want anyone to follow me down
I hope you relies that I have made my choice

Goodbye my mother
and I love you so much my brothers and father
no matter whir I go
I will love no other
so long
I will see you again when your time has come
Alan S Bailey Oct 2015
It takes more heart to stand up to the "fire"
When it threatens the very life of your loved ones,
Than it takes to hand some guy easy money
And then go off and help yourself to rich freedumbs.
A hard fact
That I've come to accept
With a heavy heart
Is that I can't help everyone
And though this upsets me
I know that if I do as much as I can
It's enough to make a difference.
I learnt this whilst giving my bit of change
To a small malnourished girl
Hoping it'd pay for her meal that night
Wishing I could do more I noticed eyes
Boring into my soul and looking up
I saw a man give the girl a box of sweets
Meant for his little girl waiting at home
And this heartwarming act I was part of
Led me to realize that no matter how small my actions were
They made a big difference.
/never dismiss any generous action as small because intentions are what matter in the end and people follow by examples set out before them. Be that example even if in a minis scale seemingly insignificant way. With small acts like this it's enough to influence a society to become warmer to one another and to care for one another. You never know when an act of yours even good manners and niceties could leave a deep influential meaning on a person./
Francie Lynch Jul 2015
You've seen a mother
Nursing a child,
Giving freely
Of herself.
So altruistic,
She finds maternal pleasure
Through nurturing.

My close friend
Gave his son a kidney.
His very own *****,
Putting himself in jeopardy
For his son's prosperity.
The pleasure of altruism
Wasn't lost on me.

Have you seen the picture
Of the man on the cross.
He wears a smile
Behind his blood mask.
He found pleasure
In offering salvation.
No greater gift,
Can be bestowed
From man, woman or god,
Than the innate pleasures
Of self-sacrifice.
One may argue that all motives are hedonistic.
They say the way you look kills,
I'll tell you what they didn't tell you..
Your smile gives birth..
Smile. It's charity!
In your thoughts.
MsAmendable Jun 2015
Drawing the essence of the earth,
Up, but with trembling fingers
Spun thinner than spider legs
Quivering like a leaf in Autumn
But still, steady enough
To slowly pull out the thin, winding string
That bound you here,
Delicate like the first hope after despair
Longer, longer,
Until you can make a scarf,
Slowly twisting the ends,
And give it away
Because they needed it more,
And it will all be worth it.
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
to me for free;
a smile from a small child.
For a moment, I forget to
Sitting in de street
Spitting out a reggae beat
Rollin up a sticky spliff
Jammin out a reggae riff
JAH knows I take the fattest hit
"**** this ****** is strong as ****!"
I see a glint in the eye of a guy
On de street, just passin by
He flicks some cash in me cup, and I begin to smile;
For in my heart of hearts I know, he feels my reggae style
Alan W Jankowski Apr 2015
Dedicated to combat veterans and PTSD sufferers, wherever they may be...thank you for your service...*

An Enemy That Haunts My Mind...

In the middle of the night I lie in bed,
Fighting an enemy that’s in my head.
An enemy that’s always there,
An enemy that won’t play fair.
An enemy that haunts my mind,
An enemy that is not kind.
The price paid for doing good,
Of doing like I’m told I should.
Serving my country in time of war,
Who could ever ask for more?
And now even in my deepest dreams,
All I hear is the sound of screams.
Why was I the one to survive?
Why was I the one left alive?
I ask myself every night,
As I relive every fight.
God, please call me home,
Don’t leave me here all alone.
For when I thought the fight was won,
I’m finding the battle’s just begun.
A soldier who was trained to ****,
Finds a battle that’s harder still.
Fighting an enemy I cannot see,
And finding out the enemy is me.
An enemy that haunts my mind,
An enemy that is not kind.

Recently published in a charity anthology to benefit veteran's's the website....
Nathan Box Feb 2015
Offering aid and comfort to the poor isn't a calling.
It is a commandment.
Something all are to do,
But few attempt.
Rather, we formulate a showdown.

"For the least of these,"
Is how the words of the supposed savior begin.
They may be the most ignored words in the whole book.
Ignored out of sheer inconvenience.
Rather, we formulate a showdown.

The posturing must end.
We either give of ourselves fully, no matter faith,
Or we quit pretending.
We can't do both.
No more manufactured showdowns.
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