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YourNightLight Nov 2018
This pain,
This love,
It's all too much.
What's going on?
Why can't I let go?

Why can't I free myself from this pain, this love.

I'm a slave.
I'm hurt,
I'm hurt,
I'm hurt,
Yet I can't let go.

I try,
I try,

I can't...

My heart is bound to you & it hurts.
There's a fire inside of me.
I can't release this love.. it's destroying me.
I need help..
Borderline Obsession
Sylph Nov 2018
This fire inside me Burns
Like Sticks in a fire
The color of ember
The smell of black smoke
Filling my lungs
Fueling my anger further
All i can think is
when i know its not true..
This fire inside is growing
Almost too big to control
Enough to consume
More then just me or you
But enough to consume
Every light thats near and every shadow close
I wont let it take control though
I wont
I wont
I cant
But how do i stop it
When the flames Rise at every
Word or sight of you
Every time i hear your name
The flames grow wild
The heat unbearable to hold in
The smoke making it impossible breathe
How can i control this
Iska Oct 2018
I want to genuinely smile and have real friends that make me laugh..
Even more than that - I really want to get my life back on track...
But it's hard to have hope for the future - cause I just can't let go of the past....
July 31, 2018 - 12am(ish)
Paige Error Oct 2018
As I lay here questioning anything and everything I long for your embrace. Because if I fall to pieces tonight no one will be here to put me back together again. When you held me in your arms you unconsciously held me together. As I sleep I’m afraid that a peice of me might slip away. Leaving me wide awake stareing at the ceiling like the void. I know that if I close my eyes and let go into that blissful fog of sleep. That I might just let go entirely and plummet into the etirnal darkness of oblivion. Oh how peaceful that sounds.
Just some sleepless thoughts
Camryn Oct 2018
I'm shattered to pieces,
I'm always in pain,
And I'm not sure,
If I'm still sane.

I can't hear noise,
I can't speak,
I can't move,
from feeling so weak.

So I lie here,
Never to be woken,
In sorrow and pain,
because I am broken.
Kylie Oct 2018
I am temporary
I only love those who cannot love back
But they always look back

I play this game with my heart
so I don’t know the broken
A new broken of loving and
being loved only to watch it break.

You can’t even see what you do to me
because your heart can’t love
You are just playing a game
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