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Brian Yule Mar 2021
Evil I did?
Maid I am
Adam mine
Denied is one man
I lived dogma
I am god?
I name no side in Eden
I'm mad?
A maid I am
Did I live?
This is a palindromic poem inspired by the "madam, I'm Adam" palindrome. The individual parts of the poem are in common circulation, all I've done is to weave them together into a narrative.
kian Mar 2021
Defiled, I
Lay my battered bloodied body at your doorstep.
You cut my heart into 12 pieces,
Perfectly precise.
Am I to be happy that you went to war over me?
Plodding me deeper into the ground with your step.
A cold body isn’t warmed by happiness.
Or by the flickering flames of Gibeah.
No, I remember it was you who threw me out.
I remember. It was you.
Melony Martinez Feb 2021
My mother gave me a dowry
a brimming chest of treasures
a heart of rare and precious gems
she collected long ago

She filled it with her words, her thoughts
and things she knew I'd need
she piled high with hopes and dreams
priceless trinkets all for me
and topped it off with years of love
and a life of merry traditions

Then knowing that I'd need a map
by which to guide my life
she gave to me a legacy
my Bible, pure and right
and taught to me the art of prayer
a rare and genuine gift she shared

I am blessed to be a mother now
with a daughter of my own
and I can't wait to share with her
the love that I have known
Written for my mother in November 2004
Louise Jan 2021
According to the bible;
"Love is kind,
Love is patient,
Love is not jealous."

So I ask myself;

Am I kind to myself?
Do I show myself the affection the bible speaks of?

Am I patient with myself?
Do I speak to myself with patience and honesty as the bible speaks of?

What is it about jealousy that I feel in my heart?
Is that not an act of lack of love within me?

So I wonder why I do not love myself in the way my Creator had intended me to love others?

The bible Goes on to say;

"It does not take into account a wrong suffered."

So I ask myself, why do I constantly beat myself up about the mistakes I make in my life?

"Believes all things, hopes all things..."
Why do I not believe in myself and hope for the best for myself?

"Love never fails"

Have I failed in loving myself?
Dante Rocío Jan 2021
Zegar popuszczony. Drewno w deski popękane.
Twoje dziecię po raz enty leży w sofie, jakby nieznane.
Czy widziałeś jakże gołębice są dziś rozszlajałe?
Białe a wyprute, jakbyś coś z żeber z alabastru na wióry mi
pasem skórzanym przerobił.
Pogardą jakże ci koniak a nie me oczy ambulansem!
Wargi sąsiada jak posąg dawidowy a nie me wyżebrane!
A sen nas dwojga na strychu już tylko we krwi coś znaczy?
Mętny widok asów, pików czy trefli bez serca twej „królowej” spił cię
i na wiersz w popielniczce przerobił?

- Ty co stoisz dumna, niby poharatana,
nie wiem jak siebie samego odpędzić.
Jakiś ból liliowy, jakiś pieniądz w twarz córce rzucony,
ekstaza z barw i szkarłatu przed oczyma już tylko
do anestezji się sprowadza.
Bo, powiedz, czymże trzask twych żeber, o potomku zapomnienie,
jak nie chwilą gorzką małego goździka
co zaraz nagle w przełyku zaniknie?
Po cóż pierścień zaręczynowy, czesne, ognisko Hestii,
śmiech twój platynowy
jeśli stoi przyszłość jak twój posag stracona?
Ten salon, ten pas, ten orgazm, każda sprawa lichwy ci warta.

- Bez wykładania ci na ławę „przynajmniej ja nie...”,
chociaż stanę ci wyzwaniem i ostatnim tchem
jaki marmur mych kości coś jeszcze się broni
i spytam, nie wycofam:
Ten ból, ten skowyt co mówisz, jak czyn schowany Nazarejczyka,
u stóp w wodzie twych pracujący,
czy znać ci dać co przekazał przez wsze narody?

