Dark of night surrounds me, pillow below my head.
How long the many hours since I tumbled onto my bed?
Mind so filled with thought that clearly has me stressed.
Racing, scattered thought that just wont let me rest.
Blanket that feels loose and shifts to feel oh so tight,
and so it sets the pattern for this never ending night.
I know that I must sleep before the rise again of the sun,
in a world that cant relent from insistence things must be done.
My body urgent in its craving to be silent and be still,
but my mind just wont give in possessing the stronger will.
A discomfort on my left side, so I roll again to my right.
Countless repetition through the hours of a god forsaken night.
Nothing that I do brings a sense my mind is nearing calm,
I must try to get some sleep before clock sounds its alarm.
So the hours go, too many hours surely for just one night,
but too late now to rest as window reveals dawns early light.
Oh too many nights like this....