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Butterfly Jul 2020
Curtains closed, old cups on my desk
Brightness fills my room
"Goodmorning baby"
A smile on my face, and motivation for the day comes my way
What the **** is this
Well what do you expect when you don't write for 3 months.
Amer Pelides May 2020
Blessed sun and glorious weather,
I feel you warming my blood,
The bitter cold has said its goodbye,
Now the sun is here to lift our spirits,
What more could one ask for?
I remember how grey I felt during those cold spells,
Those times are now past,
Brightness is all I can see,
Oh, how I wish summer could last for ages,
It would be a welcome thing,
For as long as I live.
Jules Oct 2019
When I was a child, I had all these hopes and dreams.
I believed I was capable of anything.
But now as I'm older, the realization of the world around me finally sinks in.
Those fantasies and stories I once knew became sad tragedies that'll never be my life.
But something in my mind has shifted.
The color and brightness have once again come back into my existence.
Has the world always been so colorful?
It was the way you looked at me.
The look in your eyes sparked a feeling in me.
Almost as a renewal.
My inspiration came back.
And I just wanted to say...
thank you.
Candle, candle, where you breathe,                                  
may this light of yours succeed.
Candle, candle, bright and pure,                                      
from the flames of hell return.
Candle, candle, where you breathe,                                  
may this flame of yours succeed,
Candle, candle, wise and strong,                                    
bring forth your heavenly perfumes,
cease the wars, cease the injustice,
vanish at once the filth of sinners.
Candle, candle, where you are,                                        
bring forth your light, let it increase.
Candle, candle, bright and strong,                                  
from the depths of hell return,
place the jewels of Heaven on the mouths of all sinners.
Candle, candle, deep allure,                                                  
may the flames of hell adorn,                                            
with the light of Heaven glows,                                        
with the piercing brightness flow.
SophiaAtlas Sep 2019
The darkness of the night,
Brightness in my mind,
Lights and colors lost in time.
The dawn whispers in my dream.
And my heart smiles.
Jaxey Jan 2019
You are the rose
that managed to grow
In my field of darkness
idk here's a poem
IncholPoem Jan 2019
On  Saturday
people   go  to

  party  partly

not  give
as    people  said.

O­n  Thursday
people   do  not
  give   any
iron   object.

It  is    blind  belief

    or  blind's
two   eye   operation
to  have  new  

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