- Naprzód, wypatruję

- Co na Ziemi związałeś, w niebie się nie odstanie,

                jak puls w żyle ci zostanę

                     choćbyś martwy i go wydrapał

                                na pozór.
A prompt for the lesson of Polish language on describing current tribulations a married couple is prone to facing and falling to in modern times. On physical intercourses, betrayal, alcoholism, hasard, life after death, doves that go berserk from wife’s pain by the hands of husband’s violence and how it all might have no sense at all when one would look at humanity’s life and goals maybe
Max Neumann Nov 2020
"Should any harm befall me on my journey, you may open this letter."

my crutch
what i want to say 
i build on you 
i believe in you
i need you like nothing else in this world  
when i'm lonesome, freezing and scared 
when my soil is occupied by demons 
when i fall and being plagued by evil

you give me strength and shelter 
how often did you save me 
you winged and carried me 
what i want to say  

i build on you 
i believe in you 
i need you like nothing else in this world  
what i want  to say 

i believe in you 
i trust in you 
i build on you 
lord, you are the rock 

my heart is happy and i want to thank you with my song 
for all mercy and all peace and the luck that you have been revealing to me 
for the castle that you are and the shelter that only you can give me 

for the love, the prospect, the insight, freedom, hope and strength 
all i want to say is i build on you 
i believe in you and i need you like nothing else in this world

i believe in you 
i trust in you 
i build on you 

lord, you are the rock
Max Neumann Nov 2020
"Should any harm befall me on my journey, you may open this letter."

when darkness is befalling me
when it won't stop raining
i'm skidding, stumbling, and
be spiraling downwards

then, you're my balustrades and my light
on all my ways
my stilt, my rod and my staff
my soil
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2020
There is no middle ground
This taking sides again

It's Adam or Eve
She, deceived
He, the willful one

Once naked
Now ashamed
And misconnected

Within an
Inauguration of leaves

Sleeping upon
Thorns and thistles

The genetic defect their own
To carry forth
Children of sin and death

In the shadow
Of something now

It was never
About appetite

It was always
About sovereignty
Traveler Nov 2020
The deeper the dreamer
The more dramatic
The dream
Go back to sleep
Chaotic scene

Royal gardeners
Fertilizing passions
Snakes of a fruit
Angelic reactions

Intoxicating pleasures
Resolving dissatisfactions
A collective conscience
In poetic fashion

It was good
And dreamt
Dream reality
For us
Slumber on!
Traveler Tim
Moomin Oct 2020
It is the ultimate gamechanger
It is inevitable and unstoppable
“For it will without fail come true, it will not be late!”
It is something the world has never witnessed
“The will be great tribulation such as the world has never seen before”
It is the mother of all governments
“And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever”
But it is not right or left wing
It is not Capitalist or Socialist
Does not rely on votes
It is not human
“My Kingdom is no part of this world”
Yet it will solve all human problems
“The meek will possess the earth, and they will find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace”
Not one shot will be fired
Nor one missile be aimed
No bomb will explode
“They shall learn war no more”
It will remove the selfish and the cruel
“For evil men will be done away with, But those hoping in God will possess the earth. Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more”
And protect the innocent and the poor
“For he will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper”
It will cleanse and restore the earth
“He will bring to ruin those ruining the earth”
Will eliminate all illnesses and disabilities
“No resident will say “ I am sick””
Will restore youth to the old
“His flesh shall become fresher than a child's, he shall return to the days of his youth”
And restore life to the dead
“Your brother will rise, your dead will live”
We will not know fear anymore
“They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain”
We will not weep anymore
“God will wipe out every tear from their eyes”
Will not fight anymore
“Whoever takes up the sword shall perish by the sword”
All bad memories and traumas will be gone forever
“The former things will not be called to mind, nor will they come up into the heart”
We can start again, in perfection
“Look, I making all things new.”
But what on earth is it?
And how on earth will it happen?
When on earth will it come?
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On EARTH, as it is in Heaven” -  Matthew 6.9

“Your deliverance is near”  -  Luke 21.28

All quotations from the Bible
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